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Re: Dr. Who: The Impossible Astronaut *Spoilers*
« Reply #50 on: July 13, 2011, 02:45:05 PM »
And the majority probably thinks that Casey Anthony is guilty. That doesn't make it true.
The majority of the selected thinks that there wasn't enough evidence to prove Casey Anthony guilty of 1st degree. There's a difference.

The Doctor is the Doctor. Every single other incarnation I've seen of him has the same basic principles. I must confess that I didn't notice that, and it was unique for the Doctor, but it just wasn't the Doctor.
All the doctors are different. Nub. The 4th was crazy. The 6th was unpredictable. The 7th was awesome. The 10th liked to yell. The 12th was The Rani.

When I mentioned Doctor Who to one of my friends he said he had watched one episode. It was Gridlock. I could not think of a worse episode to start on.

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Re: Dr. Who: The Impossible Astronaut *Spoilers*
« Reply #51 on: July 15, 2011, 07:40:34 PM »
Start with the beginning of the reboot and keep an open mind and heart. Some people get really picky about the show and gripe about everything, but it's the most enjoyable if you *want* to like it.
I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!


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Re: Dr. Who: The Impossible Astronaut *Spoilers*
« Reply #52 on: August 27, 2011, 10:01:27 PM »
River and Rory were good. The doctor too. And Rose. Plus the Tardis. Everyone but Amy, really. Everything else was kind of disappointing. I dislike Moffat even more now. Stop killing everyone, lrn2suspense. Stop rushing River, too. She's a good character, don't squeeze everything into 3 episodes.

Also, Rory is supposed to be the best man River knows. The Doctor isn't a good man. Rory is an awesome dude.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2011, 10:06:44 PM by Rawrlolsauce! »


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Re: Dr. Who: The Impossible Astronaut *Spoilers*
« Reply #53 on: September 03, 2011, 10:02:49 PM »
Terrible episode. Most disappointing line: "Good to all be together again, in the flesh". Moffat, stop.


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Re: Dr. Who: The Impossible Astronaut *Spoilers*
« Reply #54 on: September 17, 2011, 11:50:20 PM »
The departure (although they'll probably be back for the conclusion) was done so poorly. I care about Amy less than I cared about Rose (older Amy was good), meaning I really don't care about Amy. But Rory is by far the best companion in New Who. And you don't even give him a goodbye. The special effects were detractive at best. I don't care about the weird camera angles given the scenario and eluding the the maze, but jumping around so much was just annoying. The plot was pretty bad too: it was gimmicky and didn't make sense, even for dw. I don't care about explanations, but getting a B doesn't make me want to worship an alien. The switch from fear to faith was seemingly random, but I'm not too annoyed about that. I'm annoyed that it kind of contradicts the best episode of all time. Different doctor, whatever, but that had to have been intentional. It's like the 3rd most famous episode. Every line seemed forced: So old I forgot my name! HAR HAR HAR I WAS REFERRING TO THE DOCTOR HAR HAR HAR.

This entire season has been awful, actually. TGWW was decent and the Doctor's Wife was the best episode since Curse of Fenric, but if they do this next season I'm not watching anymore. And I'm actually serious about that. The Silence: great idea, terrible ending. River: One of Moffat's best ideas, totally rushed and done SOOO POORLY. The Doctor's Death: SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BAAAAAAAAAD. You can't just kill people to add drama, you're not writing soaps anymore. Same with the love triangle. The worst thing is he's making it totally obvious, given the shoes/tweed/bowtie or the more subtle things like the apples or cloister bell. He said there's not going to be any loose ends by the end of the season, which means he gets to rush everything in a few episodes. Joy. He still has to end River, his death, Madam Korvian, and the Silence (this is almost surely over, but I can hope). This might be a good thing, although. If he's in such a hurry to end everything and grab new companions it probably means he realizes how terrible this season has been.

There were a few positives. The room numbers were clever. And Rory is now cemented as the best companion of new who. The title had a clever dual meaning.

/end rant. Also, triple posts ftw.

