Author Topic: 2017 T1-2P 2nd Place Coney Island Again  (Read 1887 times)

Offline Kevinthedude

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2017 T1-2P 2nd Place Coney Island Again
« on: August 07, 2017, 12:48:25 PM »
This is also the deck I used to win 1st place in Iron Man.

Deck size: 50

Son of God
New Jerusalem (This should be a Second Coming but I didn't own one)
Angel of the Lord
Three Woes
Christian Martyr
Falling Away (CoW)

Angel of the Winds
Soldier of God
Children of Light
Justin Martyr

Good Enhancements:
Faith of Joshua
A Soldiers's Prayer
Consider the Lilies
Love Righteousness
Fifth Seal/Justice Seekers

Faith of Joseph
Lay Down your Life
Christ's Triumph

Helmet of Salvation
Shield of Faith
Breastplate of Righteousness
Belt of Truth
Sword of the Spirit (PC)
Shoes of Peace

Self Control

Evil Characters/Evil Enhancements:
The Deceiver
Outsiders (Brown/Crimson)
Fire Foxes
Foreign Wives
Sabbath Breaker

I am Creator
The Great White Throne
Ram's Horn

Lost Souls:

Blood of the Lamb
Word of their Testimony
Eternal Inheritance
Created by Christ
Warning Against Rebellion
Emperor Vitellius
Emperor Claudius
Job's Wife
Image of the Beast

Changes I plan to make to the deck are NJ out for TSC (Since I finally acquired one), Punisher out for Forsaken (Unless I see more Moses in the meta, in which case Punisher is coming right back), and the two Emperors out of Reserve for a Shrine to Artemis and High Priest Ananias. If you plan to try a similar to deck to this in your local tournaments, make sure to practice lots of games beforehand as it takes a bit to get used to the unique playstyle.

Shoutout to my Kansas playgroup (Especially Red Wing) for suffering through countless unfun matches against this deck while I worked on it over the last two months.

Tournament Report:
« Last Edit: August 07, 2017, 04:08:13 PM by Kevinthedude »

Offline Kevinthedude

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Re: 2017 T1-2P 2nd Place Coney Island Again
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2017, 12:48:42 PM »
With two of basically the same deck in the top spots, a likely question is: which version is better? JD and I have both been working hard to develop this deck over the last month or two and greatly benefited from each other's discoveries and modifications. Almost all the differences between the two decks are slight variations of the same cards that accomplish the same thing, with the except to this being my inclusion of the Justin Martyr package. Here's a breakdown:

Mayhem/Falling Away (CoW) vs. Guardian/Falling Away (W):
When the tournament was announced, the plan was to have 7 rounds of swiss with a 4 player top cut who would then play bo3 to determine the winner. With this in mind, I included CoW Falling Away over the women's variant since while the latter enables you to boost your differential, the former is a more consistent block as it isn't rendered useless by the opponent having Guardian, thus leading to a slightly higher win % during testing. Since differential would not matter in a bo3 top cut, I opted to miss out on a few potential soul differential in favor of the marginally higher win consistency. However, at the last minute a vote was held to change the structure to 8 rounds of swiss with no top cut at all which was strongly voted in favor of. This of course makes differential much more valuable and under these circumstances JD's choice of W Falling Away and the Three Liner Lost Soul to squeeze out those last few differential is absolutely correct. I'm unsure about Guardian over Mayhem as I used Hypocrisy+Mayhem in 6 out of 8 games and successfully used Foreign Wives to block after a Mayhem in 6 out of 8 games.

Faith of Joseph and Lay Down Your Life vs. Gentleness and Faithfulness:
Gentleness and Faithfulness seem like obvious inclusions in the deck because they are placed enhancements that protect CoL which is the entire goal of the deck. I opted not to include them because once you have the entire stack of enhancements down, everything that Gentleness and Faithfulness do is covered by the protection abilities of other cards. The redundant protection is excellent if you do not get Children down with Ram's Horn since it forces the opponent to negate two things instead of one to make Children vulnerable. With the inclusion of Hypocrisy though, the stack is going to be CBI virtually every game. JD's earlier list did not run Hypocrisy and I believe did not run Ram's Horn either and in that version of the list Gentleness and Faithfulness are absolutely necessary. In the Hypocrisy/Ram's Horn list, I believe they are redundant and their slots in the deck are better used to shore up the few weaknesses the deck has. Lay Down Your Life is the only card in the game that can save CoL from being banded to by the opponent and Martyr'd (All the protection turns off when Children is stolen) since you only have healing initiative when a character you control is discarded Peter does not work in this scenario. LDYL is also nice to save Peter if the opponent tries to kill him in territory. Faith of Joseph is a personal inclusion and can easily be replaced with any other card that cycles itself (Another placed enhancement for example) but I like the ability to cycle it even if the opponent has Moses and the ability to get captured characters back (A common fate for Peter) comes in handy.

Offline Kevinthedude

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Re: 2017 T1-2P 2nd Place Coney Island Again
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2017, 12:49:08 PM »
Justin Martyr, Love Righteousness, and Consider the Lilies vs. Four Drachma Coin, Shrine to Artemis, and Scattered:
The Justin Martyr package is one I came up with relatively recently and that I did not share with anyone prior to Nationals. It has performed tremendously and I can't imagine playing the deck without it. Justin is an extra white Hero that enables the playing of Love Righteousness and Consider the Lilies which add an enormous number of opening hands that result in searching out CoL as well as retrieving it from discard if I'm forced to put it in play before I have Peter and the opponent instantly Martyrs it. After decking out, if Love Righteousness and/or Consider the Lilies was left over they can be used to recur Fifth Seal/Justice Seekers and thus converted into any good enhancement in my Reserve. Just having a white Hero sitting in territory and having two more cards that can search out children or most of my enhancements greatly improves the consistency of the deck. On top of all this, Justin Martyr himself is a strong rescue that generates his own ammunition, draws cards, and frequently gets turn 1 souls that any other version of the deck never would have a hope of getting. He is also a phenomenal Hero to use to attempt to pull off the double rescue combo as he generates a negate with a play ability to easily play Eternal Inheritance. Not having 4D Coin hurts a little but as long as you get to play Blood of the Lamb with Justin at least once that's practically the same draw power as Coin and that isn't even factoring in the extra speed provided by Love Righteousness and Consider the Lilies or the possibility of playing Blood of the Lamb multiple times. Scattered I don't miss at all, Shrine is an inclusion by JD that, while powerful, I thought was too slow to be playable in this kind of deck. I no longer hold that opinion and while I don't have room for it in the main deck in my version, I will definitely be including it in Reserve to be pulled out by Gain or Outsiders, likely replacing one of the Emperors as I barely used either of them during the entire tournament.

Reserve vs. Reserve:
The cards in the Reserve come down completely to playstyle and personal preference. Mine requires Blood of the Lamb and Word of their Testimony for the Justin package and I have been impressed by the results from Warning Against Rebellion and Created By Christ as both provided good soul gen in the few cases Shoes of Peace was not enough and Created By Christ was used a few times to pull Peter and/or a crimson evil character to play Hypocrisy on. Changes I'm looking at making is the addition of Shrine as I mentioned earlier and possibly the remaining Emperor out for High Priest Ananias.


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Re: 2017 T1-2P 2nd Place Coney Island Again
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2017, 04:09:00 PM »
Well done my friend you can find an excel spreadsheet on covenant with the results of each round which usually helps me jog through them

Your build is really superior to the others I believe with the exception of shrine. The Justin Martyr package is a great include as an alt win condition. We did have a great sealed game!! :-) Bravo


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