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Those are both fantastic lists. I will get moving on the I deck with those ideas in mind. How about the J deck?
If I was wanting to and up with two 56 card decks, what other cards might get thrown into each deck that are not already in the lists above?
here is my list for the I decktake out 14 cardsangel at bethesdagathering angellegion of angelsFishers of menloaves and fishesangelic newsmiraculous catchraising of lazaruswater to wineachannaballamhiashtaroth worshipto each his ownadding 20 cardsattending angel 1.00cheribum (wa) 1.00The Strong Angel (wa) 2.75matthew(levi) 1.25thomas 1.00Authority of Christ .50sons of thunder .25striking herod 1.75reach of desperation .50the third seal .25 four drachma coin .75the new covenant 2.00king Rehoboam .50king zedekiah .75king manasseh 1.25king Achish 1.25lots wife 1.00king amon (brown) .50dungeon of malchiah .75Gibeonite trickery (brown) .25total $19.25a new covenant or the strong angel could be switched out to bring the price down
We did, but we sold out today. I could probably sell you my sleeved copy.
out of curiosity, how many did you bring with you?