Welcome. Yeah, I saw you on but I just wasn't able to play at that time. Because of the relatively smaller group of players online, there is not always someone available. When I want to play a game, I hop on and check here and the RC lobby to see if anyones available. I'd say about 50% of the time, I'm able to play a game, so just keep trying and you'll connect with someone.
Hopefully we'll get to play sometime and I hope you have great success in your future playgroup. A lot of great things have happened in people's lives because of Redemption and Cactus but I've always thought this game has more mininstry potential then has been utilized.
P.S. It's good to start learning the game with just the starter decks but as you progress you can build an online deck with any of the cards, not just the ones you own. It's a great way to learn what you like before having to buy the whole collection. Also people can give you tips on different decks to try out to expand your knowledge of the game.