Author Topic: Humble Seekerless Humble Seeker  (Read 4987 times)

Offline Kevinthedude

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Humble Seekerless Humble Seeker
« on: December 27, 2021, 03:06:23 PM »
Since we seem to be sharing our Mary theorycrafts, here's mine. At first I thought a Ruth focus would offer the best consistency but after trying to build a Humble Seeker deck this morning and watching it slowly transform into this I realized a Postee focus provided better attacks faster more consistently than Ruth. Mr.Hiatus' version has theoretically stronger attacks once it finishes setting up but requires significantly more cards to do so.

1   Lost Soul "Humble" (James 4:6/Proverbs 3:34) (RoJ AB)
1   Lost Soul (Distressed)
1   Lost Soul "Darkness" (Job 30:26) (Promo)
1   Lost Soul (Awake)
1   Lost Soul (Prosperity)
1   Lost Soul (Punisher) (FoM)
1   Lost Soul "Forsaken" (Hebrews 10:25) (CoW AB)

1   Destruction of Nehushtan (PoC)
1   Christian Martyr (2019) (Promo)
1   The Second Coming (CoW AB)
1   Chronicles of the Kings (LoC Plus)
1   Son of God (Promo 2018)
1   Three Woes (RoJ AB)
1   Angel of the Lord (Promo 2018)

1   Treacherous Land
1   Majestic Heavens (Promo)
1   Threshing Floor (LoC)
1   Sheol

1   Endless Treasures
1   Golden Calf (FoM)
1   The Great White Throne (RoJ AB)

1   David, Heart After God / David, the Contrite (LoC Plus)
1   Zerubbabel, the Chosen / Zerubbabel, the Builder (LoC Plus)
1   Mary, Faithful Servant / Mary, Mother of Christ (LoC)
1   Noah, the Righteous / Noah (Rest and Comfort) (LoC)
1   The Mighty Warrior (FoM)
1   Joshua, the Conqueror (LoC)
1   Nehemiah, the Viligant (Promo)
1   Achim, the Compiler / Achim, the Talmid (LoC)
1   Moses, Friend of God

1   David's Triumph (LoC)
1   David's Descendant (LoC)
1   Counsel of Abigail (LoC)
1   By My Spirit (LoC)
1   Abraham's Descendant (LoC)

1   Virgin Birth
1   The Emmaus Road
1   Delivered
1   Solomon's Dream (LoC)

1   The Tartan (LoC)
1   The Rabshakeh (LoC)
1   King Sennacherib (LoC)
1   Conjurers
1   Assyrian Camp (LoC)
1   The Deceiver (RoJ AB)
1   Foreign Wives

1   The Rabshakeh's Threats (LoC)
1   Sennacherib Blasphemes (LoC)
1   Offer of Exile (LoC)
1   Lurking (Promo)

1   Broken Covenant (CoW AB)
1   Jesse, the Ephrathite / Jesse, the Root (LoC)
1   Goshen (LoC)
1   Death of Unrighteous (FoM)
1   Hired Sword (LoC)
1   Foreign Horses (LoC)
1   The Rab-saris (LoC)
1   Matthew's Begats (LoC Plus)
1   Every Man's Sword (CoW AB)
1   Lost Soul (Hopper) (FoM)
« Last Edit: December 27, 2021, 04:55:44 PM by Kevinthedude »

Offline Watchman

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Re: Turbo Humble Seeker
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2021, 03:18:57 PM »
Was humble seeker supposed to be in this deck?  If so I don’t see it in the line up.
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Offline Kevinthedude

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Re: Turbo Humble Seeker
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2021, 03:36:23 PM »
Was humble seeker supposed to be in this deck?  If so I don’t see it in the line up.

It was supposed to be but it ended up not being good enough :P

Unfortunately Humble Seeker got cut from its own deck since it took too much finagling to make it repeatable and its not that useful for setup since our primary meek attackers want to get a chance to meekify themselves. However, this is still a Humble Seeker deck in essence if not actuality as the game plan is still the same one that Humble Seeker would support if it could fit.

