Player Name: Turtlegamer81
Deck Name (if applicable): Blood of Maryters
Offense: Maryters
Defense: Romans
Unique Element: Capture Deck
Size: 56
Primacy: 3
Deck List:
Dom.: 7
Son God I
New Jerusalem Promo
Angel of Lord I
Guardian of your Souls RJ
Falling Away Cloud
Christian Martyr I
Three Woes RJ
Lost Souls: 7
Crowds Promo
Nt Only Apostle
Beggar Disciples
Rejoice J
Destruction Cloud
Lawless Cloud
Site discard G
Site: 1
Nero's Realm Persecuted church
Artifacts: 2
Seven Lamps of Fire RJ
Chariot of Fire Promo
Fortress: 2
Coliseum Cloud
Alexandrian Ship PC
Hero: 10
Angel from the Sun RJ
Peter ec
Paul Promo
The Two Witnesses RJ
Faithful Witness RJ
The Angel of the Winds Cloud
Stephen Ec
Justin Martyr RJ
Antipas RJ
Fifth Seal/ Justice Seekers RJ
Good Enchantments: 8
Words of Encouragement king
Lamb's of Righteousness RJ
Word of their Testimony Cloud
Blood of the Lamb RJ
Resurrection of Martyrs RJ
Overcome RJ
Not Alone RJ
Preaching in the Synagogue EC
Evil Char: 11
Centurion at Jerusalem PC
Julius the Centurion PC
The Roman Jailer PC
The Terrifying Beast RA
The Frog Demons RJ
Coliseum Lion Cloud
Lions Cloud
Emperor Claudius PC
Emperor Nero Ap
Emperor Domitian RJ
Emperor Tiberius J
Evil Enchantments: 8
Crucify Him J
Namaan's Chariot and Horses FF
Demonic Snare Aw
Seize Him RJ
Arrest in Jerusalem pc
Plot to kill RJ
Coliseum Lions j
Roman Spear pc