Author Topic: Online expansion game.  (Read 2153 times)

Offline KingLeo

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Online expansion game.
« on: April 08, 2013, 10:58:17 PM »
Warning: This proposition only makes more work for elders and people who help design RTS!

What if we would for one month put out card Idea's from people on one topic. Then we had judges from high ranking and understanding of redemption pic eighty or sixty of these cards that are worthy to maybe be made into real cards. Then card designers would get a list of these chosen cards and each would send in one pic of whatever cards they want to design to these judges. Then Finally when the art work is chosen for all those cards it is made into a downloadable and playable file to RTS aaaand presto a new thing for a ROOT tourney =D a new board made set!.......... big dreams little hope and ALOT OF WORK to see it even get started.

....... just an idea :) 

KingLeo 8)
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