Author Topic: Dragon Raid  (Read 20687 times)

Offline Bryon

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Re: Dragon Raid
« Reply #25 on: May 17, 2010, 10:34:23 AM »
I really like DragonRaid.  I have had great success leading 4 or 5 different DragonRaid groups over the years.  The groups ranged in age from about 3rd grade to 12th grade.  It is great seeing players memorize scripture so they can "level up" their Sword of the Spirit rating.  I did not use it for Sunday School, but I did use it for the Wednesday night group.  The kids loved it, the parents were super impressed with how much Bible memorization happened, and the pastor appreciated that as well.

The included materials are not super high-quality (some things are line drawn and not colored, there are no figures but just flat cutouts to represent the raiders and the creatures, etc.).  The last time we played, I brought some Knights and Vikings and Orcs and a Troll and a Giant and a Dragon from Heroscape so we could use those pieces for Dragonraid.  The kids liked that a lot better than the little cardboard pieces, but you can certainly play with cardboard.

There are a lot of stats to calculate, and that is a never-ending job if your players keep memorizing a lot of scripture like my players did.  To simplify things a bit, I removed most of the weapons from the list, and just used the sword.  For ranged attacks, I invented a "sword blast" from the sword of the Spirit that does half-damage and can only be used every other turn.  If you have a laptop, you can make a spreadsheet with values and equations for the various stats, and your laptop can do all the calculations for you.  The next time I run a Dragonraid group, I hope to have a laptop and do just that.

The adventures themselves are fun, yet great for training.  Many of the old players remember some of the crazy things that happened to them during the adventures.  Hopefully, they remember some of the lessons they learned, too.

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Re: Dragon Raid
« Reply #26 on: May 17, 2010, 10:42:16 AM »
yeah i took over the sunday school class back in january and the used these church approved lesson books and it had no involvement with the students. the boys seem to be more hands on and when i started this tabernacle i made the room look like the tabernacle and we have been doing a 12 week study. and they are taking a test over everything we learned and the one who get the most answers get card from redemption that have to do with the tabernacle.
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