Author Topic: Ponies.  (Read 76029 times)


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Re: Ponies.
« Reply #25 on: October 17, 2011, 06:44:36 PM »
I can't believe that I'm hearing teenage guys (in fact intelligent strategic teenage guys) talking about actually LIKING a TV show about My Little Ponies.

Either this is one of the biggest trolls ever, or the universe just exploded.

I bet if you could get an accurate count of the different demographics that watch the show, men in their 20's would be the leading group. Not lying.

Like I said before, they actually managed to make it into something ALL ages and genders can enjoy.

I doubt the original shows referenced things such as Lord of the Rings (several times), Xmen, Star Trek (going so far as to base a character on Q... and get the SAME VOICE ACTOR for the part) Star Wars (including an almost direct frame for frame copy of a scene), Blazing Saddles, David Bowie, 2001: Space Odyssey, Ren and Stimpy, several Wizard of Oz references, Poltergeist... and probably a lot more that I've missed.

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Re: Ponies.
« Reply #26 on: October 17, 2011, 06:59:55 PM »
I can't believe that I'm hearing teenage guys (in fact intelligent strategic teenage guys) talking about actually LIKING a TV show about My Little Ponies.

Either this is one of the biggest trolls ever, or the universe just exploded.

Yes! Another voice of sanity in the midst of all the chaos!

Almost all the guys in my chess club at school are "bronies." Because of them, I have seen episode 25 (where they throw the surprise party when the one is trying to get them to come to her other one) and the first two. I have to say I wasn't that particularly impressed. I've seen worse, but I've also seen better.
Much better.

ANB is good. Change my mind.

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Re: Ponies.
« Reply #27 on: October 17, 2011, 07:04:14 PM »
I can't believe that I'm hearing teenage guys (in fact intelligent strategic teenage guys) talking about actually LIKING a TV show about My Little Ponies.

Either this is one of the biggest trolls ever, or the universe just exploded.

I bet if you could get an accurate count of the different demographics that watch the show, men in their 20's would be the leading group. Not lying.

Like I said before, they actually managed to make it into something ALL ages and genders can enjoy.

I doubt the original shows referenced things such as Lord of the Rings (several times), Xmen, Star Trek (going so far as to base a character on Q... and get the SAME VOICE ACTOR for the part) Star Wars (including an almost direct frame for frame copy of a scene), Blazing Saddles, David Bowie, 2001: Space Odyssey, Ren and Stimpy, several Wizard of Oz references, Poltergeist... and probably a lot more that I've missed.
I also Noticed a Alice in wonderland Reference and of course

Heh, fair enough, although I will say later episodes are significantly better... especially the ones where characters have insane mental breakdowns. (see my avatar)

If you had to suggest an episode to skip to with the intent of swaying my opinion, what would it be?
In Fact The First 2 Episodes are the MOST HATED episodes in the fandom as far as I've Heard. In my experience they are most cheesy and least original.(they were before the Fandom of course) If You want to Watch a Good Episode Try Party of One or Sonic Rainboom. As the Episodes keep being created THEY KEEP GETTING BETTER.
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Re: Ponies.
« Reply #28 on: October 17, 2011, 07:10:03 PM »
I can't believe that I'm hearing teenage guys (in fact intelligent strategic teenage guys) talking about actually LIKING a TV show about My Little Ponies.

Either this is one of the biggest trolls ever, or the universe just exploded.

I don't think it is very fair for you to pass judgment on these guys without ever having watched the show yourself. I have never seen this particular show, but I rather enjoyed the old Pokemon TV show, even though so many Christians were quick to judge. Especially now, as a father, I find myself more open to at least watch shows targetting a younger demographic before dismissing it as "only for girls." Granted I have a young daughter, so my opinion is somewhat biased, but I think so many people miss out on entertaining media because of perceived stereotypes. For those of us who watched Princess Bride, we know how a movie that may seem "girly" actually appeals to men quite favorably.

FTR, even Lord of the Rings had trolls, so they can't be all bad.
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Re: Ponies.
« Reply #29 on: October 17, 2011, 07:14:53 PM »
I can't believe that I'm hearing teenage guys (in fact intelligent strategic teenage guys) talking about actually LIKING a TV show about My Little Ponies.

Either this is one of the biggest trolls ever, or the universe just exploded.

