Author Topic: Exodus/Gray Goodies  (Read 7563 times)

Offline The Schaefer

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Exodus/Gray Goodies
« on: July 02, 2020, 08:03:30 PM »
This is a current iteration of a deck I've been brewing up for T1. Im not normally a T1 player so I'm not sure how good the card choices and strategy is as a whole but it at least seems like it will have some competitive potential. Obviously testing would prove how competitive and what cards may be more ideal but here goes.

51 cards (I'm a Rebel)

Souls 7


Doms 7

3 Woes
FA (wo)
Valley of Dry Bones


Book of the Covenant
Endless Treasures
Covenant of Prayer
Ends of the Earth

Heroes (DaCs are always used as heroes) 8

Pharaoh's Daughter
Slaves in Egypt
Moses (CoW)
Moses' Parents
Indentured Servant
24 Elders

GEs 11

Fifth Seal/Justice seekers (Hero in a pinch)
Reverence and Awe
Consider the lilies
Love Righteousness
Word of their Testimony
The Exodus
Plague of Darkness
Faith Unbowed
Royal Parade
Words of Encouragement

Ecs 7
The Deceiver
Proud Pharisee
Syrian Mercenaries
King Rezin
The Strong Force
Sabbath Breaker
The Lying Prophet

EEs 5
Idol Worship
Seize him
Balaam's Disobedience
Syrian Victory

Reserve 10

The Angel of the Winds
The Woman with Child
I am Creator
You will Remain
Covenant with Moses
Damascus (clay site)
Broken Covenant
Captured Ark

Overall the deck aims to set up a turn 1 Moses via Pharoah Daughter and probably a turn 1 rescue with Shiphrah to get moses' parents in play. With enhancement backup it should make things difficult for your opponent. The defense is focused on either drawing or playing the first enhancement.
Capturing is something im a little skeptical on but CBN play first battle winning capability probably makes it competitively viable even if there are downsides. Valley of Dry Bones was specifically chosen as a dominant to alleviate some of the capturing downsides as well as interacting very well with fifth Seal/justice seeker. White as a brigade offers a myriad of options so im unsure what the best compliments to the exodus theme I have in here is. (I don't think the non white exodus heroes are worth it imo) Awake is a small gamble in deckbuilding. All the souls are chosen to provide some first turn advantage and Awake is in to actually search your own deck for one of these souls to set up First turn plays. Having more souls on the first turn will likely mean you go first which probably is worth it even if it also conflicts with Covet.

There are plenty of cards that could go in this deck and so If you want to discuss card choices on why something is in or not in this list please feel free. Thanks to everyone who takes a look and hope yall find this interesting.

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Re: Exodus/Gray Goodies
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2020, 09:27:40 AM »
I'm more of an 11 hero/8 enh kind of guy. Are you finding that you ever lack a hero or does being able to pull out Angel/Woman w/ Child from reserve first turn usually alleviate that, which then gives you room for more GE's? Nice deck, you have been loving you some Exodus offenses all season...hmmm interesting.

Offline The Schaefer

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Re: Exodus/Gray Goodies
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2020, 07:54:46 PM »
I'm more of an 11 hero/8 enh kind of guy. Are you finding that you ever lack a hero or does being able to pull out Angel/Woman w/ Child from reserve first turn usually alleviate that, which then gives you room for more GE's? Nice deck, you have been loving you some Exodus offenses all season...hmmm interesting.

I havent gotten any extensive testing in to be fair but in what testing I have done I havent had any issues on the 8 hero front. Book of the Covenant, Egypt, and the souls have seemed to always get me what I needed that I didn't draw.

Id say most games I at least am able to assemble Pharoah's daughter and shiphrah which gets moses and moses parents typically. With all the white searchers its easier to do.

I tend to latch onto ideas and just kind of see where it takes me. Exodus has been that deck for me lately. Lol

Offline Reth

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Re: Exodus/Gray Goodies
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2020, 05:35:56 PM »
On which Heroes do you play all the NT/non-Cloud/non-Exodus stuff if Moses (CoW) is out? Only a few of those are CBP ...

Offline The Schaefer

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Re: Exodus/Gray Goodies
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2020, 08:53:35 PM »
On which Heroes do you play all the NT/non-Cloud/non-Exodus stuff if Moses (CoW) is out? Only a few of those are CBP ...

Moses doesn't affect stuff in battle unless he's in battle so typically he's not in battle. The TC stuff you either use before he is in play or in battle.

Offline Reth

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Re: Exodus/Gray Goodies
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2020, 03:10:34 AM »
Thanks! Got it. So Moses is considered "just" to shut down as much as possible on your opponent's side? Not also for winning battles (beside maybe late game with "The Exodus")?
If so then you need to put down your own souls quite quickly or keep him in hand quite long ... (or maybe incorporate some bouncing ...), right?

Offline Xonathan

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Re: Exodus/Gray Goodies
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2020, 10:16:45 AM »
Captain of the Chariots/ Gold Shield would be good for this deck. I really love that play.
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Offline jbeers285

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Re: Exodus/Gray Goodies
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2020, 03:56:47 PM »
Do you mind if I build and mess around with this deck on lackey ?

I am sure if he wanted the deck kept hush, hush, it wouldn't be on the boards.
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Offline The Schaefer

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Re: Exodus/Gray Goodies
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2020, 09:22:14 PM »
Do you mind if I build and mess around with this deck on lackey ?

I am sure if he wanted the deck kept hush, hush, it wouldn't be on the boards.

I don't mind at all. I very very rarely play Type 1 and doubt I will at Nats. If anyone one has any questions, comments, suggestions, or concerns, feel free to share.

