"Toss Magic"
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Land of Redemption
100 cards
Good: 38DominantsSon of God
New Jerusalem
Angel of the Lord
Guardian of Your Souls
Grapes of Wrath
The Holy Spirit
FortsWall of Protection
Herod’s Temple
HeroesSimon the Zealot
Matthew (Di) x2
James son of Alphaeus (Di) x2
Thaddeus (Di) x2
John (I)
Thomas (Di)
Philip (Di)
Bartholomew (Di)
Peter (TEC)
Matthias (TEC) x2
Reassuring Angels (TEC) x2
Good Enhancements/CovenantsPassover Hymn x2
Preaching at Pentecost x2
Peace (TEC) x2
Faithfulness (TEC)
Reach of Desperation (Wo) x2
My Lord and My God x3
The New Covenant
Evil: 38
Christian Martyr
Falling Away
Vain Philosophy
Destruction of Nehushtan
Evil CharactersSimon the Magician (TEC)
King Manasseh (Di)
Damsel with Spirit of Divination (TexP)
Egyptian Magicians
Astrologers (TexP)
Elymas the Sorcerer (TEC)
User of Curious Arts (TexP)
Balaam (Di)
The Rabshakeh
Assyrian Siege Army
Women as Snares
Messenger of Satan (TEC) x3
King of Tyrus (Pr)
Evil Enhancements/CursesLurking
King’s Pomp
Invoking Terror x2
Divination (TexP) x4
Forgotten History x4
Two Thousand Horses x2
Death of Unrighteous x2
Rain Becomes Dust
Neutral: 24ArtifactsGolden Cherubim
Lampstand of the Sanctuary
Holy Grail
Blue Tassels
Altar of Ahaz
Dragon Raid
Caesarea Philippi
Fortress of Antonia
DAEGamaliel’s Speech x2
Lost SoulsFemale LS x2
Hand d/c LS x2
Shut Door LS x2
Wanderer LS x2
Revealer LS x2
Retribution LS x2
Site Remove LS x2