Author Topic: No evil! Please help  (Read 1439 times)

Offline goldencomet

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No evil! Please help
« on: June 09, 2010, 02:45:18 PM »
I beat someone in ROOT with it but that is only because I played SoG/NJ faster than he did (he was still placing LS)
Can I have some input please? I want to go to nats this year


Falling Away
Destruction of Nehushtan
Harvest Time
Son of God
Angel of the Lord
Guardian of your Souls
New Jerusalem


Ark of the Covenant
Burial Shroud
Holy Grail
Three Nails
Household Idols
Captured Ark
I Am Patience
Chariot of Fire


Kir (TxP)
Dragon Raid


Wall of Protection
The Name of the Lord


Faithful Servant (Green, White, Purple) (4/4)
Seeker of the Lost (Red, Yellow, Blue) (4/4)
GOING TO HAVE Soldier of God (Red, Yellow, Blue) (4/4) (Can Band to Faithful Servant)
Simeon (Yellow, 7/6, can band with a good prophet)
Maharai (White, 6/2, can band to blue)
Claudia (Blue, 5/5, can band to male NT hero)
James, son of Zebedee (8/6, purple, can band to John)
John (purple, 7/8 (PROMO), player may look through any draw pile and return cards unshuffled)
Priests of Christ (teal, 4/5, immune to demons, if blocked with an evil char from hand may search draw pile for a good dominant and add to hand)
Ahimaaz (teal, 4/2, protect from capture, may look at opponent's hand and return from battle unharmed)

Good Enhancements

Love at first sight
The Word Spreads
Taking Egypt's Wealth
Authority of Christ
Plague of Frogs
Moses and Elders
Fishers of Men
Book of Hozai
Preaching the Truth
Trumpet Blast

Lost Souls

site discard
site doubler
NT only
women only
immune to color of lost soul's site

if you couldn't already tell the main goal is prevent demons and convert humans. There are no evil chars. When replying, please answer the following:

1) What is needed
2) What is unnecessary
3) How did I do overall
4) Will this survive at nats

Thanks for your input!


Offline soul seeker

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Re: No evil! Please help
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2010, 02:53:02 PM »
1) You probably would benefit from Uzzah because of all your artifacts
             Other quick helps would be some other stand alones: like Gomer TeP (borrow their D)  and some immune characters
2)  Doubt becomes unneccessary in this deck and Uzzah is more of a guaranteed stop where Doubt is not.
      Burial Shroud is a toss up
     Lost soul immune is an absolute waste if you have no D
     Wall of Protection will do you no good if you have no D...who cares if they band to're not blocking
     Name of the Lord is meh, but it does stop Capture and other annoyances.
those are some thoughts to mull over.

3)  You did great considering the size of deck you were playing last night.  Good job on taking my advice which help you to a win.  Keep tweaking and you will get a deck that you will like.

4)  You are on your way, but Nats has a little luck involved mixed with skill.  But you are definitely on your way.   :)
noob with a medal


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