Author Topic: Exodus with a Twist  (Read 4445 times)

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Exodus with a Twist
« on: December 14, 2021, 08:45:40 PM »
Lost Soul (Distressed)
Lost Soul "Darkness" (Job 30:26) (Promo)
Lost Soul "Oppressed" (II Chronicles 16:10) (LoC)
Lost Soul (Prosperity)
Lost Soul "Forsaken" (Hebrews 10:25) (CoW AB)
Lost Soul "Lawless" (Hebrews 12:8) (CoW AB)
Lost Soul (Punisher) (FoM)

Falling Away used to be Shipwreck but Storehouse doesn't kill me that bad and I can get around it, sometimes it helps to have an opponent's Storehouse out
Three Woes (RoJ AB)
Angel of the Lord used to be Valley of Dry Bones but looking at opponent's hand and choosing the blocker with Elijah means Angel is more versatile and I am not so reliant on The Destroyer
Son of God "Manger" (Promo)
Chronicles of the Kings (LoC)
Mayhem (FoM)
The Second Coming (CoW AB)


Covenant with Moses (PoC)

The Great White Throne (RoJ AB)
Urim and Thummim - used to be Manna (PoC). If I lose The Destroyer sometimes, I can be worried about who to attack with. Usually, I go in with Cherubim first, but the new add has Elisha which means I will want to look at their hand prior to attacking and not go out with Cherubim to ensure Elisha has CBN enhancements.
Endless Treasures
Moses' Staff (PoC)
Slaves in Egypt
Broken Covenant (CoW AB)

Moses, Friend of God
Jeremiah, Hope Bringer
Aaron, God's Mediator
Phinehas, son of Eleazar (FoM)
Jehoshaphat, the Seeker / Jehoshaphat, the Meek (LoC)
The Destroyer (PoC)
Zechariah, the Renewer
Jonah (PoC)
Zadok (PoC)
Cherubim (PoC)
Daniel, the Apocalyptist (PoC)
Elijah (PoC)

Offering Your Son
The First Sacrifice
Two Bears
Plague of Frogs
Death of Firstborn (PoC)
The Emmaus Road
Numerous as the Stars (PoC)

The Hard-Hearted Pharaoh (CoW AB)
Pharaoh's Daughter (FoM)
The Amalekites' Slave (FoM)
Egyptian Wise Men (FoM)
Taskmaster (FoM)
The Murdering Pharaoh (CoW AB)
Zerah, the Ethiopian (LoC)
Egyptian Army

Evicted (CoW AB)
No Straw! (CoW AB)
Abandonment (EC)
Foreign Horses (LoC)
Reclaimed by Egypt

Plague of Darkness
Plague of Disease this used to be Plague of Boils, but I added Two Bears to the main deck, and something had to come out.
Golden Calf (FoM)
Sun Worship (FoM)
Unknown Nation (PoC)
Turn to Egypt
Plague of Blood (PoC)
Elisha (PoC)
Plague of Hail
Plague of Flies (LoC)

This deck was absolutely insane during its first test run. I had the entire band on turn 2, Moses' Staff on turn 3 and numerous attacks and options the entire time. This deck is absurdly fast and consistent. I can hit/target the opponent's hand, look at their hand and then direct my band, mill my opponent's deck, finish a big band with Jeremiah, and have the entire crazy banding chain too. Changing up the enhancements slightly helped a ton. Being able to go to Covenant with Moses with Offering Your Son and having Endless Treasures to Broken Covenant is a massive card advantage swing. Storehouse out early and Egypt to get Slaves/Pharaoh's Daughter also helps the set up. I have Valley because the deck loves certain heroes, but that can come out.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2021, 01:13:14 AM by Mr.Hiatus »

Offline Xonathan

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Re: Exodus with a Twist
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2021, 08:50:53 AM »
Cheribum + Moses, Friend of God + Hur (PoC) is awesome but I understand you don't want a mono white character in that deck per se. Awesome list. I'm definitely gonna try it out sometime.
Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.
1 Chronicles 16:11

Offline Reth

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Re: Exodus with a Twist
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2021, 09:24:44 AM »
While this leads away from the OP a little: With Cherubim you can also create lots of other banding shenanigans, e.g. with CoW Moses (who would even not negate Cherubim if you do it right) or Noah.  ;)
Also you can incorporate Nahshon before banding to Hur to get some Artifact control on your side or opponent's side. Depening on what Cherubim tells you from opponent's hand you can decide whom to band in afterwards. Tried to setup an offense like this - but did not really tested it much yet. I posted the current deck list here.

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Re: Exodus with a Twist
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2021, 09:52:46 AM »
I love the idea of Nahshon, especially with Manna, but he’s tough to fit in my band unless he takes Cherubim’s spot. I love Hur too, but this has so much milling already, and as great as Hur is. I feel like this deck has strong attacks and bands overall and I can get away from some of the mill theme to incorporate the bands, not saying that band isn’t amazing, just not sure what to take out.

Offline Reth

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Re: Exodus with a Twist
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2021, 09:58:49 AM »
Yep, that's right. I directed my deck particularly for some nice Cherubim bands that make use of the hand-knowledge you gain with it. Hur is in for just milling their evil Doms afterwards. So I did in particular not build a mill deck - but more some nice Cherubim banding variants + some backup rescue options.


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