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I would watch it if I could. But unfortunately I think the YouTube stream is only for the "preshow".If someone finds a way to actually watch the thing legally online (for those of us who don't get BBC:America), then by all means, please post it here
For those of us not in "the know" I was finding it hard to believe that you were celebrating the assassination of JFK. I now see the subtle "Who" in there. I guess that would explain why the special is not being aired on normal American TV, with the coincidental anniversary date.
wasn't this one of the fixed points in history that couldn't be changed?
The Daleks completely destroyed each other in the crossfire?
I kind of wish that the Bad Wolf thing had simply shown a vision of what the future would be, and then The Warrior regenerated into Peter Capaldi, making Tennant and Smith (and Ecclestan, but he's less important) only exist in a parallel universe where Gallifrey is destroyed. They could still freeze the universe without those 2, as they would still many doctors. We would then resume the timeline under Capaldi, the 9th (ish) Doctor.
Also, wasn't this one of the fixed points in history that couldn't be changed? I feel like that was mentioned somewhere in the line, but I have no idea where (time to rewatch the series, I guess).
Furthermore, I thought it was already stated that Matt Smith will die in the Christmas Special, and regenerate into Capaldi, but I suppose it could be an implied red herring.
The war doctor was about to press the button when the other two doctors showed up, found another way around, then the war doctor regenerated into Nine immediately after. Since Eleven is the only doctor to remember this series of events
Actually what I read today is that Matt Smith is actually the 13th Doctor. So perhaps John Hurt DID regenerate into Capaldi. Or perhaps Moffat is doing something to totally change the whole limitation of 12 regenerations.
Numbers here are counting regenerations:William Hartnell --1-- Patrick Troughton --2-- Jon Pertwee --3 --Tom Baker -- 4 -- Peter Davison --5-- Colin Baker --6-- Sylvester McCoy --7-- Paul McGann --8-- John Hurt --9-- Christopher Eccleston --10-- David Tennant --11-- Matt Smith --12-- Peter Capaldi
I feel like at some point along a thread spoilers should be unnecessary. If anyone is really upset that someone spoiled something, they should understand by this point in the thread that it's their own fault.
Quote from: Lamborghini_diablo on November 25, 2013, 09:57:13 AMNumbers here are counting regenerations:William Hartnell --1-- Patrick Troughton --2-- Jon Pertwee --3 --Tom Baker -- 4 -- Peter Davison --5-- Colin Baker --6-- Sylvester McCoy --7-- Paul McGann --8-- John Hurt --9-- Christopher Eccleston --10-- David Tennant --11-- Matt Smith --12-- Peter CapaldiAccording to Moffat, Tennant used up an extra regeneration, so we therefore are already out.
Additionally, I'm not sure I like a Doctor that doesn't have a dark past. It thickened the character. Gave him purpose.