Author Topic: Meta shift?  (Read 7411 times)

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Meta shift?
« on: December 13, 2021, 04:46:21 PM »
Hey everyone, I have spoken to quite a few of the active players for their input to gather with what I have seen and thought. It seems like the meta is still being defined pre-GoC but moving forward people will have to work towards their rescues. I think green/gold will be extremely strong moving forward. It also seems that people have realized just how good Awesome Ride is. Here is a list of a few of my favorite "solidified" attacks/setups, you'll notice they all include (in some way) green/gold.

Falling Away + Elijah
Awesome Ride + Impartial Judgement
The First Sacrifice + Jeremiah band
The First Sacrifice + The Mighty Warrior
Body Armor + The Mighty Warrior (credit to Derek and Brayden, you get to toss something when they block, or you get to snag a card from top 7, then toss, or you get to toss a GE against them, and they have to toss their first EE)
Teaching in Parables + Eleazar or Jeremiah band
The Potter and the Clay + Eleazar (draw a little, bump up Eleazar 11/11 = 19/21 tosser) I have also said in the past that Cornelius + toss is amazing, Jay loves this play as well.
Isaiah + Out of Bethlehem (seems difficult to pull off, but in theory it should not be. Isaiah makes this CBN, ItB, discard all evil in battle)

Jacob + Numerous as the Stars to set up "lockdown" heroes, not a rescue but you can use this to get your rescues or set up your territory to limit the opponent.

Others that require a little set-up or help.
Noah + Goshen (no clue as to why this isn't played, it is very strong. I can play whatever I want, most of your enhancements are prevented/tossed)
Hananiah + Body Armor (this takes more set up, Purple King + another GE to toss in hand)
The Destroyer band with Plague of Boils seems like a guaranteed rescue to me, or a very strong momentum change/pressure attack.
Elijah to Elisha with The First Sacrifice then a band to Malachi to get back The First Sacrifice won't take long to whittle the opponent's defense in a matter of two attacks.

None of this includes Phase 1 GoC themes, just 1 card  8)

Now, if you can take what I gave and for what is possible (i.e. not lone toss heroes) and create flexible bands/decks that can get these small attacks out quickly, you should be able to punch through rather easily. Also, pretty much everything I posted has the ability to use other brigades or interacts with other brigades.

Daniel, the Apocalyptist banded to Michael, Chief Prince is an amazing attack, but that band can do wonders. Servants by the River, and Captain of the Host can set up for some nice additions, you can also swap in others at the expense of losing Michael's toss. Personally, Daniel, Michael to Captain is strong enough, IMO, heck, Daniel to Michael is strong enough. You can easily make that band Daniel-centered and gain all the abilities of Daniel heroes.

Based on what is available right now, I would say this would be a great basis for a T1 offense:
Manasseh, the Humbled

Jeremiah, Hope Bringer
The Mighty Warrior (Reserve)
David, Outcast's Refuge
Joshua, the Conqueror (Reserve)
Captain of the Host
Jehoshaphat, the Seeker
Eleazar, the Vessel
Mighty Men
The Angel of the Winds
Daniel, the Apocalyptist
Noah, the Righteous
Zerubbabel, the Builder
Eliud, the Revolutionary

Impartial Judgement
The Potter and the Clay (Reserve)
Zerubbabel's Plumb Line
Solomon's Dream
The First Sacrifice
Offering Your Son
The Emmaus Road
Gathered Together

Support cards I would recommend to add:
Book of the Law
Oath of Purity
Awesome Ride

This build gives you a lot of flexibility with banding, sets up some strong attacks, can get through the deck pretty quickly, and attacks the opponent in numerous ways. The banding will be the strongest aspect of the game, and that does not change with this deck. Some of the strongest heroes in the game can all be incorporated together with mix and match bands. End most bands with Noah, Jeremiah, Daniel, or Elijah to negate, toss, or CtB. Jehoshaphat being able to bounce who you need really helps with Noah and setting up for Impartial Judgement. Impartial Judgement on Noah is a really good play, David to Jeremiah with Impartial Judgement is even better, IMO. Attack with Noah one turn, use Zerubbabel, bounce and play Eleazar/Eliud as meek, and you set up IJ just fine. Zerubbabel to Eliud plus IJ is also very good. I've rambled on enough, let me know what you all like, don't like, or have had success with thus far in rotation.

