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MA States Booster Draft-1st Place
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Topic: MA States Booster Draft-1st Place (Read 7461 times)
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Posts: 74
The Island Region #Nats2020
Northeast Region
MA States Booster Draft-1st Place
May 11, 2022, 05:46:26 PM »
Hello Redemption Community!
For those of you who do not know me (your loss
), my name is Charles Loria (I also go by Charlie, Chuck, and Chaz, basically any form of Charles you think of...YOUR choice). I am 25 years old, from Fairfield, CT, and first started playing at 10 years old (introduced to me by a Mr. Tim Harmon who I believe is out of the game now and resides in Florida). After only two years, Tim Harmon moved away and the club disbanded (the club was held at the K-12 Christian school I attended). I got back into the game in high school when Patrick Chaverri (Irishman on the boards) started attending the school. He and I started up the Redemption Club I believe our senior year of high school, and roped a few more people into playing (only one of which still plays but only locally). Competitively, I have been playing Redemption since 2018, as Tomball, TX was my first Nationals. I have been attending Nats since, and will be attending Nationals as long as my newly wed lets me (you all know what I'm talking about). I just wanted this to be a formal introduction to the community, as I want to be more active and post more frequently to the boards/discord.
ANYWAY, I am posting now because I would like to post decks created. But not your competitive Type 1-2 player decks, but your competitive BOOSTER DRAFT decks! If you ask anyone in my playgroup (shoutout to the NE and John M!), I am just ever so slightly obsessed with Booster Draft. And with the most recent podcast from the Threshing Floor (shoutout to John Hendrix!), I thought it an appropriate time to hash out this addiction that I have. I can honestly go on and on with how much I love the category and how exciting it is with endless possibilities moments before cracking open the packs, but I will restrain myself.
This past Saturday (May 7, 2022) was Massachusetts States. The total number of participants was a whopping 8 (all about quality not quantity). The group consisted of 5 experienced players, 1 up and coming player, and 2 beginners. Four of us played in the Booster Draft category, which was the final category, and was played in the multi-player format. This was in large part due to the small number of people, and also because we were becoming pressed for time. Your classic sudden death match.
Deck List: 52 (should have been 50, shame on me)
Lost Souls:7
6 "Meek Remiss" souls
"Darkness" soul
Vain Philosophy
New Jerusalem/Bride of Christ
Covenant with Adam
Sixth Bowl of Wrath
Seventh Bowl of Wrath
Heroes: 18
King Asa (Kings)
Aaron (Patriarchs)
James Son of Alphaeus (Apostles)
Paladin (Patriarchs)
David (Kings)
Abel (Priests)
Imprisoned Prophet (FoM)
Jonah (PoC)
Eli the Priest (Patriarchs)
Terah, the Delayed/Terah, the Wanderer (LoC)
Rebekah, the Bride/Rebekah the Barren (LoC)
Caleb (FoM)
King Jehu (FoM)
Meshach (Mishael) (PoC)
Shadrach (Hananiah) (PoC)
Daniel, the Apocalyptist (PoC LR)
Daniel (CoW)
Zechariah, Son of Jehoiada (LoC)
Good Enhancements:11
Word of Their Testimony (CoW)
Faith of Abel (CoW)
Sins Forgotten (CoW)
Blessings for Obedience (Priests)
Benaiah Snatches a Spear (Kings)
Renewing the Covenant (FooF)
Courage (Kings)
Faith of Noah (CoW)
Lamb's Righteousness (RoJ)
Authority of Peter (I)
Fishers of Men (I)
Evil Characters:7
Prince of this World (Warriors)
Philistine Garrison (TxP)
Judith (LoC)
Jehoiakim, Puppet King (LoC)
Ahaz, the Unfaithful (LoC)
Negev Lions (PoC)
David's Servants (FoM)
Evil Enhancements:4
Balaam's Disobedience (Patriarchs)
Idol Worship (FoM)
Foreign Spears (LoC)
Heart of Depravity (FoM)
Carcasses (PoC)
Summary to follow...
Trade Count:
New Member
Posts: 74
The Island Region #Nats2020
Northeast Region
Re: MA States Booster Draft-1st Place
Reply #1 on:
May 12, 2022, 07:13:16 AM »
The four of us drafted with five packs each (CoW, RoJ, FoM, PoC, and LoC). I must say that I really do enjoy drafting with a mix of packs including the classic cards, as it gives for some fun interaction that is not commonly seen in Type 1-2 Player, and it gives the classic cards a category to show how good some of those cards were. As you can see in my deck list, the draft was very Hero heavy (which is a good thing). I typically run anywhere between 15 and 20 heroes if I can make it work with the enhancements that I draft. I would have liked a few more good enhancements that worked with the mostly green offense that I had, but the banding I had in this game was plenty (I only played one good enhancement the entire game). I have to say, this draft must have been inspired by the deck I lost to which was none other than Eman’s Daniel deck! The obvious notable offensive pulls made a legit Daniel deck, with Shadrach, Meshach, and TWO Daniels. I even saw a Servants by the River being passed around during the draft (I tried to snag it, but was one pass short of getting it). It was pretty insane. I also loved getting Caleb to CBI band to King Jehu (his X offense was huge). The combos that I so wish I was able to pull off in the game was Abel and Faith of Abel, and the other was capturing David’s Servants to a land of bondage to then use Lamb’s Righteousness to rescue for the win…would have made for a nice ending. Other nice pulls were Vain Philosophy (I almost always take it when I see it), Balaam’s Disobedience (stupid good in any category) Word of Their Testimony (worked for almost all of my Heroes), and then the evil characters. The evil characters should not be overshadowed by the offense. Prince of this World AND Philistine Garrison to be protected from lone was huge, AND also having two Judean Kings that protected meek souls from rescue. Those four cards alone could have been all the evil cards needed in the deck.
