I think Joseph is too good to be in the Reserve plus at this point I don't see any way to get him out. His CBN-granting and protecting from discard abilities for his bro's (especially Zebulun) is super good. I'd probably put Joseph, Coat of Many Colors, Melchizedek, and Midianite's Slave in the main deck and put some of the Good Enhancements in Reserve. Ehud's Dagger and Jacob's Rods probably aren't worthwhile although Abraham's Descendant would be a good add to have an interrupt. Abraham's Servant to Ur is also pretty good especially with Joe's bros getting CBN already. Jacob's Rods doesn't actually negate the enhancements so it's really only good against placed enhancements anyway.
Also, I hope you were actually looking for deck advice since you didn't post the complete deck. If so, posts like this should generally be put into the Type 1 Deck Advice subsection of this forum.