Author Topic: The Flood King (Classic)  (Read 3674 times)

Offline jhendrix6426

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The Flood King (Classic)
« on: October 09, 2021, 01:39:07 PM »
Hello Everyone... Posting this deck list as I mentioned it on discord and told Luke I would share it. This deck is the most fun deck that I have ever created on my own, and it was a pretty competitive deck last tournament season before LaFS hit the scene. I ended up running a LaFS deck at Nats, as I felt this deck would be wrecked by the counters that everyone was running to counter LaFS. I really wish I had just stuck it out and played what I wanted to, especially since rotation has been announced and this deck will no longer be an option at Nats. Oh wells... I am really excited to begin testing and building rotation decks and that excitement is enough to cover the regret I have of not running this at Nats.

I will say as a disclaimer, this is a version of this deck. There are tons of techs and small combo plays that have been in and out of the deck, but this is a fun version of it that I threw together off of memory and a previous lackey list I had. It may not be the best version, but you can see the concept of the deck and how it basically operated, or tried to. The deck is probably better with demons, which I ran in the last online tournament, but the philistine defense was the one  ran most of last tournament season and it was the original defense for this deck, so I wanted to include that in this published list. I may post a detailed writeup on how the deck plays and some of my favorite ways to play it if I get time later.

If you have any questions or what not, post em and let's discuss how much of a beast LoC Noah is!!

*List currently at 53, but if you wanted to get it to 51, cut Messenger of Satan and Philistine Garrison.

1   Falling Away (CoW AB)
1   Chronicles of the Kings (LoC Plus)
1   Three Woes (RoJ AB)
1   Mayhem (FoM)
1   Ride on Victoriously / Awesome Things (LoC)
1   The Second Coming (CoW AB)
1   Son of God (2019) (Promo)

Lost Souls
1   Lost Soul (Hopper) (FoM)
1   Lost Soul (Protector) Luke 5:15
1   Lost Soul (Distressed)
1   Lost Soul (Hunter)
1   Lost Soul "Lawless" (Hebrews 12:8) (CoW AB)
1   Lost Soul (Jeremiah 28:6) (Exiles)
1   Lost Soul (Remant)
1   Lost Soul (Darkness)

1   Endless Treasures
1   Book of the Covenant (PoC)
1   Book of the Law (LoC)
1   Hidden Treasures

1   Solomon's Temple (RoA)
1   Threshing Floor (LoC)
1   The Throne of David

Dual Alignment Enhancements
1   Delivered
1   Forbidden Fruit

1   Jehoshaphat, the Seeker / Jehoshaphat, the Meek (LoC)
1   Enosh, the Worshiper / Enosh (Mortal) (LoC)
1   Noah, the Righteous / Noah (Rest and Comfort) (LoC)
1   Father Abraham / Faithful Abraham (LoC)
1   Jeshua, the Restorer (LoC)
1   Moses, Friend of God
1   David, Heart After God / David, the Contrite (LoC Plus)
1   Melchizedek

Good Enhancements
1   The Lord Provides (LoC)
1   Solomon's Dream (LoC)
1   Faith of Noah
1   Offering Your Son
1   The Emmaus Road
1   Faith
1   Reverence and Awe (CoW AB)
1   A Soldier's Prayer
1   Fountain of Living Water (PoC)

Evil Characters
1   Philistine Commanders (LoC)
1   The Herdsmen of Gerar (LoC)
1   Abimelech, King of Gerar (LoC)
1   Philistine Armor Bearer (LoC)
1   The Deceiver (RoJ AB)
1   Goliath (LoC)
1   Philistine Garrison (LoC)
1   Messenger of Satan (EC)

Evil Enhancements
1   The Wages of Sin (FoM)
1   Overrun by Philistines (LoC)
1   Bringing Fear (LoC)
1   Abandonment (EC)

1   Authority of Christ (Promo)
1   Royal Parade (LoC)
1   Covenant with David (PoC)
1   Golden Calf (FoM)
1   Commander Phicol (LoC)
1   Philistine Chariot and Horses
1   Jacob, Follower of God / Israel, Retainer of God (LoC)
1   Covenant with Noah (PoC)
1   Jonah (PoC)
1   A Royal Priesthood
« Last Edit: October 09, 2021, 01:43:35 PM by jhendrix6426 »

Offline jhendrix6426

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Re: The Flood King (Classic)
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2021, 01:43:44 PM »

Offline Watchman

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Re: The Flood King (Classic)
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2021, 05:23:38 PM »
How do you get AOC out of the reserve?
Overcome satan by the blood of the Lamb, your testimony, and don't love your life to the death!

Offline jhendrix6426

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Re: The Flood King (Classic)
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2021, 06:47:30 PM »
Book of the law topdecks it. Jeshua, threshing floor and throne make sure you have a way to get it for the battle.


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