Offline Reth

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Re: Meta shift?
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2021, 06:00:47 PM »
This is a really interesting summary! - Did not yet get into any of all these details and options but at least for Goshen and Noah I also tried to get sth. together - but did not follow this very much yet. It needs deliberate setup of own defense too since opponent also might attack with meek and/or patriarchs. So not all defenses might be equally viable. It also needs backup options since several defenses are setup mostly mono-brigade meanwhile (due to rotation).

As for IJ: So at most 3 meek heroes for it to count (maybe sometimes even only 2) - right? Usually this should be enough to get rid of pesky evil cards in opponent's hand - but still some small risk left IMO.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2021, 06:11:19 PM by Reth »

Offline MarshallMatters

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Re: Meta shift?
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2021, 09:37:02 AM »
Ok Question What makes Cornelius + toss amazing. Like why is it better then any other random character tossing?

Also i completely agree with the giant banding chains still being king as long as you have your way around FW and a way to stop scattered cards (all 6 of them?) then these are still hard to block

Ive been enjoying the Exodus CBN play first bands that are out - they seem very strong to me as soon as i can figure out the consistancy pieces.

Also I think Love plus Devouring Philistines Combo will be in the meta eventually, that is just too strong of a tide changer not to make an appearance (Credit Jeremy Chambers for being the first one to show me that) Credit to Jay chambers to be the first one to discard 9 cards from his territory :)

One last question for discussion. What are the best single hero attacks. Im wondering if an old fashion deck with a bunch of two card battle winners can be effective again. like michael playing interupts and winning CBN or the old days when you played cov with moses on moses for a win. what other single hero's have amazing plays?

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Re: Meta shift?
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2021, 11:09:10 AM »
How does a defense beat toss? Why do toss heroes say if alone, or they have a one time toss? It's because tossing in bands are too strong, and what beats tossing overall? Numbers. So, if a hero can negate characters, aka stop their banding ( a la Cornelius) then the person who is built for toss mitigates the chance that the opponent can block if they cannot band.

Tossing, Coliseum, a new card, protection, pre-rescue look at hand (The First Sacrifice and similar cards), are all still ways around scattered like cards. I do think more meek protection bands become prevalent. People need to lose to these style decks before they shift to them, and then people start getting creative.

Exodus is very strong. Play first is very strong. CBN enhancements are very strong. Moses to Aaron to Phinehas to Jehoshaphat to The Destroyer is a CBN play first band that has the ability to grab what it needs (Moses' Staff). That's a 5 hero band but that's easy to set up. Also, you get whatever plague you need, you get to play first, it's CBN and regardless of protect. You lose The Exodus unity, but I think that's ok with that band.

Jay and Jeremy showed you Devouring Philistines? That cuts me to the core Luke. Brian Jones and I came up with that deck, I think Josh or someone else commented on that card when it came out, and then I ran it in a very successful T2 until Jay ran Judges (go figure) against my Phillies and Phillies didn't have any real banding back then so I got shredded by Auto-Gideon/Sam-Edict x4. That deck rolled through everyone else and could set up a Devouring Philistines play very early. I have had people say you don't want that play early, but you can wipe their territory early and force them to hold characters, hint hint Priests of Christ RoJ is clay and works wonders in that deck. Holy Grail already works in that deck so get devouring out early, mid-game, late game, whatever game, it works. I prefer that combo slightly early in T2 (turn 3-4) after they have a slightly established board and then I go for the wipe. Even if they have protection it wipes their protection and everything else. My favorite play was banding in a second.  ;D

Jeremiah + Sins Forgotten is a very strong attack, Jeremiah + Two Bears as well. Jeremiah + Sins is a CBN mass negate and remove those EE's with a draw 2, with 2/2 numbers, all after a presumed toss.

Humble Seeker setup is great, Humble to a protected big meek hero (Post-e's has plenty) with a simple CBN meek negate is great. Humble Seeker to meek with Royal Parade is probably the better play though. Music Leader, Mary, Joseph, Humble Seeker can set up a lot of value (Windows of Narrow Light/WoP) for ongoing layered protection while recurring Royal Parade with a protected block.

Moses, Friend of God with new cards will be very strong going forward.

Phase 1 has a lot of strong rescues for single heroes.

Elijah in general is really good. The CtB is great, but I still don't get why people don't include Elisha, that band is amazing. Elijah, CtB, with the same Jeremiah support cards is awesome. Jeremiah with the look to know when to play Faith of Samuel is great to then band in Elijah + Elisha.

