I pile shuffle into 5 piles for T1, 10 piles for T2.
However, about a year ago I started mixing each of the piles together with an overhand
shuffle one by one before pile shuffling a second, and maybe a third time.
For instance: pile shuffle into 5 stacks. Take stack one and mix thoroughly with stack two. Then take stack three and mix it thoroughly with now combined stack 1/2, and so on.
Same thing, but sometimes I will mix stacks 1/2, then set down. Mix stacks 3/4, then either add stack 5, or mix stacks 1/2 and 3/4 before adding stack 5.
I am very much and advocate of this method. The deck gets much more shuffled than when only pile shuffling, and I don’t feel like my cards are at risk of bending. After implementing this technique, I don’t recall having weird opening hands, which previously seemed common for the first game after a deck had been sorted.