What I should have changed in the draft/deck building phase was to not include Authority of Peter or Fishers of Men to get down to 50. I honestly probably just missed the fact that only one Hero (excluding Bride of Christ) could have used these two enhancements. I typically cut enhancements that can only be played on three or less of my Heroes. I also didn’t really need a Reserve, but I believe I had two ways of getting Carcasses out…didn’t hurt to have it. Only cards I “missed” in drafting was Servants by the River and Scattered (I believe my choice was between Scattered or Philistine Garrison, whatever I took it was worth it). Other than that, this was a very ideal draft.
Last Edit: May 12, 2022, 12:49:29 PM by chazmaniandevil
Trade Count:
New Member
Posts: 74
The Island Region #Nats2020
Northeast Region
Re: MA States Booster Draft-1st Place
Reply #2 on:
May 12, 2022, 12:49:41 PM »
Again, this was a winner take all multi-player Booster Draft. I won the die roll and elected to go first. My draw of eight was perfect, as I drew into both Caleb and King Jehu. The CBI band was a walk-in. A free soul was given to everyone (I believe) turn 1 (as it should). Turn 2 was the same band for another walk-in. In Kevin McClrath’s second turn (the other experienced player in the category, he sat diagonal of me), he came out against me (no other souls available) with the King’s Captain of the Host (great pull). My one misplay was that I did not remember that Captain negates warrior class characters (he only does not negate weapon class enhancements). My immunity was negated, but lucky me I had drawn into my Foreign Spear (a weapon!) in the opening hand and negated his prevent of my immunity. This was the swing of the game. My turn 3 I rescued with Shadrach banded into Daniel (PoC LR) as another CBI protect from discard rescue (I had Blessings for Obedience in hand in case any big bad guys showed up). Once again, a walk-in as the numbers were too great for the opponent. This rescue was also successful for my fourth soul turn 4 (another walk-in). Philistine Garrison had two more blocks in the game against the beginner players, but I think was eventually defeated by Kevin in a mutual destruction for his second soul on turn 3. During Kevin’s turn 4, he attacked me with a few characters banded in attempt for soul 3, and although I could have coughed it up for free without too much risk, I blocked with Jehoiakim, Puppet King and gave up a random card to protect souls from rescue. I followed up by dying. As I started turn 5, I had 4 souls rescued, Sam (beginner) had 3, and Kevin and Mark (the other beginner and who resembles a young Dwight Schrute) had 2 rescued. Kevin was the only game in town with souls, but had a frightening Naaman (LR) with Namaan’s Chariot and Horses (fitting) equipped in territory. I did not know what he had hiding in his hand, but did not want to find out the hard way, so instead with going with my Daniel band, I decided to go out with Zechariah, Son of Jehoiada (5/6) to toss all enhancements. At this point, I had three enhancements in hand to toss: Benaniah Snatches a Spear (1/1), Blessing for Obedience (2/3), and Seventh Bowl of Wrath. After a minute of deciding what to do, he decided to convert his Babylon into The Harlot (7/5) and then banded to Sam’s Sisera (Kings, 6/7). This was a peculiar play because there were plenty of evil characters out with a great toughness (I think I saw The Thief out, and a few others with 9 or greater toughness). I decided I did not like Sisera, and used Seventh Bowl of Wrath to toss her out. In his initiative (mutual destruction), he could not play anything and the game was won. Had I not tossed Sisera, he would have played I believe Plot to Kill (RoJ) with a 6 strength to toss me out of the battle. And had I chose to attack with my Daniel or Caleb/Jehu band, he would have blocked with Naaman with his draw and play next to play an enhancement called Scattered…Enough said.
Last Edit: June 23, 2022, 11:50:50 AM by chazmaniandevil
Trade Count:
New Member
Posts: 74
The Island Region #Nats2020
Northeast Region
Re: MA States Booster Draft-1st Place
Reply #3 on:
May 12, 2022, 12:50:12 PM »
First and foremost, I want to thank John M for hosting an amazing tournament! We had a fun time! It was a great game with a pair of pivotal moments. If I can play booster multiple times in a day I totally would. I enjoy playing a two-player booster more so because of the greater emphasis on defense and the decrease of a luck-based game that can be found in booster at times (who goes first, where the souls are available in relation to your turn, etc). I also do enjoy it more so with a wide variety of packs rather than just from one set, as it gives the decks more diversity and unknown to what your opponent may be playing. However, Booster Draft is fun no matter how it’s played in my factual opinion. If you disagree I will for sure be praying for you. If you stuck around this long, thank you! I hope you enjoyed it, and I will for sure be posting my booster deck for CT States coming up in a few weeks (I will desperately try to get Buckler in that one for the win). Thanks again!
Last Edit: June 23, 2022, 11:50:30 AM by chazmaniandevil
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MA States Booster Draft-1st Place
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