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Re: Dr. Who: The Impossible Astronaut *Spoilers*
« Reply #55 on: September 18, 2011, 12:09:04 AM »
The departure ... was done so poorly...Rory is by far the best companion in New Who. And you don't even give him a goodbye.
I'll grant you that point.  I am assuming that there will be a better goodbye in a future episode, and this is more of a "timeout" :)

The special effects were detractive at best.
Dr. Who has NEVER been about the SE.  It was popular for 40 years with the worst SE imaginable, anything in the last 6 seasons is SOOOOO much better that I'll never complain about that.

The plot was pretty bad too: it was gimmicky and didn't make sense, even for dw. I don't care about explanations, but getting a B doesn't make me want to worship an alien.
I think the idea there was that she was afraid of her father (not uncommon probably in her culture), and that her way of dealing with that fear was to focus on her faith.

The switch from fear to faith was seemingly random, but I'm not too annoyed about that. I'm annoyed that it kind of contradicts the best episode of all time. Different doctor, whatever, but that had to have been intentional. It's like the 3rd most famous episode.
I actually thought that was really clever as I didn't see it coming, but then it made a lot more sense than just fear.  I realized that the clues were there (ie. the dice and horseshoe), but I hadn't put the pieces together.  As for contradicting another episode, I must have not seen that one, because I don't know what you're talking about.

The worst thing is he's making it totally obvious, given the shoes/tweed/bowtie or the more subtle things like the apples or cloister bell.
Again, you've lost me.  Are you reading this stuff on a DW forum or something?

There were a few positives. The room numbers were clever.
I assume the 11 was because this is the 11th incarnation of the doctor, but what was the deal with the other rooms?

The title had a clever dual meaning.
I thought that was awesome.  The whole episode I thought it was talking about the monster, until I got to the end and realized that it was talking equally about the doctor.

I also thought the shot at the end of him in the Tardis alone, without any companions was really strong.  I also liked his mention of "grown-ups" as he is much like Peter Pan all the time.  And him calling Amy, "Amy Williams" for the first time was also a very powerful line.  There was just a lot of good stuff in this episode!


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Re: Dr. Who: The Impossible Astronaut *Spoilers*
« Reply #56 on: September 18, 2011, 12:37:56 AM »
Dr. Who has NEVER been about the SE.  It was popular for 40 years with the worst SE imaginable, anything in the last 6 seasons is SOOOOO much better that I'll never complain about that.
I'm a bigger fan of old who than new who. I was talking about all the zooming around and slow motion (I really disliked the slow motion in The Girl Who Waited, also).

I actually thought that was really clever as I didn't see it coming, but then it made a lot more sense than just fear.  I realized that the clues were there (ie. the dice and horseshoe), but I hadn't put the pieces together.  As for contradicting another episode, I must have not seen that one, because I don't know what you're talking about.
7th Doctor - The Curse of Fenric. You should probably go watch it because it's the best episode except for maybe The Caves of Androzani or Genesis of the Daleks, but if not, spoilers: Faith plays a huge part in The Curse of Fenric. The foes are repelled by it and it's noted how important it is. Eventually the Doctor has to break Ace's faith in him (Ace is the reason I dislike Rose, but that is beside the point) in order to save her, and then she goes all emo about it. After they leave, he explains how he had to do it and faith in him is important.

In The God Complex, the doctor thinks the foe is repelled by it and notes how important it is. Eventually, the Doctor has to break Amy's faith in him in order to save her. After they leave, he indicates you shouldn't have faith in him. Different doctors (although, the 11th is probably the closest to the 7th), but it's just disappointing to see him come to different conclusions from the same situation when regarding such an iconic episode.

Again, you've lost me.  Are you reading this stuff on a DW forum or something?
The Doctor(s) have been wearing different clothing. They have different shoes and a different jacket, one is wearing a bowtie. As for the apples, this Doctor hates apples. He ate one this episode. These are just my observations and talking with friends online, although a couple of them watch a lot more Doctor Who than I and likely are on a few forums. I've been told that they have pretty different personalities when wearing different clothing, but I haven't looked that far in.

There were a few positives. The room numbers were clever.
Rory's Exit was explained, The Doctor is 11 because he's the 11th doctor, and there's also the 11th hour. Amy was 7 because she was 7 when she met the doctor, 7 also has a different meaning I can't remember off the top of my head. There's probably a few others, but I haven't rewatched the episode yet and I didn't pay special attention to it.

