Good afternoon Redemption community,
I have spoken over the past few months with several people regarding a new idea for a format. This new format is a variation of Type 1-2 Player that uses the same rule set except for how turn structure and first turn works. Both players share a Draw, Preparation, and Discard phase creating more interaction and increasing the speed of the game.
No unique ban or errata list exists for Eye for an Eye. The Type 1-2 Player ban and errata list is used for this format.
Eye for an Eye is a Rotation format. Only Rotation legal cards can be used.Eye for an Eye setup:
Game Setup
-This phase is the same as T1-2p's ruleset
Beginning of Game Procedure
-This phase is the same as T1-2p's ruleset
Turn Structure:
Draw Phase
-Both players draw on every Draw phase including the first turn of the game after completing the Beginning of Game procedures.
-During the Draw phase, both players' stars and souls activate with the turn player going first and the second player after (in the same fashion as it would in a regular T1-2P’s Beginning of Game procedures).
Upkeep Phase
-This phase is the same as T1-2p's ruleset
Preparation Phase
-During this phase, the turn player gets regular initiative to play a card (Other than a Dominant which only requires Dominants Initiative as per the regular T1-2P rule set) or pass the phase.
-If the turn player passes the phase, the next phase begins.
-Before the phase changes, the opponent gets Dominant Initiative. If the opponent chooses to play a Dominant, the phase change fails and the turn player again gets regular initiative to play or may pass the turn.
-If the turn player plays a card, the opponent then gets regular initiative or may decline. If the opponent declines, regular initiative returns to the turn player (opponents cannot end the phase).
-Only the turn player may activate an Artifact, move a Lost Soul into a Site, move a character in or out of a site/fortress, or any other rules based preparation phase action that is not mentioned above.
Battle Phase
-This phase is the same as T1-2p's ruleset
Discard Phase
-During this phase, the turn player gets regular initiate to play a card (Other than a Dominant which only requires Dominants Initiative as per the regular T1-2P rule set) or pass the phase.
-If the turn player passes the phase, the next phase begins.
-Before the phase changes, the opponent gets Dominant Initiative. If the opponent chooses to play a Dominant, the phase change fails and the turn player again gets regular initiative to play or may pass the phase.
-If the turn player plays a card, the opponent then gets regular initiative or may decline. If the opponent declines, regular initiative returns to the turn player (opponents cannot end the phase).
End Phase
-This phase is the same as T1-2p's ruleset
Once the turn has been passed, the opponent (second player) becomes the turn player and the turn structure repeats as usual until the game is completed.
Any comments, input, or concerns are welcome.
Thank you for your time and consideration,
Jared Strauss