I don't think it is very fair for you to pass judgment on these guys without ever having watched the show yourself. I have never seen this particular show, but I rather enjoyed the old Pokemon TV show, even though so many Christians were quick to judge. Especially now, as a father, I find myself more open to at least watch shows targetting a younger demographic before dismissing it as "only for girls." Granted I have a young daughter, so my opinion is somewhat biased, but I think so many people miss out on entertaining media because of perceived stereotypes. For those of us who watched Princess Bride, we know how a movie that may seem "girly" actually appeals to men quite favorably.

FTR, even Lord of the Rings had trolls, so they can't be all bad.
Agreed, Watch the show before passing Judgment.

I For One enjoyed a Show in which there was no apocalyptic threat, though i love the following (e.g. Lord of the Rings, Star Wars,Chronicles of Narnia) They can sometimes wear one out and leave one wishing for something less "Manly" and more Peaceful
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Re: Ponies.
« Reply #30 on: October 17, 2011, 07:20:19 PM »
I For One enjoyed a Show in which there was no apocalyptic threat, though i love the following (e.g. Lord of the Rings, Star Wars,Chronicles of Narnia) They can sometimes wear one out and leave one wishing for something less "Manly" and more Peaceful

I was talking about the other guys. You are definitely a troll.

If you want to be peaceful, then I suggest you change your avatar.  ;)
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Re: Ponies.
« Reply #31 on: October 17, 2011, 07:26:58 PM »
I For One enjoyed a Show in which there was no apocalyptic threat, though i love the following (e.g. Lord of the Rings, Star Wars,Chronicles of Narnia) They can sometimes wear one out and leave one wishing for something less "Manly" and more Peaceful

I was talking about the other guys. You are definitely a troll.

If you want to be peaceful, then I suggest you change your avatar.  ;)
i Separated the 2 Section specificly the first line was my only response to ur post.
How am i a Troll? (Seriously, I dont get it)
I'm Not Really Sauron-like i just always LOVED The Way that giant Fire-Eye Looks
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Re: Ponies.
« Reply #32 on: October 17, 2011, 07:37:34 PM »
A lot of the writers/animators/production crew worked for shows like Powerpuff Girls, Dexter's Lab, and Spongebob, so it's not like they hired a bunch of nobodies to draw ponies.

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Re: Ponies.
« Reply #33 on: October 17, 2011, 07:59:29 PM »
As a female, I must say that this is literally the best conversation I have ever heard from a bunch of guys


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Re: Ponies.
« Reply #34 on: October 17, 2011, 08:00:35 PM »
you need to get out more then....

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Re: Ponies.
« Reply #35 on: October 17, 2011, 08:03:45 PM »
As a female, I must say that this is literally the best conversation I have ever heard from a bunch of guys
This beats out all those fun times at Garlock?  *sniff*
Mind not the ignorant fool on the other side of the screen!-BubbleBoy
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Re: Ponies.
« Reply #36 on: October 17, 2011, 08:04:16 PM »
you need to get out more then....
That Burns.....

As a female, I must say that this is literally the best conversation I have ever heard from a bunch of guys
Seriously, though I Love the show and don't see any reason for hate other than Prejudice against the Show Foremost and the Fans Secondly. Hating on a guy for watching ponies no worse than being Sexist.
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Re: Ponies.
« Reply #37 on: October 17, 2011, 08:07:09 PM »
you need to get out more then....
That Burns.....

As a female, I must say that this is literally the best conversation I have ever heard from a bunch of guys
Seriously, though I Love the show and don't see any reason for hate other than Prejudice against the Show Foremost and the Fans Secondly. Hating on a guy for watching ponies no worse than being Sexist.

hyperbole is hyperbolic

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Re: Ponies.
« Reply #38 on: October 17, 2011, 08:43:12 PM »
Quite being a Jerk to the OP (Lamb and Some Kittens)
Fluffy and OP?  Sounds like an oxymoron.
Mind not the ignorant fool on the other side of the screen!-BubbleBoy
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Re: Ponies.
« Reply #39 on: October 17, 2011, 08:43:23 PM »
Quite being a Jerk to the OP (Lamb and Some Kittens) it's not nice, not fun, and not COOL. 
If you have nothing good to say don't say anything at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you don't like the tread don't appear on it.

Back to the topic.
All ponies deserve to die.
What if your half pony half unicorn...

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Re: Ponies.
« Reply #40 on: October 17, 2011, 09:15:44 PM »
Quite being a Jerk to the OP (Lamb and Some Kittens) it's not nice, not fun, and not COOL. 
If you have nothing good to say don't say anything at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you don't like the tread don't appear on it.

