Hi all! Gates of Hell is pretty fun in how you can just explode your deck in a single turn. With so many demons who band along with Martyrs now, I feel like a exploding deck strategy should be attempted, especially in Type-2. A main combo is The Holy Spirit, Joy, and Antipas. Along with a 30 or so Demon banding chain defense with the potential to Gates of Hell to over half your deck is gone. With all the Martyrs that would be discarded, Joyful Antipas could very quickly start racking up soul after soul. Of course there is other preparations for a deck like that(like plan B when you have no Tartaros and AoCP or any other nuke card is played). I'm sure stuff like this was considered but I feel at least 1 person ought to try it. If there are any suggestions to improve this or maniacal laughter, feel free to share!
Unless I just exposed someones secret strategy That's all folks!