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gah can someone please fix deck layout so its understandable
In type 1 2 player, it lost the first game 5-4, won the next game 5-0, won the next game 5-0, and lost the last game 5-4!Lost Souls 7:Color GuardSite DoublerShameAnti-Burial Switcheroo Female Shuffler Lamb Dominants 6: Harvest TimeAngel of the LordGrapes of WrathGuardian of Your SoulsSon of GodNew Jerusalem Reaper Dominants 5:Destruction of NehushtanMayhemFalling AwayChristian MartyrBurial Fortresses 1: Wall of ProtectionSites 1:PergamumArtifacts 3:Unholy Writ Chariot of FireStone Pillar at BethelCurses 1:Confusion of MindBlue Brigade Heroes 8:ReubenZebulunBenjaminLeviJacobSimeonJudahLeahBlue Brigade Enhancements 7:Numerous as the StarsTrapped in ClevernessAnswer to PrayerJacob Buries the Foreign GodsObediance of NoahWell ReopenedSign of the RainbowSilver Heroes 1: Angel at Shur (promo)Crimson Evil Characters 5:King Merodach-BaladanKing ZimriNebachadnezzarNebushasbanJudas IscariotCrimson Enhancements 10:Swift HorsesNebuchadnezzar's PrideImitating EvilDreamDeceit of SapphiraLarge TreeCarried Into ExileAxeDesecrate the TempleBelshazzar's Banquetif you have any tips, comments, or any questions like how i used it, just post and i will answer asap.