Noah + Royal Parade, especially with layered protection, is very strong.

Heck, now that clay is about to run rampant, Peter + Elymas will be the new Phinehas + Zeal.

People should also realize Elisha + Two Bears is usually CBN in T1.

I think GoC will bring back TSA RoJ with some strong Revelation enhancements, that was always a good attack. Any CBN hero is good moving forward, and there's not much.

The Ruth offense offers a lot of layers to get through. TC protection, strong fortress support, add to battle, Ruth is a CBN hero, arguably the best potential bander in the game, easy to setup, David, Heart After God, there's a lot of great rescues with Ruth in general. If you can peak at their hand, Ruth + Marriage Covenant can be amazing.

Moses CoW + numerous cloud enhancements will be a strong play. If you look at what is CBN for GE's, it's not much. Cloud enhancements actually have a couple, and Moses offering what he does multiple negates/interrupts will be a strong play. Once again, he also has TC protection. A strong play for him is to play Temple Dedication, then attack with Moses from hand. With all the bouncing, that is an easy rescue that allows you to have a CBN protected negate all hero with enhancement support...not too shabby. Cloud enhancements are also clay, so a Moses + clay GoC pairing could be very interesting.

Ok, I think I have given up enough secrets!

Anytime you can have layers to get through, CBN heroes, protected heroes, toss, or negate all,

Offline The Schaefer

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Re: Meta shift?
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2021, 12:11:41 PM »
I wouldn't be surprised if Jacob, follower of God started seeing play outside of Genesis themes. A CBI band to any meek hero plus the ability to search out an enhancement seems pretty good to me. With all the meek support out there surely it can be taken advantage of.

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Re: Meta shift?
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2021, 12:29:52 PM »
Jacob, Follower of God (with all the ways to get out Genesis heroes) to a meek hero is great, it also offers a lot of brigade options. Snagging a Genesis card (Abe's Servant/Descendant seems good there) plus a 9/9+ meek hero is a solid attack.

Speaking of Joe Schaefer, we just talked about Mordecai and Mordecai plus Royal Parade would fall into the very strong one hero + enhancement category.

Offline Reth

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Re: Meta shift?
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2021, 12:33:49 PM »
IMO Mordecai sees far too less play ATM (at least in T1) - so somewhat underrated. He also stops Am's slave or Deceiver. Does he see much play in T2 (I could imagine he is stronger in that format)?

Offline MarshallMatters

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Re: Meta shift?
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2021, 12:47:20 PM »

Speaking of Joe Schaefer, we just talked about Mordecai and Mordecai plus Royal Parade would fall into the very strong one hero + enhancement category.

Yes! Mordecai! perfect because he is exactly the kind of character Im talking about. I dont think ive even read the first part of his abbility before. What a great solo option, thank you My single hero deck is coming along nicely :)

What about D-Fence outside of gray? Any one find anythin busted like ways to generate for sure blocks (FW or medium to KOT level good?)

Offline The Schaefer

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Re: Meta shift?
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2021, 12:59:58 PM »

Speaking of Joe Schaefer, we just talked about Mordecai and Mordecai plus Royal Parade would fall into the very strong one hero + enhancement category.

Yes! Mordecai! perfect because he is exactly the kind of character Im talking about. I dont think ive even read the first part of his abbility before. What a great solo option, thank you My single hero deck is coming along nicely :)

What about D-Fence outside of gray? Any one find anythin busted like ways to generate for sure blocks (FW or medium to KOT level good?)

Yeah mordecai is sneaky good. So many meta ECs are affected by his protect ability and CBN stuff is pretty good. Stops evil draw if its an EC on an enhs used by one..Faith unbowed is another Royal Parade like card for him.

I've seen the Serpent + Serpents Curse alot. I like esau and scattered/carcasses. If hand protection is super common theres plenty of characters that can take advantage of that.

So crimson has some stuff. Im not sure how many for sure blocks there are in rotation period though tbh.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2021, 04:19:07 PM by The Schaefer »

Offline Reth

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Re: Meta shift?
« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2021, 03:08:22 PM »
Don't want to overstress this - but anybody else already thought about Mordecai with Joy played on him to make the protection also CBN?  ;)

@MarshallMatters: Already curious about your single hero deck and how you will equip it with GEs and support cards.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2021, 03:12:05 PM by Reth »


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