Author Topic: 2017 Nationals Booster Draft First Place  (Read 1533 times)

Offline Ironisaac

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2017 Nationals Booster Draft First Place
« on: September 04, 2017, 03:57:52 PM »
I'm going to be completely honest, I don't really remember much about most of my games because I went into this event not trying to place or even do that well. In the past, I have done really poorly in booster, so before Nats this year, I hadn't played booster for about a year. I went into this severely out of practice on the etiquette and tactics of booster and with a terrible record. In addition, it took some very unlikely circumstances at my last table to line up to allow me to win. I'd like to give a huge thanks to Kye Murphey, because if he hadn't been the one to win at the table ahead of me, I would have come in second or third. Also, thank you to Justin Alstad and Patrick Chaverri. They were the other two at my last table along with Brian Jones who, if you hadn't heard, had probably one of the best booster draft decks ever. Joshua, three captains (!!!!) a strong angel, YWR, an ends of the earth, and more crazy stuff. Justin and Patrick had so many blocks against him and I was soul droughting everyone, and i was able to walk in for several free souls. Like I said, very unlikely circumstances led to me winning. Kye had to win his table so no one else at his table would get a higher score than me, and my whole table had to team up against Brian, lest he steamroll us.

Anyways, on to the deck!

1   Ahimaaz (Ki)
1   Bartholomew (Nathaniel) (Ap)
1   Helez (Ki)
1   Rachel (FooF)
1   Judah
1   Joseph (FooF)
1   Gabriel (Di)
1   Angel in the Path (Pi)
1   Joseph (Pa)
1   Asaph
1   King Amaziah (Ki)
1   Susanna
2   King Josiah
1   King Azariah (Uzziah)

1   Faith as a Mustard Seed
1   Asa's Good Reign
1   Unified Kingdom
1   Five Smooth Stones (Wa)
1   Faith of David (CoW)
2   Trapped in Cleverness
1   Jacob Buries the Foreign gods
1   Forgiveness of Joseph (FooF)
1   Joseph Before Pharaoh (FooF)
2   Ehud's Dagger (Ki)
1   Job's Faith
1   Seven Years of Plenty
1   Moses and Elders
1   Faith of Rahab
1   Joy (EC)
1   'He Is Risen'
1   Protection of Angels (Pi)
1   Captain's Sword
1   Wheel within a Wheel (FooF)

1   Lost Soul Psalm 119:176 (Anti Angel)
6   Lost Soul II Timothy 3:6-7 ( C)

1   Promised Land

1   Seventh Seal (RoJ)
1   I am Creator
1   Three Nails
1   Household Idols

1   Emperor Tiberius (Ap)
1   High Priest's Maid
1   Disbelieving Sadducees
1   Destruction of Nehushtan

Joseph without a doubt was the mvp of this deck, with seventh seal and susana coming in a close second and third.
With two cbn battle winners for joseph, two negates and three normal battle winners, as well as job's faith and SYoP for backup on my other blue characters, blue was by far my strongest group in this deck. surprisingly, i didn't see a single ehud or Abram/Abraham go around my table. Another strong backup for joseph was a judah and a Rachel, which allowed me to grab him out of discard, deck, or a land of bondage. The seventh seal was surprisingly useful and very powerful. I had nothing to search for, but it's withdraw ability won me multiple battles. Susana was also extremely good, her reveal grabbing essential cards several times. HiR was also really good, even when it didn't set anyone aside, as i could band in an angel like my gabriel, or an opponent's swift for big numbers, and play protection of angels if needed. The purple kings were, unfortunately, unused throughout all my games but one. i just never really got the enhancements to back them up, and and the one time i did, my opponent had a negate.         
Some call me "Goofus"


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