Author Topic: Structure Decks  (Read 1996 times)


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Structure Decks
« on: September 29, 2014, 09:42:52 PM »
I have taken apart all my decks but the starter ones and am planning on donating most of my cards to the store house.  However, my kids and I play another card game that shall not be mentioned (though it originally involved a pharaoh ;) ).  With the game that shall not be mentioned, they sell structure decks (which are above starter decks).  These decks follow a theme and are pretty much even in strength.  I want to do this same concept with Redemption (so in case we want to play a game, we can play decks that are pretty even instead of them hopelessly facing my main deck).  My questions are not really about the cards that would go into it (though that will come up a lot) but the types/number of cards/non overpower strategies.  The decks don't have to be basic but I would prefer not too complicated so I can play with my kids or anyone else who learned the starter decks.

So...what decks shall I make?

My thoughts:

Prophets/Babs (since I know them well)
Genesis/Phar or Sadds (whichever one I have better cards for)

Offline jesse

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Re: Structure Decks
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2014, 10:11:51 PM »
Hey Ironica, I first of all just wanted to say thank you again to you - I don't know if you remember but you generously shipped me a box of cards for only the cost of shipping about a year ago to get me started in Redemption, and I haven't forgotten! That was such a blessing! I've since gone on to really enjoy the game and teach it to my students at school and church. So thank you again!

Since I am an intermediate player by now, your question is perfect for me to try and answer  :)

I would suggest:

Ruth / Philistines
Good Kings / Evil Kings
Z-Temple / Canaanites
Love is the flame of God, Who is love and an all-consuming fire!- Song. 8:6-7, 1 Jn. 4:8, Deut. 4:24


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Re: Structure Decks
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2014, 10:36:49 PM »
Hey Ironica, I first of all just wanted to say thank you again to you - I don't know if you remember but you generously shipped me a box of cards for only the cost of shipping about a year ago to get me started in Redemption, and I haven't forgotten! That was such a blessing! I've since gone on to really enjoy the game and teach it to my students at school and church. So thank you again!

Since I am an intermediate player by now, your question is perfect for me to try and answer  :)

I would suggest:

Ruth / Philistines
Good Kings / Evil Kings
Z-Temple / Canaanites

I remember :).  I'm glad that you are putting them to good use.  Need some more cards? :p.

Disciples and philistines will be difficult cause an old friend took all the good ones.  Also, I don't have much of the newer cards but I shall see what I have.

Offline jesse

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Re: Structure Decks
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2014, 03:46:38 AM »
Well I certainly wouldn't turn down more cards :D largely from your initial generosity to get me started, I do try to give away a bunch of cards to new players whenever the opportunity arises ("freely you have received, freely give" - Matthew 10:8).

Regardless though, I will see what Disciples and Philistines cards I have that I could send you and will PM you.
Love is the flame of God, Who is love and an all-consuming fire!- Song. 8:6-7, 1 Jn. 4:8, Deut. 4:24


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