I thought that was awesome.  The whole episode I thought it was talking about the monster, until I got to the end and realized that it was talking equally about the doctor.
Well, it was pretty early on Rita told him he had a God Complex...... but I was referring to how complex is an ambiguous term. It meant not only having a God Complex, but running around a Complex built by a race that thinks of themselves as Gods (making the building a God Complex).
« Last Edit: September 18, 2011, 12:43:53 AM by Rawrlolsauce! »


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Re: Dr. Who: The Impossible Astronaut *Spoilers*
« Reply #57 on: September 18, 2011, 11:18:16 AM »
I missed the cloister bell.

I thought the episode was decent. I think this season has great episodes, if taken separately with the season, but in context are awful. Conceptually, they are all very good.

7th Doctor - The Curse of Fenric. You should probably go watch it because it's the best episode except for maybe The Caves of Androzani...
Caves of Androzani is an awful episode.

In The God Complex, the doctor thinks the foe is repelled by it and notes how important it is. Eventually, the Doctor has to break Amy's faith in him in order to save her. After they leave, he indicates you shouldn't have faith in him. Different doctors (although, the 11th is probably the closest to the 7th), but it's just disappointing to see him come to different conclusions from the same situation when regarding such an iconic episode.
Not to mention contradicting last season. "You need to trust me Amy, it's never been more important..."
The problem wasn't that the monster fed off of faith, but that he accepted faith to be bad just because one monster treated it differently. He did, however, tell Amy the truth: The Doctor is not a hero...he's not a good man. That's what we've been saying all along...

Conspiracy theory time...


And then it'll be the flesh doctor.


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Re: Dr. Who: The Impossible Astronaut *Spoilers*
« Reply #58 on: September 18, 2011, 12:59:16 PM »
Rory is going to kill the doctor. They're not exactly friends anymore. The Doctor also said "It's okay, I know who you are". That wouldn't make sense if it was himself or River: as he would already know and River wouldn't know him yet. River gets mad and wants revenge, so she kills Rory. The best man she's ever known. I don't care how unlikely this is. I can hope.


Another thing that suggests the flesh doctor (which I hate, Moffat....) is the Rubick's Cube. In Night Terrors he fails to solve one and says something like "I hate these things". In The God Complex he solves it.

Also, I believe Amy also had 7 rooms in her house. Don't quote me on that, though. This was from memory and I don't feel like checking.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2011, 01:04:20 PM by Rawrlolsauce! »


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Re: Dr. Who: The Impossible Astronaut *Spoilers*
« Reply #59 on: September 18, 2011, 01:46:15 PM »
Another thing that suggests the flesh doctor (which I hate, Moffat....) is the Rubick's Cube. In Night Terrors he fails to solve one and says something like "I hate these things". In The God Complex he solves it.
When are they switching? They also showed a close up of the Doctor's shoes, did they not?

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Re: Dr. Who: The Impossible Astronaut *Spoilers*
« Reply #60 on: September 18, 2011, 09:05:20 PM »
7th Doctor - The Curse of Fenric. ..the Doctor has to break Ace's faith in order to save her, and then ...he explains how he had to do it and faith in him is important.

In The God Complex, ...the Doctor has to break Amy's faith in him in order to save her. After they leave, he indicates you shouldn't have faith in him..
I'm not sure that is so much of a contradiction as it is an amazing growth in character.  Perhaps in the time between the 7th Doctor and the present one, he has realized his own fallibility and weakness.  Perhaps he has come to realize that (at least in one sense) he is NOT always a "good man" anymore (your welcome for buying in RW).  This certainly seems to be the conclusion that he's coming to when he makes statements about kidnapping children with candy (this episode) and asking to see someone whose life he hasn't totally messed up when he thought he was dying (last episode).  It also goes with the earlier episodes that talked about how the word Doctor in the future represents something scary and warlike instead of good and helpful.  It also fits with the episode a long time ago with the "Dream Lord" who turned out to be the doctor himself, but whom he admitted hated himself more than anyone else possibly could.

