Author Topic: Lafs Cheeze T2 Creation style (lots of explanations)  (Read 7188 times)

Offline The Schaefer

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Lafs Cheeze T2 Creation style (lots of explanations)
« on: July 01, 2021, 11:49:29 AM »
So I want to start off with saying Im sorry to the community that this wasn't put out sooner. I personally wanted the core of this combo banned/errataed out of existence and in doing so I put my efforts more into trying to break the idea rather than letting the community deal with this as a whole. I want to personally thank the Chambers brothers and CtheTree for all their hard work on this and for agreeing to go public with what we found for the general good of the community. There are likely quite a few variants possible. I settled on Creation as the engine as it sets up everything easily however its not to say that you couldn't achieve similar results with another strategy. Im going to try to be as explanatory as possible so this could be a bit long and with some ranting but I'm just trying to put what I know out there. My T2 list is not finished. I did not settle on a defense but I will touch on some ideas I was looking at.

So for the combo you need Pigs soul/7 yrs of Famine + a meek hero + LoC Love at First sight. The whole idea is to shuffle the opponents hand and prevent the draw. What really makes it oppressive is doing it first turn so we need a way to play it and pre-block is ideal.

Options to play Lafs preblock that were found were Jacob (foof), Hidden treasures, and Awesome things. In theory Ethiopian treasurers and Joaida via a feast of booths in discard could do it but I couldn't realistically find a good way to go about those.

So Jacob (FooF) and Awesome things are the 2 primary options imo as Hidden treasures is difficult to use for it outside of meek Noah. Playing Creation of the World I knew I could set up everything to happen on the creation turn so I decided to aim for an opening way to get to hidden treasures and a creation play.

As for how everything is accomplished. You need a character to search the Pigs soul (Mahalalel, and CoW Melky are my preferences here), a way to get to LaFS (Jared the beholder), and a way to get creation of the world.

We found that there were 2 routes to creation. Widow at Zeraphath to Elijah getting creation in reserve, and Jacob follower after God. You can't use Jacob (foof) with Jacob follower due to the unique character rules (though deckbuiling you can which opens up options) For Jacob Follower after God we had to rely on awesome things and the line of Adam the Exile grabbing David Heart after God, banding to David Heart after God with Jared the Beholder and searching awesome things was found.

While type 1 basically is forced to choose which one to play I ended up wanting to include both lines to add some consistency to the deck since the T2 version has 1 bigger issue. Its harder to guarantee the first turn play without sacrificing much of the decks staying power. playing to 7 with a balance of good and evil cards is much different that playing to 5. I dont necessarily think the deck needs both but its a personal choice.

So for type 2 the biggest concern I had was what to do if you go second. You do all you can to mitigate this but again you want the deck to still be able to win after the combo. The trick of this strategy is to figure out how to best play if you go second and if your opponent has some counters out. One potential fix that was found was the GE A New Beginning. If you can reliably get to the combo after playing ANB then its pretty close to just going first. I think this has applications outside of this strategy as many decks simply arent prepared to recover and have a strong start after getting reset by ANB. Which Jacob follower can search ANB so you can adjust the creation play to an ANB play to suit the opening. ANB is strong against many would be counters so be carfeful on how you tech against this deck.

Much of the power of Creation of the world is the sheer card advantage you gain by doing it. This was true even before the LAFS play. You could likely play a more solid version of the creation deck that doesn't utiilze the first turn play that includes the LAFS pigs interaction and do quite well. There is some flexibility on which heroes to use outside of the core combo so here are some of the options/ choices to make in no particular order.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2021, 02:03:31 PM by The Schaefer »

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Re: Lafs Cheeze T2 Creation style (lots of explanations)
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2021, 11:51:01 AM »

Widow at Zeraphath - combo. thats it.

Elijah - Combo. Can be rescued by Chariot of fire. likely will never need to rescue will unless using the combo.

Jared the Beholder - combo. the band to a cloud hero has a lot of potential tech.

David Heart - combo. Resetting him and Jared can be fun if you build around.

Mahalalel - combo. Protects souls, keeps you from getting droughted and playing souls from your own deck is better than ever.