Offline Reth

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Re: Turbo Humble Seeker
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2021, 04:09:25 PM »
Maybe the deck and thread can be renamed then?

Offline Kevinthedude

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Re: Turbo Humble Seeker
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2021, 04:55:29 PM »
Maybe the deck and thread can be renamed then?

I may have sacrificed too much accuracy for humor, I've adjusted the name slightly.

Offline Reth

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Re: Humble Seekerless Humble Seeker
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2021, 05:04:06 PM »
Much better!  ;D

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Re: Humble Seekerless Humble Seeker
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2021, 06:17:01 PM »
I feel like this build needs an Eleazar. A potential for a strong toss with Feast of Booths, then add that into an Impartial Judgement play, the Jayden special. Feast of Booths alone is a nice draw card that pairs well with Eleazar toss, or you band to David to have gold/red and a meek in battle. Eleazar also tossing for 0 isn't bad. It's tough for me not to run Offering Your Son and Numerous as the Stars with green heroes. Is Abe's Descendant there for the star ability, and The Emmaus Road to grab? I would argue Marriage Covenant is better for the CBN on meek and the band to, but it is not a star card. I don't hate the idea of Joseph in Reserve for this build.

How are you liking the Assyrians? I have always been a fan of them, negate and prevent, negate and band are very strong Enhancements.

Offline Kevinthedude

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Re: Humble Seekerless Humble Seeker
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2021, 01:17:45 AM »
I feel like this build needs an Eleazar. A potential for a strong toss with Feast of Booths, then add that into an Impartial Judgement play, the Jayden special. Feast of Booths alone is a nice draw card that pairs well with Eleazar toss, or you band to David to have gold/red and a meek in battle. Eleazar also tossing for 0 isn't bad. It's tough for me not to run Offering Your Son and Numerous as the Stars with green heroes. Is Abe's Descendant there for the star ability, and The Emmaus Road to grab? I would argue Marriage Covenant is better for the CBN on meek and the band to, but it is not a star card. I don't hate the idea of Joseph in Reserve for this build.

How are you liking the Assyrians? I have always been a fan of them, negate and prevent, negate and band are very strong Enhancements.

I just can't foresee choosing to attack with Eleazar alone when I can so reliably set up significantly stronger rescues. It is my firm belief that almost everyone commits too many slots to solid but ultimately unnecessary Heroes that in most games will do nothing but dilute your draws. Mighty Warrior holds a slot that could theoretically go to Eleazar but MW just has so many upsides over Eleazar that I can't really see ever valuing Eleazar higher and there's no way I'm running both.

Booths is almost never value positive on turn 1 and would require a dedicated Reserve slot to utilize its full potential.

I'm fairly confident that I am the single biggest fan of Offering Your Son (ask RDT) but I am also a big fan of always being able to play my consistency cards on turn 1. The deck only has 3 Heroes who can play it, one of whom should never actually be on the table, especially when drawn opening hand. That's only a ~38% chance of being able to play it turn 1 (even counting Moses) and still sub-50% to play it turn 2. I'm simply not willing to commit slots to "consistency cards" that are themselves so inconsistent. I still have Delivered (only because of the Assyrians) that allows me to chain Road into artifacts early game so I'm not missing out on that functionality, just the long term potential value of being able to do that line a second time. Plus, the lines of play that made Offering so critical in my Prophets deck just aren't present in this one.

Descendant is there because it's uniquely powerful in many specific scenarios and consistently a solid enhancement in general scenarios. Even in a vacuum I don't see Marriage out performing it to say nothing of the niche problems it can solve. The * is just yet another nice bonus, though I'd maintain its correct in its slot over obvious alternatives even without it.

No room to speak on Assyrians yet, as I just built this deck today and haven't played Assyrians in a real game for almost 10 years. They goldfish very well though and I was impressed by the Assyrian defense I faced last Nats. Solid early game blocks that don't require many cards to have a reasonable chance of success and late game they have some extremely strong interactions with SI when you set the band and weapons up right.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2021, 01:25:40 AM by Kevinthedude »


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