Only slight tweaks to what I'd posted before asking for advice, but some important ones.
100 Cards
37 good
Son of God
The Second Coming
Angel of the Lord
Grapes of Wrath
Glory of the Lord
Guardian of Your Souls -6 doms
The Tabernacle -1 fort
Covenant of Prayer x2
You Will Remain x2
Eternal Covenant -5 covenants
Eleazar, son of Aaron
Ithamar, son of Aaron
Phineas, son of Eleazar (FoM)
Phineas, son of Eleazar (Pi)
Dutiful Priest x4
Ahimaaz (FoM)
Captured Priest x2
Eli the Priest (P)
Angel Under the Oak
Joshua, son of Nun
Captain of the Host (Kings) -15 heroes
Zeal for the Lord x2
Gifts and Offerings x2
Eli's Sound Advice x2
Trumpet and Sword
Zadok Anoints Solomon
Sword of the Spirit -10 enhancements
37 Evil
Christian Martyr
Falling Away (CoW)
Destruction of Nehushtan -5 dominants
Babel - 1 City
Birthing Pains
Fall of Man - 3 Curses
Sabbath Breaker x2
Moab x2
Balak x2
Emim x2
Moabite Army x2
Moabite Marauders x2
Orpah -17 ECs
Chemosh Worship x2
Idol Worship
Balaam's Disobedience x2
Balaam's Teaching x2
Naaman's Chariot
Paying Taxes -11 EEs
26 Neutral
14 Souls
Darkness x2
Prosperity x2
Wanderer x2
Humble x2
Covet x2
Wicked x2
Blind x2
Three Woes
Ark of the Covenant
Aaron's Staff x2
Urim and Thummim
Tables of the Law
Book of the Covenant
Golden Calf
Ends of the Earth
Gamaliel's Speech
Death of Family
5 good
The Tabernacle
Gifts and Offerings x2
Zeal for the Lord x2
5 evil
Balaam's Disobedience
At its core, the offense tries to play Zeal and Gifts as many times as possible. A few other goodies in there as well - Ithamar pulls Tabernacle, Eli pulls arts, Auto can pull Eli or Josh, Phineas can band to Josh to Cap for a 27/33 FBTN and a CBN interrupt battlewinner. That said, once you get a machine going with Eleazar grabbing one of his family from discard only to then discard them again to grab a battlewinner with Tabernacle, you don't really need much more than Dutifuls or Phineases.
Defense is about getting everything out fast. Moab is *incredible* at setting up, and once you have options the defense becomes formidable. There are some very chumpy blocks as well - Balaam with Balak in play, Orpah, Emim. The last two also go very well with Overtaken.
John Early told me at Regionals that I was doing it wrong by not running eight Sabbath Breakers. I briefly considered it, but I think at that point so much more of the deck needs to be built around it. I do have the LRs, though, so I may have to try it some time.
This was only my second tournament playing this deck - I played a version at MN States, but even though I'd intended to test it further at NC Regionals, I ended up switching to T1 to make the balances even.
A couple changes since the last time I posted this:
+Golden Calf. It's like Moses with no downsides. In theory, Idol Worship off FW can grab it from deck.
-Melchizedek. I like him a lot with priests, and missed him when I dropped him from my T1 Tabernacle deck, but he gets countered by Babel and Punisher, he gets negated by Balak whenever a curse is up (and unlike the Tabernacle priests, doesn't get CBN from Aaron's Staff), and he stops Captured Priest. Not worth it.
-Hope, +Scapegoat. I love the idea of Hope, but a CBN negate and discard all is more reliable than a look at top 7 and add one to hand or battle.
-Deciever, +Babel. Same opportunity to grab Moab from Reserve, with the added benefits of not having him go directly to battle and the option of the fort side.
-Naaman's Chariot, +Moab. 3 Moab is very consistent, half my ECs are generic, and only one of the uniques is a warrior.
Changes I want to make after playing:
More Eleazar. One isn't nearly enough, though I'm still trying to decide if he's a two-of or a three-of. On a related note, I'm very seriously considering Great White Throne, but I have way too many artifacts as it is.
-Moabite Army, +King Eglon. Although double Army has the potential to grab multiple cards from Reserve, I think I did that once, then stopped using him because there was nothing for him to grab. I did consider a third Marauders, but I like Eglon enough to make him a two-of.
+Captured Priest. At the very least a third, possibly even a fourth.
-Ahimaaz, +Joshua the High Priest. Josh isn't Tabernacle, but CBN enhancements and still House of Eleazar are worth it. Ahimaaz is a bit unnecessary with Urim and Thumim.
+2x Pentecost and/or First Fruits. Speed is key, and the games I lost felt like I couldn't find my offense.