Just got back from NC Regionals last night!
Want to say thanks again to the great host (Pat) and all the people who made it possible, great times all-around! This was the deck I used (hurriedly put together minutes before the category started thanks to John and Jordan lending me 99% of the cards) for all five games of the category. It was 3-0 to start, then lost the last 2 games mostly due to lack of heroes (somehow
). Outside of possibly <10 games in between, I haven't played T1-2p since Nats 2014.
Cards: 57LS: 8Dull (CoW)
Lawless (CoW)
<Best non-broken LS in the gameAwake
<Ban this card! Ban it like T1 multi! CBP
Dom: 8SoG
SC (CoW)
FA (w)
Arts/Covs/Curses: 4Magic Charms
Holy Grail
Signet Ring
Forts: 2Wall o’ Protection
Throne o’ David
Heroes: 12AutO
Samuel (tin)
CotH (wa)
King Saul (CoW)
Abram’s Army
Joshua (CoW)
Joab (CoW)
David, the Shepherd (CoW)
Ahimilech, the Hittite
GE: 7United Kingdom
Counsel o’ Abigail
Faith o’ Barak (CoW)
Battle Cry
Bravery o’ David
Foreign Sword
EC: 9Foreign Wives
Silly Women (PC)
The Serpent (p)
Simon the Magician
Egyptian Rebel
Judas Iscariot
EE: 7Scattered
Invoking Terror
Death o’ Unrighteous
Nebby’s Pride
Dissension in Antioch
Hypocrisy (EC)
Some notes:There were several offenses like this one, though with key differences. I use more red for a personal affinity.
In five games, having SoG that was not an I or J SoG didn't matter at all, because of FBTN LS.
I think I used DoU in only one or two of the five games.
Ring + RBD were great, if I could draw them before it was too late. I think I Grailed only one or two EC in five games (my own Silly Women once, to generate a Soul). Magic Charms never once captured Heroes.
Hypocrisy + Mayhem was pulled off only once, and never against me.
Spread out in five games, I played every EE at least once. I played a total of 1 or 2 GE in battle, in all five games. ASP was played nearly every game to get Counsel o' Abigail, but that was never played. Foreign Sword was used to great effect pre-battle, and BoD was attempted once. Otherwise, Battle Cry, United Kingdom, CoA, and Faith o' Barak were all never used in any game (as far as I can recall). That's crazy to me
Overall, can be very fun if it comes up decently. There is room for improvement, I think (maybe cutting back down to 50-51, among individual card choices). I'm not sure if I'll use a deck like this at Nats, but I expect there to be several like it, so here is a pitiable example, for your dissecting pleasure.