Author Topic: Developing a Scenario  (Read 4069 times)

Offline galadgawyn

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Developing a Scenario
« on: May 30, 2011, 08:58:35 PM »
I'm currently working on building the boss deck for the raid variation.  I'm hoping my playgroup will get to try it out tomorrow.  We chose Daniel heros vs. Babylonians for our first try. 

So I need to figure out what cards to put in and what rules/special abilities the boss will have. 

The boss deck is 154 cards.
I chose Babylon the Great as the main evil character and when it gets 2/3? damaged it will upgrade to Whore of Babylon.  I was initially going to go with Nebuchadnezzar but I think this is a better representative character. 

I will obviously use most of the Babylonian cards but there is not enough for a full deck.  A lot of the good crimson cards are not Babylonian (Sapphira, Deceit of Sapphira, Zimri, Treachery of Jezebel, Midianites attack, etc).  So how far do I stretch the theme or what else do I use?  While I want to make this deck a challenge for the heros, the theme is important.  I'm not necessarily trying to make the strongest deck possible.  I could use related themes (Assyrians, Magicians, Demons, Persians) or use cards that arent Babylonian but conceptually could fit (Arrogance, Go into Captivity, Unknown Nation, Sold into Slavery, Archers of Kedar, etc) or we know the Babylonian army had horsemen but there is no card of that so lets pretend these Egyptian horsemen are Babylonian. 

What abilites should Babylon the Great have?  What represents the Babylonian empire? 

Offline galadgawyn

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Re: Developing a Scenario
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2011, 09:23:59 PM »
So far, I'm going to split the 154 deck in 2 with the first 100 being Babylonian/magician or demon.  The 54 part will be Persian but each part will get to use 3 copies becuase they are part of the whole deck.  The boss will switch to drawing from the Persian part when he takes 2/3 damage and flips to Whore of Babylon. 

It seems like military might, capturing and idolatry are the key components to representing the Empire.  So possible abilities the boss gets for this scenario:

When he puts a warrior class character into play, he can search his discard pile for an enhancement depicting a weapon.
When the Babylonian player discards a hero's artifact from play or when he discards one of these or a hero from their deck then it is captured instead.  He places these cards in his land of bondage and can place them on a site.  Then he can activate one of his artifacts on each site that has a captured card there.   
X = the number of captured cards  He can discard a captured card to draw X. 
X of his evil characters are protected from conversion
If one of his evil characters is being discarded, he can discard a captured card instead. 
The boss can also nullify 3 abilities per game even if they CBN.

Will this be too easy or too hard for the heros?  Any other ideas to add? or change?
« Last Edit: May 30, 2011, 09:26:19 PM by galadgawyn »

Offline SomeKittens

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Re: Developing a Scenario
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2011, 09:47:11 PM »
Babs have Swift Horses.
Mind not the ignorant fool on the other side of the screen!-BubbleBoy
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Offline galadgawyn

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Re: Developing a Scenario
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2011, 12:00:13 AM »
Correct.  Not sure what your point with that was.

Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: Developing a Scenario
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2011, 09:14:04 AM »
We chose Daniel heros vs. Babylonians for our first try. 
I don't know how it will work in your game, but in Redemption, Babylonians are a stronger defense, and Daniel heroes are a weaker offense.  This might not be a very fair matchup despite the historical congruity :)

I chose Babylon the Great as the main evil character and when it gets 2/3? damaged it will upgrade to Whore of Babylon.  I was initially going to go with Nebuchadnezzar but I think this is a better representative character. 
Actually I would rather see you go with King Neb, and then switch to Babylon the Great.  I really wish that Whore of Babylon didn't ever get printed, and I'd hate to see another game bring more attention to it.  Remember your target audience, and their parents who are going to be paying for your product.

