Author Topic: 2012 T2-2P 3rd Place  (Read 2924 times)

Offline Professoralstad

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2012 T2-2P 3rd Place
« on: August 16, 2012, 08:48:30 PM »
This deck was 1-0 at MN States, 2-0 at NC Regionals, and 0-1 at Nationals this past year. My other games, I used my Panic Demon Defense and Judges offense (I will post that next). The defense was very similar to last year's 2nd place Nats deck, and it did really well in testing, so I decided to start using it in tandem with my main deck at the big tournies. I decided to go with a Genesis offense to use Abe's Descendant, and also because its speed depends on searching not drawing (which is nice so I don't expose any LSs after my prep phase). Only three cards that could counter the defense were added to the game this year (CwD, Iron Pan, and Abigail), so with a few tweaks I figured it could do well. The reduction to 4 Creepers per deck instead of 5 did hurt, but I was usually able to get them early enough.

The deck was responsible for my only full loss at Nationals though, which was disappointing, so I only used it in that game and went back to my other deck the rest of the time.

112 Cards

Lost Souls (15)
Revealer x2
Withdraw x2
NT Only x2
Site DC x2
Beggar x2
Shut Door x2

Sites (15)
Hormah x2
Chorazin x2
Marketplace x2
Pergamum x2
Caesarea Phillipi x2
Hostile Environment x2
Golgotha x2
Desolate City

Artifacts (8)
Hidden Treasures x2
Lampstand of the Sanctuary
Stone Pillar at Bethel
The Bronze Laver
Blue Tassles x2
Unholy Writ

Dual-Alignment Enhancements (2)
Seven Years of Plenty x2

Lambs (5)
Guardian of Your Souls
Angel of the Lord
New Jerusalem
Grapes of Wrath
Son of God

Good Fortresses (2)
Herod's Temple

Heroes (14)
Jacob x2
Rachel x2
Joseph x2

Good Enhancements (14)
Abraham's Descendant x4
Reuben's Torn Clothes x3
Answer to Prayer x3
Joseph Before Pharaoh x2
Creation of the World
Forgiveness of Joseph

Reapers (5)
Christian Martyr
Destruction of Nehushtan
Falling Away

Evil Fortresses (3)
Satan's Seat x2
Philistine Outpost

Curses (2)
Captured Ark x2

Evil Characters (12)
Creeping Deceiver x4
Goliath x2
Philistine Armorbearer
Nebuchadnezzar x2
Spirit of Temptation x2

Evil Enhancements (14)
Wolves in Sheeps' Clothing x4
Belshazzar's Banquet x2
Dream x2
Destructive Decay x2
Great Image
Suicidal Swine Stampede x2
Destructive Sin

The defense basically works as follows: Goliath is there for early blocks by kicking out any Heroes with access to Sites (Isaiah with Call, etc.). Outpost and Armorbearer help him to keep coming back. Suicidal Swine Stampede and Spirit of Temptation were there to band to a chain of Archers with Horses or Pharisees from my opponent then play it. I think I only managed to pull that off once this season, but even by himself SoT was able to play SSS a few times which helps since it doesn;t shuffle the Sites, so it's harder for me to get a Soul surplus. Nebby is there to fetch a Banquet, Dream or Great Image, or even a Destructive decay to dispatch a CwD or Iron Pan. And the Creepers+Wolves+ Golgotha+Abe's Descendants can set up an infinite loop of blocks if the game lasts long enough.

The Genesis offense is not particularly strong, and had a lot of trouble with both captures and Horses. However, assuming I could knock out any Iron Pans and CwDs, Jacob and RTC (often with Rachel too) is still super effective, as very few people were playing with anti-ignore stuff this season. My best play, but one that I could never afford to give much space to, is Hidden Treasures+Joseph/Abel+Creation of the World. If I could pull that combo off, topping it off with Eve to reveal my top 10-11 cards and set up my defense, I rarely lost. I had another CotW in the deck earlier on, but I took it out in favor of another RTC, as RTC always seemed more useful. Looking back I'm not sure if that was the right move, but it is what it is. The tricky part about the deck is that so many sites are required that offenses and defenses need to be smaller than average. 

