So, CoW-PoC is full of negates and other things that put a muzzle on Stoic Philosophers and Arrest in Gethsemane. You have to get creative to lock your opponent out with the combo now!
1. Activate Overtaken, attack with a hero w/ "negated" in the ability
2. Create a side battle, control your own Stoic Philosophers, have them survive - Stoic will be CBN when it reactivates in territory
3. When opponent attacks (or in another side battle you create), play Arrest in Gethsemane on Simon the Magician (TEC)
Lock established! You have a CBN AiG in a territory and a CBN Stoic Philosophers in your territory. Areopagus and/or Herod's Temple are also recommended.
(For extra trolling and lulz, place AiG in your opponent's territory, then set aside a hero w/ The Lord Fights For You
Ironically, TLFFY was the card I was trying to break when I discovered the Stoic/AiG combo)