Melky CoW - combo. theres an arguement for the other one but I preffer this one. Works to search souls even if you draw him and searching you own deck and drawing 1 after is very good. *PROTECTION is an issue with David Be careful. Eber the unwilling is a potential soul searcher substitute.*

Adam the Exile - combo. Searching a STAR human has a lot of potential even outside of searching david. Can band to Jared if you draw him in the Jacob follower line. Banding to someone like Noah is also good.

Jacob Follower after god - combo. it cant be understated how good his search ability is. Doesn't just get Good Enhancements. Band ability is good.

Jacob (foof) - combo. play abilities are good. hard to utilize more than once in this build without really good draws.

The Three visitors - mostly exchanges to Jacob. battle extension if you are running Jacob's ladder.

Nahor the Scorched - STAR ABILITY is amazing. For comboing, for trying to go first, for teching agaisnt the opponent. TC ability is also very good.

Terah the Delayed - STAR ABILITY! The bounce is pretty good with Papa Abe if you run him.

Enosh the Worshipper - PLAY HIM! Negates opponents Neutrals TC and has a draw ability. The negate keeps the opponent from using neutral cards to try and recover and can answer many souls that your opponent may use to try and stop you. BE CAREFUL with how you tech against this deck.

Judah the leader - the negate ability is clutch. band ability is good. meek in a pinch.

Perez the younger - the bounce ability is amazing. use it on yourself or you opponent.

Father Abraham - probably one of the toughest choices to make is which Abraham to use or both for T2. Papa has an amzaing draw ability and can be meek. bounce him to reuse the draw. Cow Abe can CBN negate opponents neutrals to get around some tech souls and the search ability could come up.

Issac willing Sacrifice - Draw is good. If you are running both Jacobs you can use him after bouncing a jacob to search the other to switch jacobs basically. There is an arguement for the other Issac to limit opponents draws by topdecking an EC but I think that it is playable around and more niche than straight up drawing.

simeon - just need a female genesis hero in play. Keeps the opponents defensive resources limited. brutal.

leah, weary-eyed - the bounce can reset meek genesis guys and the res ability is decent.

Noah rest and comfort - can shuffle your opponents stuff without having to convert. the convert ability is great. can be a meek ant for enosh. easy to reset and reuse. there is an arguement for CoW Noah to search out ECs to further irritate your opponent. personal preference on which to run but i think currently I preffer this one.

Joseph the dreamer- can use old creation lines. mainly its his search ability that is amazing. You can get good, evil, or neutral cards in the reference range and there are many great options.

Herzon the enclosed - lets you recycle enhancements. not necessary. however you can use jacob follower to search out genesis banding enhancements and use hezron to recycle them. so makes the full creation band possible every turn. Has to be built to abuse or do not use.


Benjamin - DO NOT PUT IN THE DECK. Makes LAFS CBN which is bad. maybe you can reserve him. probably not needed here.

Joseph (foof) - search is more limited but CBN effect is powerful. I prefer the more versatile search.

Angel at Shur - Can search many tech OT heroes that aren't Genesis. abuse as you like.

Lot - additional draw ability. theres a hand limit so dont overload too hard on drawing. you will be surprised on how easy it is to hit it.

Midianite slave - likely will use once but its a one time draw 2 and create a soul for the opponent. you shuffle their hand the draw for them doesn't matter.

Overall there are many options to choose from even outside these. The creation play largely lets you choose what you like and go from there. Play around with it. Its easy to forget but you can run multiples of many of the unique heroes. It is tough to find room for everything though so don't try and force everything. It won't work.

« Last Edit: July 01, 2021, 02:16:01 PM by The Schaefer »

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Re: Lafs Cheeze T2 Creation style (lots of explanations)
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2021, 11:51:40 AM »
Other Good Cards

Largely this can be player choice. However you do want multiple ways to get to your combo so it can be difficult to play many battle winners and still be consistent at getting the combo 1st turn. Some considerations are.

Awesome things - run for the Jacob follower combo. Can be used without the creation play if you can get to the other pieces of the combo without it.