I will obviously use most of the Babylonian cards but there is not enough for a full deck.
(Sapphira, Deceit of Sapphira, Zimri, Treachery of Jezebel, Midianites attack, etc) - Clearly not Babylonian, so avoid
(Assyrians, Magicians, Demons, -  Clearly not Babylonian, so avoid
Persians - These guys conquered Babylon and so basically controlled the same empire.  I like it.
(Arrogance, Go into Captivity, Unknown Nation, Sold into Slavery, Archers of Kedar, etc) - I like this too.
we know the Babylonian army had horsemen but there is no card of that so lets pretend these Egyptian horsemen are Babylonian. - bad idea

Offline SomeKittens

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Re: Developing a Scenario
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2011, 04:41:55 PM »
we know the Babylonian army had horsemen but there is no card of that so lets pretend these Egyptian horsemen are Babylonian.
Correct.  Not sure what your point with that was.
Mind not the ignorant fool on the other side of the screen!-BubbleBoy
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Offline galadgawyn

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Re: Developing a Scenario
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2011, 11:11:39 AM »
What I was saying is that there is no Babylonian horsemen CHARACTER card.  I generally prefer to have the people represented by characters and not enhancements.  I think enhancements should be things like items, ideas, events, character traits, etc.  I think this is generally the case but there are a few exceptions in the game. 

Actually I would rather see you go with King Neb, and then switch to Babylon the Great.  I really wish that Whore of Babylon didn't ever get printed, and I'd hate to see another game bring more attention to it.  Remember your target audience, and their parents who are going to be paying for your product.

I understand what you are saying and generally agree, though I don't have as much of a problem with the title of that card as with some of the suggestive art.  I wouldn't recommend using Whore of Babylon for groups with small children but our group playtesting this and our playgroup in general is 20+ old.  For the appropriately mature audience, there is spiritual significance with cards like that (the idea that God views our unfaithfulness as a similar betrayal to adultery but worse). 

I don't know how it will work in your game, but in Redemption, Babylonians are a stronger defense, and Daniel heroes are a weaker offense.  This might not be a very fair matchup despite the historical congruity
I'm not sure either  :) but this may differ.  We trying a style where the boss character starts with 100 HP and the heros start with 35 HP each like WoW raid.  I'm guessing that most strong Babylonian defences use some other crimson cards and I'm not going to do that.  Conversely, the heros will not use just Daniel heros but will use some other related cards and generic cards like Widow.  We'll see how this all plays out.  It may require a couple adjustments for it to play well.

Working on these ideas has made me wish that they were a lot more generic characters.  It would give a lot more options for things like this. 

I agree on not using Egyptian horsemen or Sapphira, etc. 

I agree on not using Assyrians unless we are going to represent a larger theater of conflict. 

I don't understand how you say that Magicians and Demons are clearly not invloved with Babylon.  They had lots of Magicians and clearly Demonic influence.  I wouldn't use specific ones like Balaam and Simon but the generic ones seem to fit.

Offline SomeKittens

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Re: Developing a Scenario
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2011, 03:09:05 PM »
Certainly add in Chaldeans.
Mind not the ignorant fool on the other side of the screen!-BubbleBoy
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Offline crustpope

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Re: Developing a Scenario
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2011, 12:22:55 AM »
It seems like military might, capturing and idolatry are the key components to representing the Empire.  So possible abilities the boss gets for this scenario:

When he puts a warrior class character into play, he can search his discard pile for an enhancement depicting a weapon.
When the Babylonian player discards a hero's artifact from play or when he discards one of these or a hero from their deck then it is captured instead.  He places these cards in his land of bondage and can place them on a site.  Then he can activate one of his artifacts on each site that has a captured card there.   
X = the number of captured cards  He can discard a captured card to draw X. 
X of his evil characters are protected from conversion
If one of his evil characters is being discarded, he can discard a captured card instead. 
The boss can also nullify 3 abilities per game even if they CBN.

Will this be too easy or too hard for the heros?  Any other ideas to add? or change?

Hey Jon, This looks good.  I assume that there is some sort of tier level to this (i.e. the boss accumulates some of these abilities as they procede through the raid.  If the boss starts off with all of this then it would be really hard.)

Definitely include the options to draw in the boss deck because if you are being attacked by three decks, it will make it very hard to defend without drawing in the middle of an attack.

I like including the bablylonian demons and some of the generic demons.  The magicians also work although I would probably just limit it to the demons.  Also, why not change the rules and make it that you can have 5 copies of each generic character for this type 1 deck instead of limiting it to 3 copies. generics are like footsoldiers in armies.  you may even want to limit your unique characters to 1 per deck for historical accuracy and bump up your generic count even more.  This would make  your deck decidedly more orange than crimson though...

What about having "lieutenants" in  your boss deck.  They have beefed up SA's as well but they do not upgrade in mid raid like the Babylon the Great would.  Also I would also go with Nebby as well since your daniel decks are OT why bring in the NT Whore of babylon?  Why not keep your deck OT as well?
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