The purpose of Type 4 is to combine the best ideas from Types 1, 2, and 3, while retaining a unique game experience that you don't get with the other 3 types. This is just me listing all the things that I think are best, and I guess I won't know if Type 4 is any better without testing. My list:
Deck size: 50-63 cards (for quicker games, plus I don't like wondering if my opponent is going to be playing a 154-card deck)
Lost souls to win: 4 (harder to get locked out; until more viable female and NT heroes are printed, the female and NT LS are going to be near-staples. And the FBTN LS is basically a staple for OT offenses)
Deck composition: T1 rules, EXCEPT equal good and evil (forced defense results in more strategy, in my experience)
No dominants (I want all lost souls to be rescued by battles)
No 2/3 Liner lost souls (I don't know if I really need a reason here... I don't really want to give one either, since I don't like the card

Mulligan rule will be in effect (see my post in the ROOT board for a description; I've always thought that a balanced mulligan rule would be good for the game)
My thoughts:
With no dominants, cards like TGT, AoCP, Sam's Edict, AUTO, etc. hopefully are not as bad. Forced defense will also help with the power of offenses. I want more battles (good bye SoG/NJ) and I want enhancement-based battles (good bye AotL, Grapes, and CM). I also like the requirement to get to 4 instead of 5; it means perhaps I don't have to put FBTN LS in every single OT offense I play. I also don't want the 2/3 liner LS - ever. And hopefully the mulligan rule is costly enough to use only when I really need to; but also useful enough that if I really need it, I'll take it.
I know that ideas for new ways to play usually die pretty fast on these boards, but Type 3 survived. I admit that Type 4 is very similar to Type 3, except for no dominants. I really think that playing with no dominants will lead to more fun and strategy. Anyone willing to play Type 4 with me, please PM me so we can schedule some games. And of course, if anyone else has ideas they want to go into this idea (multiple generics maybe?), post them here, and we can develop Type 4 together.