Author Topic: Gen/Egyptian deck 10+ years played  (Read 4301 times)

Offline Cnakeeyes

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Gen/Egyptian deck 10+ years played
« on: April 14, 2020, 08:01:33 PM »
I’ve had Redemption cards for as long as I can remember. My Grand parents got them for me and my brother when we were young just before we moved to Pennsylvania. After living in PA for a few years I was hanging out at my friend’s house and noticed that he had some cards on his floor. That was when Jerome Beers and I started trying to figure out how to play. At first we played way wrong, from having 100% illegal decks to shuffling the discard pile when we decked out, it was a mess and fun to think about. Since then we have gotten Jerome’s Brother to start playing (Josiah Beers) and have a small but fairly competitive playgroup here in Hanover PA. From the start of my playing I’ve played the same type of deck, Sons of Jacob/Egyptian. Jerome and I started traveling for tournaments and Jerome found success from the start. It seemed like every tournament we went to he was at the top table competing for 1st. I was not so fortunate typically finishing toward the bottom. But after years of playing against Jerome and Josiah and tweaking my deck over time I started finding Success. Mostly at the smaller tournaments but it was a start. Then I had the opportunity to go to nats in Knoxville Hosted by Chris F. years ago (I don’t remember what year it was). That was one of the most fun tournaments I had been to. I played really well early in t1-2p but ultimately lost a few games toward the end and missed placing by a good bit as I remember. The next nats I went to was in Minnesota (I Think) when Early Church was Released. I was lucky enough to Get to top cut that year in t1-2p and Ended up Winning t1-Multi. After that year Dane M. decided to stop Playing and he had hosted most of the tournaments that I had been going to. So I ended up not getting to many tournaments for a while. I don’t remember the year but I ended up getting a weekend off and it coincided with NY States Hosted by Jonathan Greeson and Convinced my wife to go. I want to say it had been a year or 2 since I had played but had gotten the newer cards and was able to update my deck. I want to say that was the year CoW came out. I ended up have a great tournament and got to meet even more amazing people from Jonathan, to Ben, and Al. also John Michaliszyn was there who I knew from playing at Creation Fest. I decided to attend OH states Hosted by Josh that year and had another fun tournament and played really well again. I decided to attend NE regionals that year hosted by John Michaliszyn in CT and had even more fun and meet even more great people, Other Charles, Emanuel, and more (Sorry for not listing everyone, Im horrible with names). I have gone to NE Regionals every year since and OH the next 2 years and was able to make it to Nats again for the 3rd time last year in Knoxville again and missed top cut by 1 game (Lost to John E. in last round). In all this time I’ve played the same deck with updates as sets have come up. Here is that most recent iteration of it pre-LoC and Ignore rule Change.

Total – 50 deck 10 Reserve

Doms - 7
Angel of the Lord
Falling Away (CoW)
Son of God
The Second Coming
Three Woes

Lost Souls – 8
Negate Band

Arts/Forts/Sites/DAE - 7
Endless Treasures
Covenant with Adam (PoC)
Bethlehem (Promo)
Pharaoh’s Throne Room
Storehouse (Promo)
Egypt (PoC)
Seven Year of Plenty

Heros – 8
Enoch (CoW)
Jacob (CoW)
Joseph (CoW)
Melchizedek (CoW)
Rachel (FooF)
The Three Visitors

Good Enhancements – 5
Faith Among Corruption
Faith of Isaac
Faith of Sarah
Joseph Before Pharaoh (LR)
Well Reopened (TeXP)

Evil Characters – 10
Egyptian Magicians
Grain Tenders
Outsiders (Black/Gold)
Messenger of Satan (EC)
Pharaoh’s Baker
Taskmaster (FoM)
The Amalekites’ Slave (LR)
The Deceiver
The Dreaming Pharaoh
The Murdering Pharaoh

Evil Enhancements – 5
Egyptian Horses
Failed Objective
Swift Horses
The Wages of Sin
Wonders Forgotten

Reserve – 10
Judah (TeXP)
Abraham’s Descendant
Forgiveness of Joseph
Foreign Wives
Paying Taxes
Enslaved by Egypt
Unknown Nation (PoC)
Rain Becomes Dust
The Gates of Hell

I have won everything from Locals to Regionals with this deck with minor tweaks. If you have any question about certain cards, ask and I will explain why they are in here. Since the ignore rule change this deck has gone way down in ability but has still performed well at the few locals I’ve been to. But after at least 10 years of playing variations of this I am currently trying to find something else to play that is as much fun to play for the first time.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2020, 08:07:31 PM by Cnakeeyes »

Offline Cnakeeyes

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Re: Gen/Egyptian deck 10+ years played
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2020, 04:02:03 PM »
I would not feel comfortable running a deck without CM. :o I wouldn't often say this, but have you thought about making it 57?