Back to the topic.
All ponies deserve to die.
How Ironic. I see here : "Don't Hate Guys. I Hate........"
Disregard Haters. Acquire Ponies. 8)
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Re: Ponies.
« Reply #41 on: October 17, 2011, 09:38:21 PM »
I can't believe that I'm hearing teenage guys (in fact intelligent strategic teenage guys) talking about actually LIKING a TV show about My Little Ponies.

Either this is one of the biggest trolls ever, or the universe just exploded.

I can't believe that an internet thread got me to check out a show about My Little Ponies, or that it turned out to be A LOT better than I thought it could be.
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Re: Ponies.
« Reply #42 on: October 17, 2011, 09:41:24 PM »
you need to get out more then....
That Burns.....

As a female, I must say that this is literally the best conversation I have ever heard from a bunch of guys
Seriously, though I Love the show and don't see any reason for hate other than Prejudice against the Show Foremost and the Fans Secondly. Hating on a guy for watching ponies no worse than being Sexist.

Didn't say I was hating on. I just thought it was really awesome, but thanks for kind of jumping to conclusions there.

As a female, I must say that this is literally the best conversation I have ever heard from a bunch of guys
This beats out all those fun times at Garlock?  *sniff*

As you may recall, I instigate MOST of those conversations  ;)

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Re: Ponies.
« Reply #43 on: October 17, 2011, 10:02:05 PM »
How am i a Troll? (Seriously, I dont get it)

I was going to provide evidence, however it all seems to be locked in Quarantine.  :o
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Re: Ponies.
« Reply #44 on: October 17, 2011, 11:22:57 PM »
If You want to Watch a Good Episode Try Party of One or Sonic Rainboom.
I don't think it is very fair for you to pass judgment on these guys without ever having watched the show yourself.
Agreed, Watch the show before passing Judgment.
OK, just to be fair to all of you, I took all these suggestions and just watched both episodes referenced above.  I also freely admit that I am a HUGE fan of the Princess Bride, and some juvenile-targeted cartoons (ie. Animaniacs & Veggie Tales).  All that being said, I found Ponies to be predictable, silly, feminine, and lacking in originality.  I just don't get the fascination expressed here.

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Re: Ponies.
« Reply #45 on: October 18, 2011, 09:13:02 AM »
If You want to Watch a Good Episode Try Party of One or Sonic Rainboom.
I don't think it is very fair for you to pass judgment on these guys without ever having watched the show yourself.
Agreed, Watch the show before passing Judgment.
OK, just to be fair to all of you, I took all these suggestions and just watched both episodes referenced above.  I also freely admit that I am a HUGE fan of the Princess Bride, and some juvenile-targeted cartoons (ie. Animaniacs & Veggie Tales).  All that being said, I found Ponies to be predictable, silly, feminine, and lacking in originality.  I just don't get the fascination expressed here.

The Princess Bride is probably one of the best movies ever created.

The Schaef

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Re: Ponies.
« Reply #46 on: October 18, 2011, 09:38:38 AM »
OK, just to be fair to all of you, I took all these suggestions and just watched both episodes referenced above.  I also freely admit that I am a HUGE fan of the Princess Bride, and some juvenile-targeted cartoons (ie. Animaniacs & Veggie Tales).  All that being said, I found Ponies to be predictable, silly, feminine, and lacking in originality.  I just don't get the fascination expressed here.

The two big draws are pop culture references and subversion of type.  To wit: Lauren Faust collaborated with husband/creator Craig McCracken on Powerpuff Girls and Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends prior to this.  This show has the same visual style and quirky humor, but for whatever reason became an Internet meme overnight, which only boosted its popularity among young adult males.

My wife barely understands why one of my favorite cartoons of the last ten years features three kindergarten girls with gnarly superpowers named Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup.  But she understood it even less before she saw this episode (begin around 4:52):
« Last Edit: October 18, 2011, 09:56:44 AM by The Schaef »

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Re: Ponies.
« Reply #47 on: October 18, 2011, 12:02:37 PM »
She's married to Craig McCracken? Well that explains alot then.
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Re: Ponies.
« Reply #48 on: October 18, 2011, 12:23:11 PM »
I will say, at first I was like "Why in the world am I watching this?" I still can't really explain WHY I enjoy it so much.

Arthur explains, with the love ducks.
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Re: Ponies.
« Reply #49 on: October 18, 2011, 02:26:43 PM »
^ I lol'd.

This show has the same visual style and quirky humor

Taking a guess based on this, you have watched the show right? If so, what's your take on it?


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