2, 3 – Lose natural abilities
9, 10, S – Placed and permanently revealed before setup (ogres are REALLY dumb)
F – Placed and permanently revealed before setup. May not be placed on the edge of the board (ogres are REALLY dumb).
Global –

½ strength; as long as you control a bomb, you must spend your turn removing a bomb and a unit adjacent to it, other than a bomb, from the board. If you cannot, you lose.
9, 10 – Special ability: guess the identity of a unit adjacent or diagonal to the 9 or 10 (may “guess” silently if unit belongs to you). If correctly guessed, move that unit to any square adjacent or diagonal to the piece that used this ability. If that space is occupied by a unit (either yours or an enemy unit), the two units immediately engage.
Global – Special ability: choose an enemy unit adjacent or diagonal to one of your units. Reveal that unit without revealing your own. If such a unit is of rank 9 or 10, the enemy flag is also revealed.
5 – Special ability: choose a weaker lone piece adjacent to the 5 and move both pieces to same square (either where the 5 is or where the other piece is). These are now treated as a single unit with the combined strength of both. If there are ever fewer single 5s than combined 5s, then all weaker components attached to the 5s are removed from the board.
6 – Special ability: remove the 6 and simultaneously place any number of weaker dead units in its old square and/or those adjacent to it that are free. The sum of the strengths of the weaker units must not exceed 6, and the units must not include the spy.
B – Mobile. If attacking, it is diffused by units of strength 7 or higher.
If attacked, diffused by units of rank 9 or higher.
Secret Agents:
2 – May reveal an enemy unit by moving adjacent to it rather than engaging
6 – When attacked, 6 may be exchanged with any other friendly unit on the board after your opponent reveals his unit. The two units switch squares and the move is treated as if the replacement unit had been attacked.
B – Instead of the normal bomb effect, when a bomb is attacked, remove all units (yours and opponents) adjacent and diagonal to the bomb and on the bomb’s space and replace all of them except the bomb on any of the aforementioned spaces.
Global – Don’t reveal units upon winning an engagement (except as necessary to determine the outcome). If both players need not reveal ranks, the attacker reveals his rank.
Global – -1 strength. When any piece you control is attacked and dies, except the flag, your opponent must remove a piece, at the end of the turn, if able, according to the following: If the attacked piece is a numbered piece, he must remove a piece whose rank is exactly 1 lower than that of the attacked piece. If it is a bomb or spy, he must remove the same.
Soul Shifters:
S – Special ability: remove the spy. Make your opponent’s next move. You may look at his pieces.
Global – Special ability: remove all units except one of some rank (other than bombs) of which you have at least two units. Choose a race. The remaining unit of that rank acquires the properties specific to that rank for that race for the remainder of the game.
5 – When engaging, may optionally possess the enemy unit after it is revealed if it is of strength 8 or lower. If it does, you now control that unit, and the 5 is removed.
6 – Every 6 is either “dematerialized” or “materialized” and starts off materialized. When it is dematerialized, it is revealed, it may move through occupied spaces, other units may move through the space it occupies, it cannot engage enemy units, and it is immune to all effects. Special ability: change the state of the 6. If it is materialized on a space occupied by a friendly unit or the enemy flag, it dies. If it is occupied by any other unit, it engages the unit.