New Redemption Grab Bag now includes an assortment of 500 cards from five (5) different expansion sets. Available at Cactus website.
A set-aside Enhancement can be played outside of battle during the Preparation or Discard Phase if they are played on a character that can use the Enhancement in the active player’s territory. Set-aside Enhancements played outside of battle are discarded after the targets are set aside. Set-aside Enhancements played in battle are treated as regular Enhancements.
And thats what i meant. Good cards that target your Heroes. all other card have to have theTC or played in battle. thanks for the quick replies
Quote from: REGA set-aside Enhancement can be played outside of battle during the Preparation or Discard Phase if they are played on a character that can use the Enhancement in the active player’s territory. Set-aside Enhancements played outside of battle are discarded after the targets are set aside. Set-aside Enhancements played in battle are treated as regular Enhancements.
He Is Risen is not a card i had any question about. It say interrupt the battle hence your hero is in battle so its not a card that can be played in your territory.
Set-aside effects on Enhancements played outside of battle cannot target cards controlled by an opponent unless the Enhancement is territory class