Chariot of fire - tough choice between this and SOG. I went with Chariot because its searchable a bit easier. With the widow line its possible to use David to search this and if you are playing a soul like foreigner you can you a soul searcher to play it mid combo to get Solomons dream topdecked and draw it. this means the widow combo can get you chariot of fire and Second coming/NJ first turn. not too shabby. Also Stone pillar at bethel can search it if you play it.

Angel Of the Lord - play the OT one.

Judah's intervention - battle winner. Searchable by Joe dreamer. Also can get you to a first turn hero like Jacob follower.

Abe's descendant - STAR ability can make a bad draw better. mostly just a great enh to have.

Creation of the world - Need at least 1 in deck for Jacob line. For widow line need one in reserve.

ANB - Its dumb in a good way.

Offering your son - have to build around to make work. Book of the covenant or Hidden treasures are your normal go tos. play a Cov battle winner in Blue like cov with abe to make even more versatile.

Cov with abe - can be in Deck or reserve. I have it in deck currently. great for everything.

Fountain of living water - helps get combo pieces

Solomons Dream - if you Run Meek Heroes you should play 2 between deck and Reserve in T2. that good.

Faith - good searcher

Faith of Noah - searcher. can be a battlewinner in a pinch. Stone pillar at bethel opens up a lot with this card if you run it.

The emmaus Road - Brigades can be tricky but with so many searchers its too good not to use imo.

There are plenty of options feel free to explore.

« Last Edit: July 01, 2021, 12:54:07 PM by The Schaefer »

Offline The Schaefer

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Most of this is searchers to help get to the combo. Like I said its tough to fit everything so I'm mostly going to highlight what I consider higher priority options.

Stone pillar at bethel - I dont like the cost to use it. But it can give you access to the combo where you may have otherwise wouldn't and can search cards like chariot of fire and Solomon's dream.

Book of the Covenant - Run three between deck and reserve. Is any deck not playing this card realistically?

Hidden treasures - how many should you run? Im currently playing one in deck and one in reserve. Its tough to rely on drawing it. Focus really need to be put into how to get it/ activate it.

Tree of Knowledge - Unity OT Souls sometimes makes this do nothing unfortunately. Limits what souls you can run a bit. Most of the souls I run are OT so I run it at 2 with full knowledge that some percent of games it will do nothing.

Fobidden Fruit - Why I run Tree. Gets you whatever you need for the combo if you build your reserve right.

Jacob's ladder - have to build around with three vistors. tought to find room but very good and is battle extension.

7 YRs of Famine - gives the combo an option outside of pigs. Bit of a build around card but I know people can make it work if they want.


This is a very important part of the deck. You want to have every opportunity to get the combo first turn and also Start the game first. There are options outside of the ones I chose. I built to emphasize getting the combo consistently while also having some counterplay against opening turn tech souls.

Remnant - run 2. hero searcher. also can take problematic tech characters like the STAR ability play a curse guys.

Exiles - can get book or Hidden treasures in my build. run 2.

Hunter - can get Remnant or Exiles or other OT tech souls as needed.

Covet - The toughest choice for this deck. It can get you to whatever soul you need to start provided your opponent is playing many of these options. but it also gives a soul to your opponent and has unity OT. it may not work and it could make it to where you dont start the game. Not sure what the right call on this one is. consistency matters though.

Awake - Conflicts with Covet and Tree. however use it to search your own deck for a soul and you will be able to get a piece you need and increase your chances of going first. Too good to not run at 2 imo. Worth the downsides.

Pigs - have to at least play 1 for the combo. conflicts with covet and tree.

Wanderer - The Exchange is amazing right now. Exchange for your opponents exiles or Remnant and trigger it yourself. Exchange for their tech souls to try and stop you if they are one sided effects.  With how decks are built to go first now and how important souls are to that wanderer may be a staple. run 2.

I have 1 slot that I have as a flex so im going to mention some of the options ive looked into

Blind soul - seems dumb at first glance. negates pigs. but it answers tech NT souls and is searchable being OT and during the combo Judah can negate it to combo under it.

FBTN soul - NT Which is unfortunate but doesn't effect opening draw souls and helps deal with tech souls. Also negateable during the combo via Judah.

Thorns- pretty good soul to stop chumps. also keeps hunter on the table. a bit double edged though for when your opponent draws hunter and you dont.

