This deck was an absolute blast to play. as most people in and around my region can attest to, I have been playing heavy defense decks in type 1 (mainly with a Job offense) for years now and with the last couple sets I really felt like this deck could stand up to the top offenses in the meta right now. I originally went to FL state without a T1 made so I made a brown Gates of Samaria deck with heroes that swapped into the reserve and I really utilized my 10 cards in the reserve as my offense after cycling through Samaria's and whittling down your resources. That deck was fun and won FL state but it opened up the options a bit for a mono brown defense and the potential that it had. The following week was TN state so I constructed my Job deck with mono brown but really maximized the brown defense and ran hardly any offense in the main deck. I know TN state is usually a tuner for our top competition with guys trying out new decks and knocking out the rust, but the competition was still fierce. Jeremy and Jay Chambers, JD, and Brian Jones were all at TN state and 3 of the 4 had been fairly active in testing and playing leading up to state which meant if my deck could hold off those guys, I could hold off anyway that I felt was top cut eligible. I played someone first round, won out right, then played Brian Jones and his throne/prophet deck couldn't do anything and he knew eventually he could not block so he gave me the outright win (but Brian always uses TN state as a tune up and really gets into gear at nationals so I did not put too much weight into this win) and then I played JD. JD was running almost verbatim what he used at nationals with his flood/crimson deck and I was able to completely hold him off and I believe I sealed a 2-1 or he time beat me 2-1, I don't remember, I think he won 2-1 in time. Then I played Jay and he was using something similar to what he piloted to the top cut first seed and it took him playing a lot of his battle winners in battle followed by ANB to recycle to eek out a 3-1 timed win. Needless to say I felt confident that I could fine tune the deck and have a legitimate shot at winning a few rounds and timing myself to top cut. Brian told me to make another deck for nationals to use 2-3 rounds to help my differential and grab some easy wins for the first few rounds, then use Job in the latter rounds. I knew he was right but I simply was too busy in the weeks leading up to construct a deck I felt comfortable with in order to play, plus T2 was Thursday and I was also focused on that. So I never made the second deck which I knew was a mistake but one that I could not help. Anyway, I modified the deck but looking at it now I think that false prophets, 63 cards and a small angel offense with Job would've been a great move, but oh well. Without further ado, here is the Job deck that tied for 12th place with an overall record of 2 wins-0 losses-1 timed tie-1 timed win (I think)-3 timed losses. I won't do a game by game recap because I did not top cut so y'all feel free to ask questions if you want.