If this were me, I'd probably look to cut:

Bethlehem (promo)
Pharaoh's Throne Room
Enoch (CoW)
At least 2 EC (not super up to date on the Egyptians so I'm not sure which)
Messenger o' Satan - If you're doing a Gates splash, I'd use at least 3 demons (not including Deceiver); but maybe this has worked consistently enough for you
Wages o' Sin - So few characters to play this on and not really enough targets to warrant its inclusion for me
...And probably many more that would end up completely morphing this into something that's no longer your vision- Adding more Heroes, GE, etc. But it's your flavor; if it works, then keep on doing it. :thumbup:

If you're moving away from Zebulun, I'd be tempted to try something utilizing the new blue (Abe + the Patriarchs) if you have access to them. There're so many options that way. Or, the CoW Abe and FoM Lot and that side of blue. Or, Sons of Jacob as a whole. Point is, blue has a ton of support. Just stay away from Flood Survivors. Years ago I would've said stay away from Zebulun too, but it seems like I would've been ignored. ::)

No real need for CM with Endless capturing CBN with "enslaved by Egypt" every turn from grain tenders getting it back. Also regardless of protection if wicked soul is out.

Mayhem is consistent speed. play down everything and mayhem. Only a few cards in this deck that cant play down right away.

Bethlehem promo protects every here except the angel and Judah from discard. So now you have to negate 2 cards before you can get your CM block.

Honestly throne room has been in and out. I like the protection it give so I can block with who I want. They can't just angel my guys in territory.

Enoch is so i don't get soul droted. Rescue him instead with SoG. Plus protected from capture, discard, and convention with Melchizedek out.

Messenger adds a little speed, and numbers to my bands that end with me playing next.

4 characters to play wages on has not let me down.
Messenger, deciever, outsiders, and foreign wives

As far as few EC you have to account for 1 dead with failed, Baker removes himself, and grain tenders never enters battle. So 3 less right there.

And Gates, I go to deck most game with deceiver only go to reserve if that's my only block, I agree that 3 demons would be better but 2 has worked fine. I had spirit of temptation in for the magicians trick but ended up cutting.

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Re: Gen/Egyptian deck 10+ years played
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2020, 05:41:27 PM »
Have you ever tested with Reverance and Awe?

With 3 main deck targets (Egypt, Bethlehem, Storehouse) I think it's a great card for setting up extremely fast.

Perhaps sliding Throne Room to Reserve since that's not really a card you need in the early game could give you room for R&A (though admittedly that makes Egypt your only option for grabbing Throne Room). Well Reopened might be another option to cut -- you sacrifice the option to D1 but you gain the option to get Storehouse faster which should usually offset the loss of the D1.
Fortress Alstad
Have you checked the REG?
Have you looked it up in ORCID?

Offline Cnakeeyes

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Re: Gen/Egyptian deck 10+ years played
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2020, 06:36:55 PM »
Have you ever tested with Reverance and Awe?

With 3 main deck targets (Egypt, Bethlehem, Storehouse) I think it's a great card for setting up extremely fast.

Perhaps sliding Throne Room to Reserve since that's not really a card you need in the early game could give you room for R&A (though admittedly that makes Egypt your only option for grabbing Throne Room). Well Reopened might be another option to cut -- you sacrifice the option to D1 but you gain the option to get Storehouse faster which should usually offset the loss of the D1.

I have thought about it. I wouldn't cut well reopened cause well, to Egypt, to storehouse gets an extra card out and has the d1 if they are already out.

I had tried to get them both in.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2020, 06:39:34 PM by Cnakeeyes »


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