Cactus Web Site special offer: Orders over $75 will receive a free Angel of God 2023 National Promo card while supplies last.
Ahhhh, one of my all-time favorite cards is getting a sweet new I just gotta get Doug Gray to sign one of these for me since I have a signed version of the original. Spoiler (hover to show)
Ya know since there is already a Balaam LR and now showing for a CoM LR a Covenant with Death LR would make A Covenant with Death deck wayyy cooler.I am hoping for a Covenant with Death LR if you couldn't tell, or a Rams Horn LR now THAT would be awesome.
Yeah.... understandable am I the only one that misses coney??? Yo I loved playing it and against it. it was so fun. any ways heres hoping for CoD?(I just realized Covenant of Death has the same initials as Call of Duty )
(I just realized Covenant of Death has the same initials as Call of Duty )
Update to the Great Image artwork:I received a reply and he is the same Michael Carroll who did the GI artwork. Unfortunately, he no longer has the original image. He stated, however, that perhaps he could do an updated one and requested Rob Anderson’s contact info, which I provided him with.
I'm a little torn. On one hand I don't think it's that much of a problem. Assyrians have so many good generic characters that it's unlikely you'll want to fit in eight Archers when you could run Survivors and a couple Siege Armies instead. Maybe like six, but I don't think eight will be common.On the other hand, the old Archer+2kH+FH combo is even better when you're discarding eight heroes in opponent's territory.Love the art, though.
or just sit there stuck.
If it has to be toned down maybe limit the number per deck with an identifier? Or maybe alter the special ability in some way to limit the strength? The scripture is a prophesy against Assyria so there could be a tie in there either with Isaiah, King Hezekiah, or something along those lines?
We found and obtained the rights to use a new piece of art for Assyrian Archers LR. Since it is a generic character this will allow 2 in T1 and 8 in T2. We're especially looking for feedback from T2 players as to whether or not they feel that is a problem.Spoiler (hover to show)
Coming from someone who is admittedly a bit concerned, I think you make a lot of great points. There are a few counter points to your arguments though. The Archers of Kedar example is definitely worth noting, but you still need to have at least 1 Pale Green EC to play the Horses/FH on therefore the consistency will be somewhat less than just a straight 8 pale green Archers.With Great Image, yes it does all the discarding with 1 card, but that's all it does. It does not give you the opportunity to win the current battle. If all the Archers could do was band and use weapons, they'd still be worth playing (at least a couple) but it's the addition of the free discard potential that really makes them strong. There's also multi-player to consider...shooting 8 Heroes every time you're attacked is actually kind of feasible in a 4 player multi-player game--especially if one player has protected Heroes and just wants to let you shoot everyone else on the table.