I would suggest against most of the healing Enhancements, just use cards like New Cov or Rez to bring your Characters back, and use more Enhancements Matt can recur. #1 card you should use is MLaMG and add Passover Hymn which is a Negate/Discard X EE's/Curses and Negate Immune abilities (X= # of Disciples in play) and it's a Matt Enhancement so Matt can throw it back under deck. I may suggest using AoC instead of AoCP because Matt again can recur AoC and Tom can make it CBN. Prosperity and Trust aren't awesome for a Disciples deck in general, but I'd also use FaMS.
And Pharisees work excellently with Disciples, so I'd definitely suggest using them, especially with Scribe able to throw any of your OT Enhancements under Deck, including GE's. That's my suggestions for a deck like this.