Author Topic: WI State T1-2p 1st place (5th anniversary)  (Read 1583 times)

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WI State T1-2p 1st place (5th anniversary)
« on: June 24, 2013, 04:58:27 PM »
Since the new cards are out now and I'll probably make a new deck, I thought I'd post this for records and for comparison to my deck last year:
The thread title says 5th anniversary because this is my 5th consecutive WI state T1-2p 1st place finish. Woot! 8)

Total Cards: 51

Lost Souls: 8
NT only
Female only
Negate LS

Doms: 7

Arts: 3
Darius' Decree

Curses: 1
Cov w/ Death

Forts: 1
Obi's Caves

Multi-heroes: 1

Green Heroes: 2

Silver Heroes: 5

Seraph (RoA)
Seraph w/ Live Coal
TSA (wa)
Gabriel (Ki)
Michael (Ki)

Green/Silver Enhancements: 3
Isaiah's Call
Live Coal

Green Ens: 1
2 Bears

Silver Ens: 2
Striking Herod
Protection o' Angels

Good/Evil Ens: 2

Multi ECs: 4
Egyptian Magicians

PG ECs: 5
Messenger o' Satan
The Rabsaris

Multi EE: 1
Invoking Terror

PG EEs: 5
Forgotten History
2k Horses
Achan's Sin

The big difference between this deck and the one I played last year was the inclusion of Cov w/ Death, as well as cutting some offense to add some defense and streamlining the deck more by making it 51 cards. If you have Qs as to why I changed what I did, or why I kept things, feel free to ask. :)

Well this was the smallest State tourney I've ever been to, as there were only 4 people including myself playing t1 2p (3 of them were from MN). This was probably because everyone wanted to play sealed with the new starters. Since there was only 4 players, this meant 3 games round-robin style.

The 1st game I played Mike Nordby. I got a 1st round Gabriel (thanks to W3) in that game that discarded 4 evil enhancements which devastated his defense, and I also discarded his SoG with Confusion, which pretty much clinched the game for me (5-1).

The 2nd game I played Tim Maly. This was a game full of mistakes and odd draws that could have ended up very differently. I believe I started off with a Call'd Isaiah and flipped up Cov w Death and played Razor on Tim's Herod the Great. Next he used Captured Ark to get rid of the curse and walked in with Simeon+Captain. Next turn I CM'd his Captain and blocked Simeon with ASA, which he had no answer to. Then he didn't draw Heroes for most of the game; of course my hand was full of defense and I had almost no good enhancements, so I kept attacking to eat up his defense. The one mistake that almost cost me the game was when I attacked with Isaiah to recur Razor, and forgot to AotL his Herod Agrippa II before he could block and use UW to get around Caves. So my recursion was lost when I rescued Isaiah, but fortunately I had enough to break through and win 5-3 before he walked in on my by then depleted defense.

The last game I played David Carlson. This game I believe over 10 cards were removed from the game via Achan's Sin, Joseph in Prison, and Forgotten History. He didn't draw much defense or offense at all, and I Confusion'd his SoG to win 5-0.

Overall, though it was a small tourney, it was fun! Thanks to Kirk for hosting and the MN players for being there so I had some people to play against. :)
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