It seems to me that the Doctor is going through a process in the last couple seasons of really dealing with who he really is, and whether his affect on the universe is positive or negative.  This seems to me to be a really good thing for a character such as his to go through, and I'm curious to see how it will all turn out :)


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Re: Dr. Who: The Impossible Astronaut *Spoilers*
« Reply #61 on: September 19, 2011, 01:02:49 PM »
Well, firstly, the Doctor has known he's not a good man, even the past incarnations. He's explained why he takes companions (besides the fact he gets lonely): He needs someone to stop him from wrong doing. He also says he was a bad person during the time war.

Most of the new fans haven't seen the Curse of Fenric, despite it being the best episode. They don't go "Hey!!! This represents change from 20 years ago!!". Moffat (and whoever else was the writer) went out of there way to parallel it. It's a given that the doctors are different, so it doesn't even represent change. It was just a reference that they murdered at the end.

And the random switch to "Don't have faith in me!" is still really confusing me considering they've been setting the Doctor up as a Christ figure (killed on Good Friday, betrayed by River with a Kiss, her lipstick was derived from the Judas Tree). I hope Moffat doesn't give him some sort of metaphorical resurrection. So overdone.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2011, 01:10:54 PM by Rawrlolsauce! »


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Re: Dr. Who: The Impossible Astronaut *Spoilers*
« Reply #62 on: September 19, 2011, 01:21:53 PM »
And the random switch to "Don't have faith in me!" is still really confusing me considering they've been setting the Doctor up as a Christ figure (killed on Good Friday, betrayed by River with a Kiss, her lipstick was derived from the Judas Tree). I hope Moffat doesn't give him some sort of metaphorical resurrection. So overdone.
I've noticed that as well. The Master could be resurrected...but that was done by somebody else. Is The Doctor going to defeat death when he's dead? Unlikely. It's obviously the flesh doctor...


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Re: Dr. Who: The Impossible Astronaut *Spoilers*
« Reply #63 on: September 19, 2011, 01:28:27 PM »
Is The Doctor going to defeat death when he's dead? Unlikely. It's obviously the flesh doctor...
I really hope it's all a red herring and the Doctor doesn't die to the astronaut.

On the note of the master, you should know his name was Koschei, if you're familiar with Russian Folklore.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2011, 01:31:06 PM by Rawrlolsauce! »

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Re: Dr. Who: The Impossible Astronaut *Spoilers*
« Reply #64 on: September 24, 2011, 02:29:47 AM »
7th Doctor - The Curse of Fenric. You should probably go watch it because it's the best episode
P.S.  You've talked about this episode so often that you've gotten my curiosity up.  Can you post a link where I can watch it?


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Re: Dr. Who: The Impossible Astronaut *Spoilers*
« Reply #65 on: September 24, 2011, 10:51:44 AM »
7th Doctor - The Curse of Fenric. You should probably go watch it because it's the best episode
P.S.  You've talked about this episode so often that you've gotten my curiosity up.  Can you post a link where I can watch it?

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Re: Dr. Who: The Impossible Astronaut *Spoilers*
« Reply #66 on: September 24, 2011, 02:58:29 PM »
Actually I think I found it on Youtube here.  I'm only on part 3 so far, but the plot doesn't seem all that great yet, and the acting is just horrible.


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Re: Dr. Who: The Impossible Astronaut *Spoilers*
« Reply #67 on: September 25, 2011, 12:20:57 AM »
Are you kidding? The plot is easily better than anything in New Who and likely the best since The Caves of Androzani. And if that's bad acting, I don't want to know what you think about Karen Gillian. There's a reason it's widely considered the best episode. Mostly because Ace is probably the best companion of all time (besides Rory, potentially) and the 7th doctor is top percentage.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2011, 12:36:23 AM by Rawrlolsauce! »


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Re: Dr. Who: The Impossible Astronaut *Spoilers*
« Reply #68 on: September 25, 2011, 12:24:18 AM »
Plot is great once you get to the end.

Ace is phenomenal, and Sylvester McCoy is (IN THE HOBBIT) a fantastic doctor. It's a great episode once you look past the oldness of it.