Offline The Schaefer

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Re: Exodus/Gray Goodies
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2020, 09:34:07 PM »
Thanks! Got it. So Moses is considered "just" to shut down as much as possible on your opponent's side? Not also for winning battles (beside maybe late game with "The Exodus")?
If so then you need to put down your own souls quite quickly or keep him in hand quite long ... (or maybe incorporate some bouncing ...), right?
The lost soul effects really only matter for the opening turn. Past that I just expect them to be shut down but so are the opponents. The souls I chose are good at getting that early card advantage to set up. Opposing lost souls probably won't be quite as set up that way. Moses should come down on your first turn either by drawing him naturally or by searching for him off of Pharoah's daughter. Normally I think Shiphrah and Miriam are the 2 primary rescuers. Moses, Moses, parents, Pharoah's daughter, and Indentured servant all have good TC effects while Miriam and Shiphrah have good in battle effects. Slaves in egypt, 24 elders, and the Woman with child are all just decent options to have otherwise.

Its not as if every character can't rescue just decks tend to have certain characters that rescue more than others. Moses in battle isn't as good as he used to be imo (not that he's bad) but he also has some negative synergy with indentured servant if Moses ever enters battle. Its not too hard to adjust the enhs to have more that work on moses. Just things you have to weigh out pros and cons for.

Offline Reth

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Re: Exodus/Gray Goodies
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2020, 03:20:35 AM »
Its not as if every character can't rescue just decks tend to have certain characters that rescue more than others. Moses in battle isn't as good as he used to be imo (not that he's bad) but he also has some negative synergy with indentured servant if Moses ever enters battle. Its not too hard to adjust the enhs to have more that work on moses. Just things you have to weigh out pros and cons for.

That's true. I also made some Exodus themed deck a while ago with focus on deck discard but deck DCing became harder since Storehouse is out. Another drawback of the deck DCing defense is that they are not such powerful in defending (well in the past there have been players who even converted parts of those defense in order to get the deck DCing stuff during attack  ;)). So it's just a more or less fun deck.  :D
But what do you think about Hannah (not really Exodus but Musician and good numbers) or Hur as part of the offense?

Offline The Schaefer

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Re: Exodus/Gray Goodies
« Reply #11 on: July 21, 2020, 12:09:54 PM »
Its not as if every character can't rescue just decks tend to have certain characters that rescue more than others. Moses in battle isn't as good as he used to be imo (not that he's bad) but he also has some negative synergy with indentured servant if Moses ever enters battle. Its not too hard to adjust the enhs to have more that work on moses. Just things you have to weigh out pros and cons for.

That's true. I also made some Exodus themed deck a while ago with focus on deck discard but deck DCing became harder since Storehouse is out. Another drawback of the deck DCing defense is that they are not such powerful in defending (well in the past there have been players who even converted parts of those defense in order to get the deck DCing stuff during attack  ;)). So it's just a more or less fun deck.  :D
But what do you think about Hannah (not really Exodus but Musician and good numbers) or Hur as part of the offense?

Hannah is a card I considered along side Esther but I had difficulty finding space and keeping the deck a size I was comfortable with. Hur I just don't think is better than the other rescuing options but thats just a personal opinion and may not be correct

Offline Reth

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Re: Exodus/Gray Goodies
« Reply #12 on: July 21, 2020, 04:26:43 PM »
Yep, Hur has OK numbers and is a good choice for an Exodus Theme (since he benefits from appropriate cards) and is quite helpful for a deck DCing deck.   ;D

Offline Cnakeeyes

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Re: Exodus/Gray Goodies
« Reply #13 on: July 21, 2020, 06:10:39 PM »
I can say from running this at a local because it looked fun. I think switching 24 elders for Hannah would be good. However I never once pushed anyone into battle other then Miriam and shiphrah, Hannah may have been pushed when I thought Uzzah was coming.

8 hero's was no problem for me. Every game I had at least 4 hero's out 1st turn including pharaohs daughters, Moses, and shiphrah for the fast setup.

I only lost 1 of the 6 games played (to Josiah Beers) at the local.

Offline Red Wing

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Re: Exodus/Gray Goodies
« Reply #14 on: July 21, 2020, 06:32:23 PM »
I can say from running this at a local because it looked fun. I think switching 24 elders for Hannah would be good. However I never once pushed anyone into battle other then Miriam and shiphrah, Hannah may have been pushed when I thought Uzzah was coming.

8 hero's was no problem for me. Every game I had at least 4 hero's out 1st turn including pharaohs daughters, Moses, and shiphrah for the fast setup.

I only lost 1 of the 6 games played (to Josiah Beers) at the local.
24 Elders also stops Uzzah assuming you have an Art to shuffle. But I do think both of them belong in pretty much every white deck.
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Offline Cnakeeyes

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Re: Exodus/Gray Goodies
« Reply #15 on: July 21, 2020, 08:42:46 PM »
I can say from running this at a local because it looked fun. I think switching 24 elders for Hannah would be good. However I never once pushed anyone into battle other then Miriam and shiphrah, Hannah may have been pushed when I thought Uzzah was coming.

8 hero's was no problem for me. Every game I had at least 4 hero's out 1st turn including pharaohs daughters, Moses, and shiphrah for the fast setup.

I only lost 1 of the 6 games played (to Josiah Beers) at the local.
24 Elders also stops Uzzah assuming you have an Art to shuffle. But I do think both of them belong in pretty much every white deck.
My issue I kept running into was humble making Uzzah cbp, had a big hand a lot. Probably could have gotten down but it doesn't matter, it was a really fun deck to play.


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