Distressed - Deals with many Tech Characters.

Remiss - Bounce their tech character and keep going with your combo.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2021, 02:18:50 PM by The Schaefer »

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Reserve and Defensive considerations

The Reserve is the hardest thing to build bar none due to deck building restrictions on Good and Evil balance. Its tricky to do but here is where im at currently for the offense and Neutrals.


Widow at Zeraphath - combo
Jacob follower - combo
Elijah - eliminate the chance of drawing him
Love at first sight - combo
Creation of the world - combo
Covenant of prayer - primary book target to get missing combo pieces


Book of the Covenant - can get you to jacob or HT with Cov of Prayer
HT - Combo
Delivered -The best card for trying to open the combo and why I run Covenant of Prayer. (thanks CtheTree)

I want a Solomon's Dream in there which could take the place of Elijah imo. Not sure the chance to brick is worth it though.


Due to Delivered I think you should likely run some amount of Pale green/ Gold ECs to play it. Depending on how consistent things get though it may not be necessary. Defensive consideration should likely be more about how to tech against an opponent from stopping you from comboing, further increasing your chances to combo, teching against a mirror, and keeping the opponent from recovering. What that looks like I feel like will differ from player to player. I feel like this is the biggest difference you will see with lists like these. I've explore mulitple defensive themes across many brigades and many seem playable. Due to the nature of this deck STAR abilities are highly regarded imo. The opening is so important for this deck that STAR abilities can literally determine the outcome.

Feel free to ask any questions and Ill do my best to answer what I can. I will likely post my full list later but its not really fine tuned yet and I never settled on a defense so I don't want anyone to just assume I had everything with my list figured out yet. Far from it. Due to life circumstance and other priorities im opting not to play Constructed 2P. I dont have as much time for Redemption play at this time, and its hard for me to play 2P constructed and not be as competitive as possible, which I dont feel I have the time to adequately do. That is why I thought It more prudent to share my idea about the deck first as that should lead players in a good direction in playing this or against it. There are tech cards against this. It's not impossible to beat in T1 or T2 but be careful with how you tech against this as there are plenty of ways to deal with many would be counters. It very well could come down to luck of the draw which is what I dont like about this strategy. But well see where the community take things from here.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2021, 01:59:15 PM by The Schaefer »

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Still reading, but one note on the Melchizedek version that plays souls is it protects cloud heroes from converting to meek which stops converting Father Abraham for the extra draw and heart after God for the search.

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Father Abraham a "backwards" cost-benefit for spacing issues. The search and draw are the "cost", the convert is the "benefit", so Melchizedek allows you to do it more often, not stop it entirely.

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Oh yea that’s right. I was thinking if Rebekah converting Isaac for that additional draw 2 which would be stopped.

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Still reading, but one note on the Melchizedek version that plays souls is it protects cloud heroes from converting to meek which stops converting Father Abraham for the extra draw and heart after God for the search.

Yeah Melky is an issue for David I wont lie. Missed the protect but its not too big of an issue. you dont have to run him for one but also the Widow line gets around him. Eber the unwilling acts as another soul searcher if you want one. Good catch though. *updated post on Melky to highlight the issue.*
« Last Edit: July 01, 2021, 02:06:29 PM by The Schaefer »

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Re: Lafs Cheeze T2 Creation style (lots of explanations)
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2021, 07:17:59 PM »
I think the best defense for this is certainly False Prophets, probably in both Type 1 and Type 2. That's what John and I had been testing and in Type 2 when you can have four copies of False Prophecy, two copies of Balaam's Prophecy, and Vain Visions, then you can make it significantly more difficult for your opponent to recover by setting their top 6 after you combo. In T1 you still get one copy of each of those which isn't too bad. This also gives you access to Famine in the Land to bounce their Heroes in case they go first (which is how John beat me in a game after I went first with Throne and was +12 or so on turn 1). You also get False Peace which helps you combo (as can Balaam's Prophecy usually) and then you have access to a few other characters like Damsel, False Prophet, and Profane Daughters that open up things like Divination, Wages, and Delivered.

