Author Topic: Help on D  (Read 1602 times)

Offline ConMagraw

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Help on D
« on: March 02, 2013, 09:13:33 AM »
This defense is for a 50 card Disciple deck. The defense needs to be 12 cards or less I would like it to be a le to with stand tgt. Right now I have:

The Amalekites' Slave
Damsel with Sprirt of Divination
Magic Charms
Unholy Writ

Suggestions would be appreciated. Thank
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Offline Josh

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Re: Help on D
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2013, 11:53:34 AM »
This defense is for a 50 card Disciple deck. The defense needs to be 12 cards or less I would like it to be a le to with stand tgt. Right now I have:

The Amalekites' Slave
Damsel with Sprirt of Divination
Magic Charms
Unholy Writ

Suggestions would be appreciated. Thank

I assume you want to keep your brigade count down to block TGT.  That will be tough with both Am Slave and Damsel (they have a combined 4 brigades).  You could try the following, which adds no new brigades:
Egyptian Magicians
King Manasseh
Pharaoh's Cupbearer
Invoking Terror
Death of Unrighteous
Failed Objective

And that is assuming you don't have a Haman's Plot to spare.  You could add Haman's Plot, since you have 3 brown characters.
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Re: Help on D
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2013, 12:15:40 PM »
If you wanted to go brown, the Persians work well with Disciples. You can use Image of Jealousy to negate TGT, and with Haman's Gallows your Persians cannot be ignored with TGT. You can do self-capture with Raider's Camp using Persian Presidents by choosing any of your Disciples in Fishing Boat. Dungeon of Malchiah will also work for self capture if Raider's Camp is already active. Otherwise, the Dungeon will give you a soul to rescue if you need it. You could also use Image of Jealousy to negate Wall of Protection, then use Gomer to band with your opponent's evil characters, which is especially useful if they have something like Assyrian Siege Army in territory.

Speaking of Assyrians, they would be another good choice. Assyrian Siege Army can take out TGT, and pale green works great with magicians. King Asnappar can move captured characters to your opponent's Land of Bondage so you have more souls to rescue. You will have captured characters available because of Magic Charms and Unholy Writ.
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