I've only played one game with this deck so far, which you can watch
here, but I'm already liking this deck a lot. I think the Postexilic theme got a lot of flack for not having very many strong characters in LoC, making it not quite as strong in LoC Only as Throne, Genesis, or Ruth, but I think with some of the old Postexilic Heroes and a few other tricks this deck can be competitive. I started with a Type 1 version as well that uses a very small splash defense and in the few games I've played with it so far it's been pretty quick.
Potential roadblocks to success are cards that counter Solomon's Dream/Zerubbabel's Plumb Line/A Soldier's Prayer since those are what really help get the offense going, so I think I would still make a few adjustments to the deck to have more counter-counters, but this is the version I used in the video which is why it's in Complete Decks. Suggestions and feedback are still welcome though!
The Greek defense was mostly just to try out Alexander the Great since I really haven't used him in a deck yet. Maybe there would be a faster option to have more consistency, but I do like having the Worldly Wisdom chain option for an early d3 from Feast of Booths and also having a mostly gold offense means Kindness fits in quite nicely. The offense sort of necessitates Coliseum though so not having Scattered Sheep or Abandonment is tough so maybe there's a better option for CBP mass battle removal like Babylonians with Nergal, Seized by Babylon, etc., but switching out the Adjourns to have four Seized by Rioters might be sufficient for that. One benefit though is that Abom helps clear their territory of Evil Characters as well which makes the offense especially efficient.
Check out the video to see some of the strategies and combos of the deck!
Neutral: 242 Lost Soul "Darkness" (Job 30:26) (Promo)
2 Lost Soul (Jeremiah 28:6) (Exiles)
2 Lost Soul "Forsaken" (Hebrews 10:25) (CoW AB)
2 Lost Soul (Hunter)
2 Lost Soul "Lawless" (Hebrews 12:

(CoW AB)
2 Lost Soul (Prosperity)
2 Lost Soul (Remnant)
1 Book of the Covenant (PoC)
1 Endless Treasures
1 Golden Calf (FoM)
1 Shrine to Artemis
1 Chronicles of the Kings (LoC)
1 Destruction of Nehushtan (PoC)
1 Three Woes (RoJ AB)
1 Prisoner at Gaza
1 Delivered
1 The Lord Delivers! / Am I a Dog? (LoC)
Good: 381 Angel of the Lord (Promo 2018)
1 Guardian Of Your Souls (RoJ AB)
1 Son of God "Manger" (Promo)
1 The Second Coming (CoW AB)
1 Noah's Ark (Ark of Salvation)
1 Storehouse (Promo)
1 Wall of Protection (Promo)
1 Zerubbabel's Temple (LoC)
1 Oath of Purity (LoC)
1 Eliud, the Revolutionary / Eliud, the Pious (LoC)
1 Joshua, the Conqueror (LoC)
1 Matthan, the Defender / Matthan, the Denigrated (LoC)
1 Ezra, Favored by God (LoC)
1 Jeshua, the Restorer (LoC)
1 David, Outcasts' Refuge / David, the Anointed (LoC)
1 Jehoshaphat, the Seeker / Jehoshaphat, the Meek (LoC)
1 Zechariah, the Renewer
2 Zerubbabel, the Chosen / Zerubbabel, the Builder (LoC)
1 Jacob, Disgruntled Subject / Jacob, Relegated Servant (LoC)
1 Haggai (PoC)
1 Malachi (PoC)
1 The Angel Under the Oak
1 Joiada, Son of Eliashib
1 Feast of Booths (LoC)
1 Feast of Trumpets (LoC)
1 Feast of Unleavened Bread (LoC)
1 Offering Your Son
1 The Emmaus Road
1 Triumphal Entry
2 Kindness (EC)
2 Solomon's Dream (LoC)
2 Zerubbabel's Plumb Line (LoC)
2 A Soldier's Prayer
Evil: 381 Christian Martyr (2019) (Promo)
1 Doubt (LoC)
1 Falling Away
1 Mayhem (FoM)
1 Rubble and Dust
1 Shipwreck (Promo)
1 Vain Philosophy (PoC)
1 Areopagus
1 Coliseum (CoW AB)
1 High Places
1 Sheol
2 Flying Scroll (PoC)
1 Kings of The Earth (RoJ AB)
1 The Goat with Horn
1 The Winged Leopard (PoC)
1 Antiochus IV Epiphanes
1 The Priest of Zeus (Promo)
2 Epicurean Philosophers
2 Stoic Philosophers
1 Alexander the Great
1 Demetrius the Silversmith
1 The Deceiver (RoJ AB)
1 Lurking (Promo)
1 The Wages of Sin (FoM)
2 Betrayal (PoC)
4 Worldly Wisdom
2 Adjourn
2 Seized by Rioters
1 Abomination of Desolation
1 Majestic Heavens (Promo)
1 Covenant with Abraham (PoC)
1 Oath of Purity (LoC)
1 Eleazar, the Potentate / Eleazar, the Vassal (LoC)
1 Jeshua, the Restorer (LoC)
1 The Angel of the Winds (CoW AB)
2 Impartial Judgment (LoC)
1 Sheol
1 Pagan Sailors
1 Antiochus IV Epiphanes
1 Alexander the Great
1 Paying Taxes (CoW AB)
1 Abomination of Desolation
1 Seek and Destroy