We never arrived at the Creation version though, which I think is probably better as long as it's just as consistent as the non-Creation version (I think John said he'd post his list at some point...). But I guess leave it to Joe to figure out how to break Creation once and for all. :P

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Re: Lafs Cheeze T2 Creation style (lots of explanations)
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2021, 07:39:30 PM »
I think the best defense for this is certainly False Prophets, probably in both Type 1 and Type 2. That's what John and I had been testing and in Type 2 when you can have four copies of False Prophecy, two copies of Balaam's Prophecy, and Vain Visions, then you can make it significantly more difficult for your opponent to recover by setting their top 6 after you combo. In T1 you still get one copy of each of those which isn't too bad. This also gives you access to Famine in the Land to bounce their Heroes in case they go first (which is how John beat me in a game after I went first with Throne and was +12 or so on turn 1). You also get False Peace which helps you combo (as can Balaam's Prophecy usually) and then you have access to a few other characters like Damsel, False Prophet, and Profane Daughters that open up things like Divination, Wages, and Delivered.

We never arrived at the Creation version though, which I think is probably better as long as it's just as consistent as the non-Creation version (I think John said he'd post his list at some point...). But I guess leave it to Joe to figure out how to break Creation once and for all. :P

Hey its technically your fault I found the combo. The last T2 video we did clued me in instantly.  :rollin:

I love the defensive ideas. I cycled around from pale green for early DoUs and confusion, and maybe words of discouragement for spiciness. Crimson for Nebby to pride of lions, lurking, and the like. Gold because of grain tenders and besieging the city mostly plus people being totally unprepared for it more than likely. I wanted to do gray for a False prophets Hybrid with Syrians but reserve space for Damascus and having Characters on defense for Delivered lead me away from that direction for the version I was looking at.

Though I do wonder if teching against a mirror match is necessary at this point or if more needs to be done to shore up against dedicated counter decks.

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Re: Lafs Cheeze T2 Creation style (lots of explanations)
« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2021, 11:20:48 PM »
I think the best defense for this is certainly False Prophets, probably in both Type 1 and Type 2. That's what John and I had been testing and in Type 2 when you can have four copies of False Prophecy, two copies of Balaam's Prophecy, and Vain Visions, then you can make it significantly more difficult for your opponent to recover by setting their top 6 after you combo. In T1 you still get one copy of each of those which isn't too bad. This also gives you access to Famine in the Land to bounce their Heroes in case they go first (which is how John beat me in a game after I went first with Throne and was +12 or so on turn 1). You also get False Peace which helps you combo (as can Balaam's Prophecy usually) and then you have access to a few other characters like Damsel, False Prophet, and Profane Daughters that open up things like Divination, Wages, and Delivered.

We never arrived at the Creation version though, which I think is probably better as long as it's just as consistent as the non-Creation version (I think John said he'd post his list at some point...). But I guess leave it to Joe to figure out how to break Creation once and for all. :P

Hey its technically your fault I found the combo. The last T2 video we did clued me in instantly.  :rollin:

I love the defensive ideas. I cycled around from pale green for early DoUs and confusion, and maybe words of discouragement for spiciness. Crimson for Nebby to pride of lions, lurking, and the like. Gold because of grain tenders and besieging the city mostly plus people being totally unprepared for it more than likely. I wanted to do gray for a False prophets Hybrid with Syrians but reserve space for Damascus and having Characters on defense for Delivered lead me away from that direction for the version I was looking at.

Though I do wonder if teching against a mirror match is necessary at this point or if more needs to be done to shore up against dedicated counter decks.
Lol So THAT's where I figured it out... I remember now. I put the old Love at First Sight in to give myself cards cuz I realized the new one didn't work with Pigs. And then I realized the new one works with LaFS and I now remember deliberately not mentioning LaFS in the deck tech as to not give that away cuz I wanted to try it out myself first. Jay asked me about it the other day and I was like, Hm, I don't actually remember exactly when I figured it out. Guess I should've asked you afterwards if you realized it too.

Yeah, problem with DoU, Confusion, Words, etc. is that you actually have to block for those which usually you won't have to do. :P It will be interesting to see how things go now that the cat's out of the bag and people will have to play counters, which is kind of annoying since I'd rather see more of a variety of decks, but we shall see.


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