The one game I used this deck at Nats was vs. eventual champion Josiah Beers. I never drew a Creeper until the end, and while my sites stalled him awhile, his offense was ruthless. I may have won/timeout lost if I had remembered my Satan's Seat which was negating his Abigail, but I forgot about it. I included Seat specifically for Thaddeus, and never even thought about Abigail until we had ended the game. I was frustrated enough that I shelved the deck for the rest of the tournament and relied on my other deck.

When this deck does get a good setup though, the defense is stifling, which can make up for the weak offense. In the two tournies I used it, it won 7-2, 7-5, 7-6, all against good competition of Mitch Stewart, James Roepke, and Nathan Voigt.
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Offline Professoralstad

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Re: 2012 T2-2P 3rd Place
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2012, 09:04:16 PM »
Player: Jordan Alstad
Deck Name: The Days When Judges Panicked

This was my other main T2 deck of the 2012 Season. It went 2-0 at MN States, 2-0 at NC Regionals, and 4-1 (timeout loss) at Nationals to place me third. The basic idea of the defense was to utilize Wandering Spirits and the powerful ability of the Orange Panic Demon. CBN banding is always huge, but the best thing about his ability is the fact that it gets around artifacts as well as good cards. Which meant I could activate CwD and keep the chain block-ready, while my opponent's character abilities were negated (and my offense is Judges, which don't often need SAs or are CBN anyway). I had been playing the deck all season with various offenses paired with the D, and settled on Judges which are quick enough to set it up.

Following its one loss at the T2 only in February to a TGT deck that got all four ladies up to big enough numbers to overcome my banding chain, I decided I needed to streamline the Panic Demons to 3 brigades (Orange, Pale and Crimson) and throw in some LS manipulation. The beautiful part of Belshazzar's Banquet and Death of Unrighteous is that they are discard then protect/shuffle, not discard to protect/shuffle, which means Wandering Spirit to Pale/Crimson Panic Demon + respective enhancement is a cost-free block.

112 cards

Lost Souls (17)
Demon Discard x2
Revealer x2
First Round Protect
NT only x2
Female Only x2
Hopper x2
Wanderer x2
Shame x2

Sites (3)
Golgotha x2

Artifacts (8)
Hezekiah's Signet Ring
Household Idols
Lampstand of the Sanctuary
Unholy Writ x2
The Bronze Laver
Stalks of Flax x2

Lambs (5)
Guardian of Your Souls
Angel of the Lord
Son of God
New Jerusalem
Grapes of Wrath

Good Fortresses (4)
Wall of Protection
The Tabernacle
Judges Seat

Heroes (18)
Samuel x2
Eli the Priest
Jair x2
Samson (UL)
Ahimelek the Hittite
David (Red, Wa)
Angel with the Secret Name x2
The Angel Under the Oak x3

Good Enhancements (16)
Eli's Sound Advice x2
Capturing Canaan x2
Deborah's Directive x2
Samson's Sacrifice
Ambush the City x2
Battle Prayer x2
Sword Against Sword
Samuel's Edict x3
Protection of Jerusalem

Reapers (5)
Christian Martyr
Falling Away
Destruction of Nehushtan

Curses (2)
Covenant with Death x2

Evil Fortresses (3)
The Gates of Hell x3

Evil Characters (23)
Panic Demon (Crimson) x3
Panic Demon (Pale Green) x4
Panic Demon (Orange) x4
Seven Sons of Sceva x2
Fallen Angel (Wa) x2
Fallen Angel (Pr) x2
King of Tyrus (Pr) x2
Wandering Spirit x4

Evil Enhancements (9)
Belshazzar's Banquet x2
Worse than the First x2
Destructive Sin x2
Death of Unrighteous x2
Midianite Attack
« Last Edit: November 24, 2012, 10:40:52 AM by Gabe »
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Re: 2012 T2-2P 3rd Place
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2012, 07:51:29 PM »
Congrats- innovative with showing some love for the panic demons!  :D 
Angel Wars booster packs are grateful.


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