Author Topic: Universal War  (Read 6127 times)

Offline King Leo

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Universal War
« on: March 31, 2010, 01:36:27 PM »
This is a game I’m creating please tell me your thoughts.

25 to 30 cards in an ability deck, 30 to 35 cards in your recruit deck, and 6 cards will be territory cards and shuffled and then put in a random order on your territories.

You have strength, defense, health abilities, kind, combat level, and special area type.

The object of the game is to destroy the other team’s bases and gain as many as you can.

You start out by drawing 4 cards from each deck. 3 every turn after that.
Then you put your recruits in your territory.

Then you can attack the enemy if you called the coin’s side that is up when you say you attack. The one who is defending gets to play a defense card.
Then the attacker plays an ability card the defense takes off the points and what’s left off the numbers are taken off the health.
If the attacker get three fourths (rounded down) gets destroyed you have the option to retreat or keep attacking. When the defense has all its health is gone the attacker moves in.

King Leo 8)
« Last Edit: March 31, 2010, 04:45:39 PM by King Leo »
(Kick Buttoski) "Do it all and then some."


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