The Caves of Androzani is worse than...Gridlock.


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Re: Dr. Who: The Impossible Astronaut *Spoilers*
« Reply #69 on: September 25, 2011, 01:00:14 AM »
My thoughts on the new episode. Spoilers, maybe

HILARIOUS. Funniest episode by far. Soooo many good jokes and scenes.

Still disappointed by Moffat. But this is really seems like the best it can be given this season so far. Unless he lied.

Arthur and Karen are contracted for next season. Hopefully that's a lie, I think Moffat needs a fresh start, as much as I love Rory. Petrichor is a good sign. The smell after dust and water meet. Pond and River? Although, I wouldn't mind more River. But on that note.........


Soooooooo disappointed by the astronaut. Tried to convince myself it wouldn't be sooo bad.

Stormageddon? That'd be the perfect name for The Doctor. Who knows, it might be important in the future.

Best case scenario: The Doctor doesn't die at the lake, and the flesh was a red herring. Worst case scenario: Moffat herps so hard he derps flesh flesh herp derp.


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Re: Dr. Who: The Impossible Astronaut *Spoilers*
« Reply #70 on: September 26, 2011, 12:50:32 AM »
I watched it with headphones on. My family laughed at my random outbursts of laughter. This was hands down the funniest episode. Of all time.

Hate Cybermen. I'm a racist.

Yeah, I like the silence still being in play. Epic.

Stormageddon is now my alternate name on Facebook. I really want to straight up change my name legally...

Again, individually, these episodes have been fantastic. This season has the best fillers of any Who season, hands down. The Doctor's Wife, The Girl who Waited, The God Complex, and now Closing Time. Phenomenal.

Best case scenario: The Doctor doesn't die at the lake, and the flesh was a red herring. Worst case scenario: Moffat herps so hard he derps flesh flesh herp derp.
Dead Doctor has black shoes. What color was the Flesh Doctor's?
Rewatching The Almost People...he mentions Cyber Mats randomly.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 01:38:50 AM by Ring Wraith »


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Re: Dr. Who: The Impossible Astronaut *Spoilers*
« Reply #71 on: September 26, 2011, 02:29:19 AM »
Stormageddon is now my alternate name on Facebook. I really want to straight up change my name legally...
The Time War can be viewed as Armageddon by the Doctor, and he was in the center of it while the Time Lords and Daleks died. The Daleks feared the Doctor. So much, in fact, he was called The Oncoming Storm in their myths. Important? Unlikely, but I can hope.

Again, individually, these episodes have been fantastic. This season has the best fillers of any Who season, hands down. The Doctor's Wife, The Girl who Waited, The God Complex, and now Closing Time. Phenomenal.
There's been one TOP PERCENTAGE episode (The Doctor's Wife) and two fantastic episodes (The Girl Who Waited, Closing Time). A couple good episodes (A Good Man Goes to War, Let's Kill Hitler). Then a bunch of mediocre episodes that make me cringe (everything I don't list). Oh, and then episodes that just make me sadface because they're so bad (Curse of the Black Spot, A Christmas Carol, The Almost People). Maybe AGMGTW should be up there with TGWW and CT. The Rory-Sontaran scene was brilliant and the Madam Vastra-whoeverthathumanwasIforgothername relationship was good. (And on that note, The Doctor's fall was good. Just not in that episode).

My thing dislike of this season is two fold: You can't just kill people, and you can't rush things. River Song is sooo rushed, and for a season that was suppose to be about the silence, there's been very little silence. As for the killing, that's my biggest dislike. In old Who main characters died and it was okay, you just don't see them anymore. Moffat is killing ERRYONE. Seriously. The Doctor has died multiple times, Amy has died, Rory has died multiple times. That's three of the four main characters that have died. The fourth one died too, YEAH. HE KILLED THE TARDIS, WHAT'S UP WITH THAT YO?

Dead Doctor has black shoes. What color was the Flesh Doctor's?
I'm pretty convinced it isn't the Flesh. I think there's three options

A) Flesh
1) Doctor doesn't die
A1) Deus ex machina

A: Seems like the most obvious answer, but it just seems so bad. It doesn't fit with the Doctor (the flesh BECOMES the Doctor, and it isn't like the Doctor to let himself die. The only way to avoid this would be to employ B or C also, which is unnecessary). It's also boring, but has the Rubick's Cube/Apples/Shoes/Ties/Jackets to back it up.

