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Why not just make a 50 card TGT deck?
Where's 'The Magi' to search out your Samaritan Water Jars? There's nothing worse than having 3 SWJ's dropped on you in the first 3-4 turns of the game.
14 lost soulsDragonraid New JerusalemThe Ends of The Earth x2Holy GrailArk of the CovenantThree Nails x2Unholy Writ x3Samaritan Water Jar x3JephthahMary the Mother of James x2Salome x3Martha x2The Woman at the Well x2Good Samaritan x2The Thankful Leper x2Zaccheus x2The Generous Widow x2I Am Justice I Am HealingRepentance and Restitution x3Meeting the Messiah x5Wall of Protection House in BethanyThe Garden Tomb x2SoGNJGoYSAoTLThe defense was crimson but I am changing it to something else but I am not sure what to change it to yet.Point of the deck is to get out TGT fast and convert their EC's in territory then attack with TGT. Pretty simple yet it is fast and very sturdy. Yeah demons might slow it down but my 3 Nails should work against them and I think they will be putting down Seven Sons and I will convert them.
Wall of Protection (I just never find use for this...)
i think maybe the best tech is just to splash the tgt ladies yourself, and use them off your opponents tgt.
I look forward to Peter and John being in the same Brigade, possibly the same Brigade as Joanna.
I'm really hoping that using TGT becomes a strategy in the next set, not a 10 card offense.