Author Topic: New Testament themes  (Read 1357 times)

Offline DDiceRC

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New Testament themes
« on: September 02, 2009, 08:53:01 AM »
Which NT themes do you think would make viable options for a deck? There seem to be few that have enough cards to make something workable. I'm not looking for a full deck, but for a hero or EC theme by itself (although comments on full decks are welcome). Some options I see (without comment on their value):

Apostles (perhaps limited brigades?)
NT women
NT prophets
Luke/John heroes
NT angels (Apocalypse deck, maybe?)
Epistles heroes (haven't thought about how this would work)
NT demons

I'm sure of two things: that I've missed some concepts, and that some of these wouldn't work. It seems NT makes for a better defense than offense.

All ideas welcome!
Redemption Curmudgeon
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Offline TimMierz

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Re: New Testament themes
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2009, 09:18:53 AM »
A very popular offense in recent years is using The Garden Tomb (a broken card from Rock of Ages), often alongside another small but effective offense. It took the top couple places of Type I 2-player at Nationals in 2009, for instance.

Gold Luke Heroes seem like they'd work awesome with Greeks, primarily because of Abomination of Desolation and Luke Heroes' tendency to make the opponent draw.

Romans have proven themselves very effective in the past; I'm not sure how the last two sets have affected them other than Romans Destroy Jerusalem.

Stephen has been talking up Sadducees as being ridiculawesome, but I haven't seen them in practice. Some like to use Crown of Thorns and High Priests' Palace to reduce Sadducees to 1/0 and get almost guaranteed initiative.

The others, I'm not sure they have much strength behind them at this time, but I'm no authority.
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