Author Topic: The Gateway Deck  (Read 4344 times)

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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The Gateway Deck
« on: December 27, 2021, 05:26:09 PM »
This deck (should be) tournament legal for both T1 and T2. I haven't tested this, I have been playing with Persians in T2 and I love them, and I already had a Ruth/Postexilic offense and white/brown meshed well. I haven't tested this, in theory it would work fine in both formats, it has some speed and can block, but can also rescue.
1   The Second Coming (CoW AB)
1   Mayhem (FoM)
1   Chronicles of the Kings (LoC)
1   Doubt (LoC)
1   Ride on Victoriously / Awesome Things (LoC)
1   Three Woes (RoJ AB)
1   Strife
1   Christian Martyr (2019) (Promo)
1   Falling Away (Promo 2018)
1   Angel of the Lord (Promo 2018)
1   Son of God (Promo 2018)
1   Vain Philosophy (PoC)
1   Valley of Dry Bones (PoC)
1   Destruction of Nehushtan (PoC)
14   Lost Soul Ephesians 5:14 – I just threw 14 souls, do 1x of each of the top ones

1   Lions' Den
1   Land of Moab (LoC)

1   Windows of Narrow Light (LoC)
1   Endless Treasures
1      Golden Calf (FoM)
1   Joab (CoW AB)
1   King Jehu (FoM)

1   Torn Kingdom (LoC)
1   Speak Favorably (LoC)
1   Honor Thy Enemy
1   Kinsmen's Agreement (CoW AB)
1   Delivered
1   Orpah Departs

1   Babel (FoM)
1   Sheol
1   Damascus (Promo)

1   Persian Archers
1   Persian Conquerors
1   Gomer (PoC)
1   Profane Daughters
1   The Deceiver (RoJ AB)
1   Haman (2019) (Promo)
1   King Darius, the Mede
1   King Xerxes
1   Queen Vashti
1   The Bear (PoC)
1   Medium in Endor (CoW AB)
1   The Amalekites' Slave (FoM)

1   Persian Horsemen / Persian Horses

1   Casting Stones (CoW AB)
1   Irrational Rage
1   Achan's Sin (I)
1   Bad Dealings (I)
1   Destroying Bands (LoC)
1   Foreign Horses (LoC)
1   Treachery of Jezebel (PoC)
1   Haman's Boasting
1   Reap the Whirlwind
1   Hired Sword (LoC)

1   Broken Covenant (CoW AB)
1   Flying Scroll (PoC)
1   Wasting Disease (PoC)

1   Bethlehem (LoC)
1   Storehouse (Promo)

1   Amminadab, the Generous / Amminadab, the Gracious (LoC)
1   Eliud, the Revolutionary / Eliud, the Pious (LoC)
1   Boaz' Foreman (LoC)
1   Rahab, the Defender / Rahab, the Proselyte (LoC)
1   Jesse, the Ephrathite / Jesse, the Root (LoC)
1   Obed, the Servant / Obed, the Gift (LoC)
1   Ruth, the Redeemed / Ruth, the Devoted (LoC)
1   Elders of the City (J)
1   Salmon, the Cloaked / Salmon, the Peaceful (LoC)
1   Elimelech (LoC)
1   David, Heart After God / David, the Contrite (LoC Plus)
1   Zerubbabel, the Chosen / Zerubbabel, the Builder (LoC Plus)
1   Ezra, Favored by God (LoC)
1   Jeshua, the Restorer (LoC)
1   Mary, Faithful Servant / Mary, Mother of Christ (LoC)
1   Noah, the Righteous / Noah (Rest and Comfort) (LoC)

1   Gleaning the Fields (J)
1   Shared Meal (LoC)
1   Ruth Meets Boaz (J)
1   Zerubbabel's Plumb Line (LoC)
1   The Emmaus Road
1   Offering Your Son
1   Solomon's Dream (LoC)
1   Ruth's Vow (LoC)
1   Your God Will Be My God (LoC)
1   Preparing to Return (LoC)
1   Boaz' Reapers (LoC)
1   Royal Parade (LoC)
1   Treasures of War (CoW AB)
1   Confusion (CoW AB)
1   Golden Calf Worship
1   No Regard for the Lord
1      Cursed Ground
1   Marriage Covenant (LoC)
1   Impartial Judgment (LoC)
1   Boaz' Offspring (LoC)
1   Devotion of Ruth (J)
1   Nahshon, the Blacksmith / Nahshon, the Oracle (LoC)

Offline TheJaylor

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Re: The Gateway Deck
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2021, 05:44:12 PM »
Why not double up on the better single-brigade stuff like Reap the Whirlwind instead of Casting Stones, Achan's Sin instead of Treachery of Jezebel, and Persian Horsemen instead of pretty much anything else? With both Slave and Deceiver, I could see doubling up on Haman and his Boasting too.

Unless there's some Judges stuff I'm missing, you could run 2x Ruth Meets Boaz instead of a Gleaning.

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Re: The Gateway Deck
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2021, 05:59:56 PM »
Because I read the rules super quick and read 1 per 50 thinking 1 per deck. I will go edit and double up now, whoops.

Offline TheJaylor

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Re: The Gateway Deck
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2021, 06:37:35 PM »
Because I read the rules super quick and read 1 per 50 thinking 1 per deck. I will go edit and double up now, whoops.
Ha, fair enough. It's also kinda strange that while it's technically legal in both formats, you miss out on 5 cards in Reserve when you play T2. I think the last time I built a deck like this was before the Reserve even existed. If everyone in a tournament had a deck like this and you played Round Robin, you could technically do T1 and T2 at the same time by saying whoever gets to 5 first wins the Type 1 game and whoever gets to 7 first (in the same game) wins the Type 2 game. :P


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