Author Topic: Dominion  (Read 8193 times)

Offline BubbleBoy

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« on: May 28, 2010, 03:09:59 PM »
In case you're wondering, no, Dominion is not a Cactus game. Dominion is a card game designed by Rio Grande Games, and is my favorite game ever (sorry Redemption). The gameplay is rather unique, and very fun, and if you want to check out the rules (which I suggest you at least have a general feel of before reading the rest of this thread), you can do so here.

But the reason I posted this thread is not to praise the game, but in fact to sort of rebuke it. Dominion is slightly contaminated with provocative cards such as Harem (with a discreetly suggestive image), and more recently magic/demon-promoting cards such as Scrying Pool and Possession. These elements make the game something that I'm sure many Christian (and even non-Christian) parents would not want their children getting into. And I'd bet the general morality of cards will not improve as the game grows, either.

I think a Christian version of this game should be made, and I think Cactus is the right company to do it. :)

At first I felt like it would be kind of cheap to rip off Dominion, but there is really a lot of opportunity for originality here, as the game type of Dominion is a pretty new and un-pioneered one. I mean, Redemption was originally based off the same general TCG/CCG concept as Magic: The Gathering (which was original at the time), and yet it's fun, it's original, and it's still alive. In fact, "copying" MTG probably made it stronger. This probably wouldn’t be that different. I seriously think Cactus should jump on something like this. :)

A few of my brainstormed ideas:
• The name could be something like Evangelism or Salvation.
• Instead of trying to have lots of victory points by buying estates and duchies and provinces, the object of the game could be to save souls (like in Redemption), or maybe to be the first to gain a Christ card or something.
• A distinction between good and evil cards should be made, and the two should be treated differently (a mechanic which I think hurts Dominion to lack). For example, it could take different "currencies" to buy each of them, and good cards could help you, while evil cards could hurt others (like attack cards in Dominion).
• Although specific Bible characters might not make the best cards, generic characters or some things that would be identifiers on Redemption characters could be cards in this game, for example Deacon, Prophet, Magician, Tribal Elder, Sabbath Breaker, etc. At least, that would make the game more similar to Dominion, although it might be cool to have specific people like in Redemption. Also, any locations or building types (like sites and fortresses in Redemption) could be fair game for cards in this game. It also might be cool to have miracle cards, like Parting the Sea or Water to Wine.
• For originality, some kind of “currency” other than coins should be used, like faith or maturity points (or maybe something slightly less sappy :P), or maybe we could have a two-dimensional pricing system (a trail which Dominion has begun to blaze), in that money can be used to buy location/building/“employee”-type cards and something else can be used to gain action/miracle/lost-soul-type cards. Maybe there could even be like a good currency and an evil currency.

So what do you guys think? Any ideas at all? I know a few people on here have played Dominion before. What do you think about Christianizing it? :)
« Last Edit: May 28, 2010, 03:12:09 PM by BubbleBoy »
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Offline crustpope

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Re: Dominion
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2010, 04:41:31 PM »
This space for rent

Offline Red Dragon Thorn

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Re: Dominion
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2010, 04:51:05 PM »
I was fairly happy with Dominion until the latest expansion (Alchemy) Now I tend to agree with you. Personally I don't really like the idea of split-money systems, (I think Potions ruined dominion) But other than that I agree with you about 95% :)

The Schaef

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Re: Dominion
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2010, 05:31:11 PM »
I actually thought when the game was first being developed that a drafting game or other sort of game with pre-set cards was the way of the future.  Race for the Galaxy had just come out before that, and many board games were picking up the Card Driven Game bug, like Starcraft and 1960.  But the thing is, I think two years ago would have been the time to do it.  MAYBE last year.  But I think the opportunity is lost, to be anything other than an also-ran at this point.

I think there was a chance to get in on cooperative games as well, and that can really still be done at any time, but two and three years ago EVERYone was doing a co-op game.  Last year's Pandemic and this year's Forbidden Island show there may still be a chance to do a co-op, especially in a market that bristles at direct confrontation in games ("why can't games be more nice?").

As for the potions in Alchemy, it's intended to be kind of a specialized set for leet pro haxxors, so people who prefer to keep cranking out money and card engines can do just fine without buying that set.  Seaside is still my favorite... until Prosperity comes out.

Offline Red Dragon Thorn

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Re: Dominion
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2010, 05:32:48 PM »
I really like some of the things in Seaside, but I'm still a fan of Intrique. Nobles is probably my favorite card. With Throne Room being a very close second.

Offline BubbleBoy

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Re: Dominion
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2010, 06:12:25 PM »
I was fairly happy with Dominion until the latest expansion (Alchemy) Now I tend to agree with you. Personally I don't really like the idea of split-money systems, (I think Potions ruined dominion) But other than that I agree with you about 95% :)
Yeah, I didn't think potions would be very successful. But we could learn from Dominion's mistakes if we made a new game: If we did a split-money system, we could really just make cards cheaper on average (or make money easier to get), and that should solve the problem well enough.

Seaside is still my favorite... until Prosperity comes out.
+1, and I'm pretty sure JSB and MJB do, too. SO much strategy in that set. The first one was pretty basic and didn't require much strategy, the second one was very attack-based and required a little more strategy, but all-in-all was pretty meh. SEASIDE though was SO awesome. Although, my favorite card is and probably always will be Throne Room. (BTW, my mom's favorites list is reversed from mine. :P) And I don't know anything about Prosperity yet...but I would like to. :)

And I don't think it's too late to make a game like this. I would endorse and support it fully if it was made, for whatever that's worth. :) But the quicker we act, the better...
Use the Mad Bomber to rescue his Province.

The Schaef

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Re: Dominion
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2010, 06:46:09 PM »
One of these days you should have a Throne Room night; just pick nine other random cards of whatever and always leave Throne Room in.  It is hilarious the kind of combos you will think up that you probably didn't realize were possible with Throne Room.

I don't think the "split-money" issue is really going to be an issue because it's kind of limited to the cards in Alchemy.  I'm about 98% sure there are no potion-cost or potion-using cards in Prosperity, and I'm not sure about the other cards they trimmed out to bring Alchemy down to 12 cards.


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