Author Topic: Judges and Babylonians deck used at the 2016 11th type 2 only tournament  (Read 1539 times)

Offline redemption collector 777

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Deck total x 103

Good cards
Heroes x 19

Moses x 2
   Ehud (RoA)
   Eli the Priest (RoA)
   Samson (J)
   Samuel (RoA)
   Simeon (Wa) x 2
   Angel with the Secret Name (RoA) x 2
   The Angel Under the Oak x 3
   Jephthah (J)
   Jair (RoA)
   Gideon (UL) x 2
         Good enhancements x 16
   Samuel's Edict x 4
   Sword against Sword
   Eli's Sound Advice
   Ehud's Dagger (RoA) x 2
   Ambush the City
   Gideon's Call (J) x 2
   Trumpets and Torches x 2
   Shamgar's Oxgoad
   Deborah's Directive
   The Acts of Solomon
Good Dominants x 4
           Son of God (J deck)
             New Jerusalem
            Guardian of your Souls
            Angel of the Lord
Good Fortress x 2

           Judge's Seat
           Wall of Protection

Total  cards x 41

Evil cards
EC x 17
   Egyptian Magicians
   Foreign Spearman
   Astrologers (TxP)
   Babylonian Soldiers x 2
   Nergalsharezer x 3
   Nebuchadnezzar (TxP) x 2
   King Belshazzar
   The Winged Lion
   Archers of Kedar
   King Merodach-baladan
   Babylonian Forces
Evil enhancements x 16
   Head of Gold x 4
   Swift Horses (FooF) x 4
   Desecrate the Temple x 2
   Nebuchadnezzar's Pride
   Great Image
   Belshazzar's Banquet
   Invoking Terror
   Table of Demons (EC)
           King's Pomp

Evil Dominants x 5
           Christian Martyr
           Destruction of Nehushtan
       Falling Away
Evil Fortress x 2
    Alexandrian Ship
    Headquarters at Riblah
Curse x 1

Captured Ark

total cards x 41



Urim and Thummim
Iron pan x 2
Hezzy's Ring

Lost Soul cards

Hopper x 2
Awake x 2
First Round Protect
Female only x 2
Lost Souls (2 liner)
Anti Burial

Dragon Raid (promo)
total cards x 21

This is the deck I used at the 11th type 2 only tournament. This was my 2nd time attending to the type 2 only tournaments.

Wanted to choose a defensive theme and a few select cards , that not may people play nowadays at tournaments and then pair it with a offensive that is speedy. So I chose babylonians and paired it with Judges.

Notes of Strategies of deck:

One of the main strategies to the defensive side was to mostly capture , discard and/ or set a side as many opponent's characters as possible.

Other ones include:

-Have Iron pan activate and use Nergalsharezer with swift horses and another babylonian in play and play Head of Gold on him (CBN capture with x = # of Babylonians in play) as one of the main blocks I used.

- Play Desecrate the Temple as early as possible so I could discard son of god card from opponent's deck.

- Surprise some players by blocking with Foreign Spearman from hand (as toss battles from defense was not played at all or very little at the time that I saw and within my play group) and a large decrease from head of Gold enhancement ( strength = # of babylonians in play).

- Have 2 hopper Lost Souls , 2 Awake Lost souls , Revealer LS and 2 Gideon's call to get as many Lost Souls to my opponent's land of Bondage as fast as possible.

- Use Eli for Urim and Thummim to look at opponent's hand.

-and probably a few more.

Some highlights from the deck I played:

-Discarded 6 Armor of God enhancements that was placed on a Solider of God character with King's Pomp.

- Discarded 9 Heroes in opponent's territory with great image.

- Had at least 12 captured characters at one time in my land of Bondage , then put them all in Alexandrin ship.

-Negated Solider of God's band and search abilities by the Punisher LS which in itself is already hard to stop with CBN by an evil card.

- Discarded Son of God card from 2 people's decks

- Had a toss battle with Paul , decreasing Paul by 7 using head of gold. But then realized after that battle , I untentionally created the best Hero in the game for my opponent , 3/3  multi-colored hero and CBN enhancements :rollin: :rollin: :doh: :doh:

I had a lot of fun at the tournament , seeing all the other decks and strategy that other people used and having the games regardless if I won or lost.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2016, 10:33:55 PM by redemption collector 777 »


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killer deck man!! really great to meet you at the t2 only!

i am a big fan of iron pan at the moment.. it is so powerful for so many reasons. negating protection may be the biggest plus, but it has a ton of other perks with your cbn stuff! head of gold and great image are huge in t2!!! well done!


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