Author Topic: How to match offenses with defenses?  (Read 1771 times)

Offline emonier

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How to match offenses with defenses?
« on: November 04, 2016, 07:11:53 PM »
Hello brethren.
I am new to Redemption (less than a year), so I am just curious as to how you all decide which offense you pair with which defense. I mean it kind of seems like we are running two separate teams (like in football - you have an offensive team and a defensive team), and it doesn't matter much what you pair with what, because the two teams are doing different things. Is it the same for Redemption? Can we just build offensive half-decks and defensive half-decks and then pair them up willy-nilly? Or is there a greater rhyme and reason to this? The only thing that jumps out at me is that there are some cards that have mixed colors (e.g. both offensive and defensive colors) on them, and they are sort of "hybrid" cards that build a bridge between the offense and the defense. Are there any other factors to consider?
Thanks guys,


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Re: How to match offenses with defenses?
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2016, 09:00:04 PM »
there definitely are offense which pair better with certain defenses. however, the primary consideration is where your synergy lies in terms of your overall objective'sinning-bountifully-(the-singer-sowing-machine)'/

this is my singer sowing machine deck from this years t2 only.

the deck is entirely based on the principle of creating a psychological pressure point of 'to protect or not to protect'

the offense and defense absolutely compliment each other in their strengths of how that pressure persists to force an opponent to make decisions they otherwise would not if they have the power to do so. in most cases where they did not have that power the power of the dual pressure force was simply overwhelming.

Offline Master Q

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Re: How to match offenses with defenses?
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2016, 12:48:05 PM »
First rule of offense: No deacons.

First rule of defense: There are no rules for defense.

Since you have been playing less than a year, I'd say the most important thing is to find out what you like. Follow the above two rules and you should be alright using colors you are comfortable with. A friend of mine's main deck is still silver and crimson (crimson mix of magicians, animals/Esau, and N.T.) and it still can win games.

Karius' deck is a great example of synergy. Obviously some things will pair better than others, and you can usually get good ideas from the deck advice section. Just avoid doing something like using Nazareth in a philistine or judges/prophets deck, Three Nails in an orange deck, or using Romans Destroy Jerusalem alongside a purely N.T. offense. That would be silly.

Another morsel of advice: If your offense is slow, consider a fast defense, and vice-versa.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2016, 12:51:36 PM by Master Q »
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