Amount of players: 3Player 1 (hereby referred to as "The Minnesotan") Minimum deck size 100 cards
Draws 8 cards per turn
Maximum hand size 12
Type 1 deck building requirements
Chooses if experience credit is used at the end of
every battle
Needs 10 lost souls to win
Players 2 and 3 (they work in a team, hereby referred to as "The Noobs
") They draw 3 cards per turn. They CANNOT draw more than 8 cards per turn regardless of special abilities.
They have a maximum hand size of 6 cards
Type 1 deck building rules
They may "pass" their Lost Soul to their partner's Land of Bondage (in case one wants to have a defensive deck and the other wants an offensive deck)
They May "pass" their turn to their partner, in which case they go twice in a row. If you passed and it is the Minnesotans turn to go, that pass is void and you lost a turn.
They need a combined 10 lost souls to win
They may
NOT play enhancements on each others characters or block/attack with each others characters
CANNOT attack each other (To stop from you from, lets say, banding Claudia to FSP and have your opponent pick an immune character just so you can play Book of Hozai, Words of Encouragement, Reach of Desperation, Blah Blah Blah)
They may only have one of each dominants COMBINED (otherwise The Noobs would be overpowered)
The idea was to have one powerful player (like a Minnesotan

) playing two weaker players (like someone not from Minnesota;)). I've never tried this, so I feel the drawing numbers are going to be way off. I think you get the idea of it though; I gave the Minnesotan more hand and drawing abilities because he could be attacked twice in a row, I also lowered the Noobs hand abilities because, well, there is two of them.
Please offer any feedback

. I know that chances are one side is OP'd, I just can't really tell which side. I think it'd be awesome if you were one of The Noobs and built decks complimenting each other
