Just trying to set up a brain storm post/think tank for people to post ideas/decks they have used or want to use.
First one I was thinking about was
1) hybrid fast battle winning/btn
-This deck would consist of draw/search cards with a capt band or straight btn heroes. Main strategy here would be getting out a btn band and keep rescuing until it got stopped. Since a good bit of players use AnB this deck would be ideal when the game gets reset due to the btn heroes/different cbn combos.
-Reach/Aoc's/Provs/Search/Zeal with capn band/TSA and btn heroes.
2) Straight green
-Provs/Plague/Two Bears/Search
-Ratio of 5/5/5/3 for enhs. Most common ratio in old top decks. Also green is ideal for multi for an offense because it never kills an opponents defense, although it does shuffle it. Also it is fast with Provs, and gets out what you need with 3 Searches. If you are not getting enough power somehow throw in Armorbearers/Capn's
3) Claudia/Et (purple/blue nt heroes mostly/battle winners)
-Good ole' Claudia/ET band
-Using the band to play Obediance of Noah, Book of Hozai, Reach, Book of Jashar, Cup of Wrath (must have side battle cards in a real offense for multi
) Abe's Servant and AoC.
-Throw in some btn heroes (like always) and some Parmenas/Bartimaeus/Nicodemeus (say that three times in a row sounds kinda cool)
-With all your enhs being played before the opponent blocks, that's if they think they can, then you are never hurting their defense (other than some AoC's)
-Thing is you must keep your Claudia/ET alive and well so I Am Redemption/Healing would work great.
-Caution! This deck makes people turn against you or makes you the target!
4) Teal/Green
-Fast with draw cards and searches
-Uses the set asides (Pentecost/Provisions/First Fruits/Feast of Trumpets) to get a head start on your opponents and get out what you need
-Uses cbn battle winners (Provs/Zeal/Burning Incense) so that when you play your card you usually win the battle
-Good choice of heroes (Tekoan Women/Seraiah/Hur/Phineas)
5) Urim and Thummin with cbn battle winners
-One of ym favorite due to the fact that you can see what your opponent's have.
-Uses TSA, Purple Heroes, and the majority Teal
-U/T an opponent that looks weak and see what you have.
-Should always have a reach/AoC, Zeal or Burning Incense or depending on your preference Jehoadia's Strength
-Depending on what your opponent has and what you have you always know what you can do. RA with TSA/Teal or Purple
-Throw in some draw cards for extra speed and you have yourself a powerhouse
Well that's all I got so far. Well at least that I can think of in one sitting. Please post your favorites, other than Elders, so people can learn to make T2 multi more competitive. Hope you all enjoy! And please post if I forgot anything/left it out.