1: Seems like a much better option. You can avoid the death and any paradoxes and tie some loose ends together with it. And it's not going to be shocking like a brick wall, there's been some subtle clues. Such as what the Doctor says about the future in TGWW (you can change the future by knowing it) and what Amy/Canton say in the Impossible Astronaut (A: What if it's like a copy of the Doctor or something? C: I know the Doctor, and that's no copy).

A1: This is Moffat, not Davies.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 02:37:56 AM by Rawrlolsauce! »


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Re: Dr. Who: The Impossible Astronaut *Spoilers*
« Reply #72 on: September 26, 2011, 09:30:29 AM »
Again, individually, these episodes have been fantastic. This season has the best fillers of any Who season, hands down. The Doctor's Wife, The Girl who Waited, The God Complex, and now Closing Time. Phenomenal.
There's been one TOP PERCENTAGE episode (The Doctor's Wife) and two fantastic episodes (The Girl Who Waited, Closing Time). A couple good episodes (A Good Man Goes to War, Let's Kill Hitler). Then a bunch of mediocre episodes that make me cringe (everything I don't list). Oh, and then episodes that just make me sadface because they're so bad (Curse of the Black Spot, A Christmas Carol, The Almost People). Maybe AGMGTW should be up there with TGWW and CT. The Rory-Sontaran scene was brilliant and the Madam Vastra-whoeverthathumanwasIforgothername relationship was good. (And on that note, The Doctor's fall was good. Just not in that episode).
That's way more than most seasons. The flesh series was awful, but I didn't mind The Black Spot and A Christmas Carol. They weren't Gridlock bad, at least.

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Re: Dr. Who: The Impossible Astronaut *Spoilers*
« Reply #73 on: September 26, 2011, 09:54:39 AM »
Community had a spoof of Doctor Who for one of their scenes: Inspector Spaceman. Nothing too elaborate, but I thought it was funny.

Carry on.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 11:04:53 AM by Professoralstad »
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Re: Dr. Who: The Impossible Astronaut *Spoilers*
« Reply #74 on: September 26, 2011, 10:20:28 AM »
My first impressions of "The Curse of Fenric" (major spoilers included).

Are you kidding? The plot is easily better than anything in New Who...
Maybe I'm just missing something, but it seemed to be your basic zombie movie formula to me.  You have young teenage girls who don't listen to their mother, and sneak off to go swimming where they are overcome with the "curse of Fenric" and turn into vampires.  Then they and the other vampires go around killing everyone else except those who have true faith.  Of course the pastor of the church doesn't have true faith in God, but the Russian soldier does have true faith in the revolution of the workers.

Mostly because Ace is probably the best companion of all time (besides Rory, potentially) and the 7th doctor is top percentage.
Ace is the opposite of a subtle character.  She keeps talking about how she hates her mother (giving the emotional angst required), and using her bag full of explosives (giving the bad girl flavor).  Yet for all her toughness, she is reduced to tears and completely loses faith in the Doctor because he insults her ability to pass a Chemistry test.

And the doctor is equally lacking in subtlety.  He is dressed more like the Riddler in Batman, than a Doctor.  The sweater with all the questions, and the umbrella with a HUGE question mark handle.  And considering that there have only been about 11 Doctors, it is not possible to be "top percentage" unless you are the BEST one.  And that guy was definitely NOT better than Tom Baker or David Tennant or Matt Smith, in my book, and I know that most polls would agree with me (at least about Baker and Tennant).

His grand solution was to challenge the dark lord to a chess game (sounds like Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey) and get one bad guy to kill the other bad guy.  The Russian with "true faith" turned out to be destined for dark-lord-hood himself.  The big surprise revelation was that the cute baby turned out to be Ace's hated mother.  I just really wasn't impressed overall, and that was without even mentioning the special effects looking like the costume director had got everything at the half-off sale after halloween, and all the guns sounding like Red Rider BB guns.


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