Hey guys, I have an expanding playgroup that I would like to introduce to the different types of decks. I don't have a lot of free time, plus I'm not the best deck builder in the world. I would like to see if some of your guy's creativity can help me. I have a list of several types of decks that I would like to introduce my new players to. What I'm asking is either for someone to create a top deck under this category (even though some of these are far from top decks, I just want the concepts), or if someone has already posted a deck list that fits under these categories just give me the link. Thanks in advance!
Deck Discard
Hand Control
Hand Discard
Herolite (Turtle)
Again, I know some of these are not top decks, but I want the strategy more than the strength. Please don't give me a speed deck with 3 cards that discard cards from hand and call it a hand discard deck. I want the best hand discard deck possible even if it would place last in every tournament it plays in! Thanks again!